Duan Ru Feng - Ambush

Seeing the smile plastered all over the face of that piece of shit Zantar I smiled as I thought of what he was thinking of right now.

The fool probably thought that he was finally getting accepted into the faction he always wanted and would finally get acknowledged by his older brother. I watched him stand around and wait patiently for the Vice Leader who would never come, before I decided to attack I looked around my surroundings one last time to make sure there wouldn't be any surprising variables during this ambush.

I had no idea where they were but I just knew that those bastards Hakari and Kellian were watching this all godown, they had to be. Clearing my mind and focusing on what was the most important right now, I pulled up my hoodie and mask as I stared at Zantar and disappeared behind him.

I thought this would be quite easy but before I could even touch him he turned around and thrust his spear towards my neck. I twisted my body at an odd angle in an attempt to dodge it and rolled across the ground, I stabilized myself and looked at Zantar with a look of surprise.

He is at the peak of Core Formation. This is going to be harder than I thought.

I never bothered asking Hakri or Kellian for Zantars cultivation since I thought he was a weak bitch just like everyone else, but it seems that even he was hiding his true abilities as well.

"Who are you?" Zantar asked in a grim voice but I didn't respond at all.

I couldn't respond or Zantar would recognize my voice, in fact with the technology we have even if I scream they would probably be able to identify me, all I could do was attack and make this quick before the powerhouses show up. Hakari said that he got me a five-minute window but that it isn't as long as I think it is so I have to finish home quick.

Zantar sneered at the silent response, "No matter after I kill you I'll see exactly who you are."

Laughing inwardly at the fool's arrogant words I pulled out my daggers and started taking this seriously.

<ᛋᚺᚨᛞᛟᚹ ᛗᛖᚱᚷᛖ> (Shadow Merge)

The dark shadows covered my body as I disappeared into the darkness, it was pretty dark right now so it was perfect for me to use this arte. Although my attainment in the Dao of Shadows is not really high, it should be enough to deal with him.

Jumping out of the shadow to his left with such dagger intent that caused the space around us to tremble, my daggers melted through space as the dagger in my left hand pierced Zantars bicep and the other went for his neck.

Zantar whipped his spear like a serpent and blocked the strike and a circle of pure blackness appeared under my feet. My instincts screamed in fear as I immediately used the shadows to teleport me as far as possible before a loud explosion sounded.



The window has probably been cut in half now. I have to finish this.

"DIE!!!!!!!!!!!" I was pulled out of my thought by Zantars howl as I looked up to see him up in the air speeding towards me with his spear pointed at my forehead.

I smiled as a complete circle appeared in his shadow, preventing Zantar from even noticing.

<ᛋᚺᚨᚱᛞᛋ ᛟᚠ ᛞᚨᚱᚴᚾᛖᛋᛋ> (Shards of Darkness)

From his own shadow, thousands and thousands of shards were flying out of Zantar's shadow piercing all over his body. I made sure not to hit any vital points, I need him crippled not dead.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Zantar screamed in pure agony as the shards crawled through his body before creating tiny explosions, making a mess of his internal organs.

A misty spray of blood covered the skies as he fell from the sky like a shooting star and created a heavy crater when he landed. I walked towards the crater and and saw Zantar laid out, his clothing was torn to shreds and I could see the lacerations from the shards all over his body. I went closer to make sure he was down for the count and get this over with.

Suddenly a dark sense of foreboding told me to run away but when I looked back and saw the smirk of Zantar it was too late.

A searing and stinging pain washed over my entire torso as I felt his spear slash diagonally from my shoulder to my hip, I stumbled back and tried to regain my bearing but I was kicked in the chest by Zantar and flew across the ground before I even realized what happened.

"Who would've thought that some no-name assassin would push me to this point? Well, I guess you should be honored, you get to see the true form of a demon qilin before you die. In your next life remember that there are some jobs that you just have to refuse."

Black scales darker than night formed all over his body, black antlers covered in white runes sprouted out of the top of his head and his nails turned into sharp black claws.

My narrowed as I knew this had turned serious. I would have to use my battle form if I wanted to win. I hoped it wouldn't have come to this as there is a chance I could be exposed but that doesn't matter now, if I don't get serious I'm going to die. It seems we all have underestimated Zantar.

I thought I would only have to get this serious aginst those two bastards but I have to do this against fucking Zantar of all people? Those two will never let this go.