First Impressions

"What the hell are you doing here?! How did you even know we were here?!" Howled Zamir as he gave me a death glare which caused everyone else in the room except for the devil to frown.

He just continued staring at me, as if he wanted to pry me open and reveal all my secrets.

I ignored the fool who was courting death and put my arm in front of my chest and performed a semi-bow. I had to make a good first impression here as this was the first time I met the empresses of the Dark Phoenixes and Solar Dragons, a good first impression could take someone a long way, it's a shame that most people don't realize how important it is.

"It's my honor to be in the presence of both Empress Solis and Empress Zavaeria of the Solar Dragon and Dark Phoenix Empire respectively. The rumors and reports on the beauty of the two of you don't do enough justice." I introduced warmly as I inwardly smiled feeling the two jealous gazes of Mizuki and Irani on me.

"Hakari, what are you doing here?" Treysin asked while my grandfather was trying his hardest to hold his laugh.

I frowned, "Am I not supposed to be here?" I asked, acting like I was confused. I've been tense for a while so it seems like the perfect time to do what I do best. Pissing people off.

"Yes, you're supposed to be outside with the others. You are not supposed to be here." Zamir said calmly but I can tell that it was a front, he was still pissed.

I turned my head and looked at the door I just came in, frowned, and scratched my head as I turned back to look at the peak masters of the Federation of Darkness and said, "Are you sure about that? When I came here no sign said 'do not enter or 'authorized personnel only' so what are you guys talking about when you say that I shouldn't be here?"

"YOU!" Zimar and the other howled while Tala and Rastia giggled as they covered their mouths to stop themselves from being found out. Mizuki and Irani just smiled while Treysin and the devil were silent as usual.

"Anyway, since I'm here I might as well get down to business." I said as I looked at the devil who was still staring at me and then looked at Treysin, "Who's the devil?" I asked.

The tension in the air increased as Treysin remained silent, I then turned toward the devil oozing the foul scent of the Nines. He was dressed in a suit with slicked-back hair, bronze skin, and scarlet eyes just like mine.

The man smiled and introduced himself, "So this is the Asuran Prince that everyone has been talking about." he said as he scanned me up and down and his lips curled up in a smirk of disdain, "You don't seem like much thought. Still a mere nascent soul cultivator."

I chuckled, while he was right based on my knowledge of the Nines he should be at godhood but since he is in the Realm of World his parents must've had a hand in that.

"You're a devil in the Realm of World and based on how you're demeanor it's clear that while you're a devil, you're not a royal devil. Tell me what's your name?" I asked, feeling amused by where this conversation is going.

"Alucard." He replied with a bow and narrowed eyes.

"Are you from a Duke or Marquis house?" I asked with a knowing smile.

Dense killing intent filled the air as Alucard appeared in front of me before anyone could even react, his eyes gleamed with murderous intentions as he sent a fist flying toward my head intent on crushing it like a watermelon.

I smiled as the Laws of Space bent to my will as Alucard's fist froze right in front of my face, Kirean appeared right next to Alucard afterward and my face paled as a horrid aura burst from my grandfather.

"Grandfather, your interference is not necessary. This mere devil could not kill me even if he was a god." I spoke calmly. Although I won't be able to beat this Alucard since I was far too weak, his killing me a nothing more but an impossible dream for him. I could hold him off with my dao comprehension alone.

"Hakari, you never answered the question, what are you doing here?" Mizuki asked with a royal and elegant demeanor.

I nodded inwardly at her act, she was an empress after all so I should not be surprised as this was a normal thing for her.

"You guys have not noticed anything from your viewpoint of things? I know you guys have camera all around the academy so you all should be able to see every battle." I pointed out. It seems that they have no idea of my battle with Priya. This means Samyaza was watching the whole time, damn just why did I have to fall into a Fallens scheme when I am this weak. I might have to leave earlier then originally planned.

"Everything has been normal from our view." Kirean responded and then looked at me with an investigative stare, "Why, did something happen wherever you were?"

I sighed as realized that Samyaza either put up and illusion or sealed space to hide my last battle. I always had doubts of how no one came to interfere with out battle due to how much damage we caused and how Samyaza only appeared after the battle was over.

Well not like that has anything to do with me, at this point I can only just go with the flow and make sure I survive when the endgame of this plot comes. As soon as I breakthrough to the Realm of Dao I'll get on the first stop to the Primeval Universe and from there my journey to the top will truly begin.

But for now let's get the ball rolling for now, I turned and looked at Alucard, "If I were you I would leave and make sure that everything I have set up has not been tampered with. 'They' are here and know of your existence, for all I know you are a sacrificial part of their scheme. But I can't say I'm surprised, they see everything as a game."