
"What was that?" Lian asked with a frown on her face as she looked towards the corner where the scream came from.

I had an idea on why she screamed like that but I didn't say anything. This had nothing to do with me and there were other paths we could take so I honestly couldn't be bothered to go pthe lay hero. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away, "Who knows or cares? We gotta link up with the rest of the seven and come up with a plan. We also need to avoid the teachers--"

"Wait." Tanya cut in as she narrowed her eyes and walked closer to the corner where the scream came from...well I should say screamed since by the time Tanya got within a few feet of the corner I heard 3 more screams, all different from the first one. One was female and the other two were male and they seemed to be pleas for mercy.

Tanyas' brows furrowed and then the look on her face changed from sock, to disgthanthen to complete anger.

"Those bastards!!" she murmured under her breath

"What is it?" I asked in a solemn tone, if this was something that even Tanya was getting mad about then it had to be serious since I'd never seen her like this before.

"I recognize those auras. All of them, even the ones attacking the two women and their male companions, they are part of the Immortal Blood Sect."

"Let me guess, they were part of Valen's squad?" I asked, causing Tanyas' face to pale.

But before she could turn around and express her rage I brought her mind back to earth, "Now is not the time. It's clear that the Immortal Blood Sect is showing signs of implosion, well at least the squads that are in the academy are. I'm sure they have figured something out and are going rogue. They will not spare you if you barge in there Tanya."

"But we have to do something," Tanya uttered, knowing that I knew what was going on around that corner.

"And we will." I said firmly, "This is a perfect opportunity to get information from them and figure out the current situation and plan our next moves. Since you know these people and have more authority over them you will have to be the one to confront them, don't worry though I got you covered." I assured with a smile.

Tanya, not believing the bullshit I was spewing gave me a glare so cold that I felt a shiver down my spine, "Hakari, seriously don't throw me under the fucking bus. We both know what those bastards are doing right now. I know we don't see eye to eye but are you really willing to subject me to such a fate? Our enmity is not that high." Tanya explained as her body trembled in anger.

She was right. Although me and Tanya do not like each other, we are not sworn, enemies. Sure she has schemed against me and my brother and just tried to get me killed but I think her realizing the truth and finding out the members of her sect have started to become renegade sets and that the power she once held with pride and prestige is now gone she is starting to face the facts. Her life and dignity are now at serious risk and she has to now rely on the person who just happens to be the little brother of her sworn enemy, it also doesn't help that she just tried to get me killed and tried to threaten me as well.

"Tanya, I know I'm an evil bastard but I'm not scum." I said honestly, "I could do a bunch of low and sadistic things and not feel a sherd of guilt or empathy but I would never do some pathetic shit like this." I remarked as Tanya paid attention, knowing exactly what I was referring to, "Those fucks don't even deserve to get killed by me, I'll even do you a solid and let you do what you want with them. But I do have to admit that I am disappointed that you would think that I would subject you to such a fate."

Shock appeared on her face as her gaze on me softened a bit, making me widen my eyes in surprise. I didn't think she would have such a side on her and I had to admit she looked cute. But now was not the time, I have scum to torment.

Tanya led the way as me and Lian followed. As we turned the corner and got closer to the noise I sensed the bodies of Lian and Tanya tremble from rage. I couldn't blame them as although I sensed what was going on a while back I was honestly wishing it wasn't true.

Grunts and laughs of pleasure echoed out in the room and hallway that we were standing outside of and due to the angle we were standing at the three of us were able to clearly see what was going on in the room. Two men wearing the Immortal Blood Sect robes were taking turns defiling one of the women who had dried tears and a lifeless look on her face as she was getting ravaged by them. She was still alive barley, they had prevented her from using her cultivation so she couldn't even kill herself.

The third guy was pressing down one of the heads of his former comrade and forced him to watch all of it happen. He had a look of despair, hatred, and pain in his eyes as he looked at the man who was defiling who is guess is his woman. The last woman lay unconscious in the corner of the room, I had no idea if they had her way with her yet but since her clothes were still on I could say that she is safe...for now at least.

"What's the plan after this boss?" Asked the man pinning the guy down as he asked the leader of this group of soon-to-be-dead men.

"AAAAHHHHHHH." groaned the leader as he cummed inside the woman. He pulled out and put back on his pants as he watched his seed flow out of the woman's garden and proceed to make a puddle on the ground as it ran down her legs. He watched this all with a wicked smile, "We hunt for more prey of course. I saw Lian Taiyang and Princess Tanya in the lobby earlier. How long I wanted to taste those two."