Talia Zavaeria - Ambush

Anger flared in my chest as I looked at the ants that surrounded me and dared to look at this queen in contempt.

I was surrounded, forced into a dead end in the courtyard where I either had to fight or die. I knew about the purpose of these extermination squads a while ago and how they were assigned to kill the seven top geniuses of the younger generation of the Federation.

The leader of the squad, Kavel stood at the front of this squad with him leaking the aura of a peak Heavenly Transformation expert, "You have nowhere to go, Princess Talia, just give up. Have some dignity, I promise that we will go easy on your body and give you a quick death." He said with a sadistic and lustful smile.

Feeling my skin crawl, my eyes switched to a deathly chill when I heard the words of this beast, making him frown and take a step back.

My aura exploded from my anger, revealing my true cultivation level that I have kept hidden all this time.

"Impossible! How can you be at the peak of Heavenly Transformation?" Kavel howled in shock and fear, but who the fuck was I to answer him.

"Does it matter? The dead don't need answers now do they?" I asked in a cold voice.

Kavel sneered and nodded in response, "You are correct, the dead don't need to be answered indeed." He said and then waved his hand as if giving a signal, "Kill-."


Before Kavel could even finish his words I was already behind the bastard who was the closest to me with my hand piercing through his back, clenching his rapidly beating heart as I squeezed and twisted it to my will, making sure he experienced the most intense pain possible with him dying.

Blasting his head off, blood, bone, and brain matter showered my face like a geyser. I licked my lips as my body trembled in satisfaction from the taste as my true self began to come out. I almost cummed from pleasure.

God, I missed this! I can finally let loose.

Summoning my sword from my spiral ring, the once majestic silver blade began to glow a vibrant violet. The air trembled and split as the laws disintegrated, I bent my knee and shot forward at a speed that even experts in the Realm of Dao would be unable to track and slashed my swords diagonally at another goon.

The blade seemed to fall so slow, so slow that even a cripple could doge with ease but in reality, it was the laws of space and illusion making it seem that way as the blade was falling at a speed no one myself included could comprehend.

Over three dozen people were slashed clean in half as the air, ground, and myself was drenched in hot blood and organs. The final screams of soldiers echoed through the air as their lives slowly faded away.

I turned to the rest of the members of this Immortal Blood Sect extermination squad. I swept my eyes over every single one of them and they each trembled in fear, I could feel their fear oozing into my soul. They wanted to scream, they wanted to leave but none dared to do so, not in front of this queen.

Kavel was standing at the sidelines of all this carnage with that same damn smile on his face. I'll save him for last, I will teach him the consequences of coveting someone far out of his league.

I flicked my wrist and dozens of violet blade lights flew through the air. Heads rolled and fountains of blood filled my sight, I watched with an indifferent gaze as the heads of the sect members rolled and their bodies fell on their knees then on their chests with their asses arched up in the air, dead.

"This bitch is fucking crazy! She's insane. Fuck this shit I'm-"

Tracing the voice before he could say another word I flicked to the back of the squadron and tore the fool's jaw, tongue and eyes out with my left hand. I then ripped his spine from his back with his head still attached to it.

Feeling the overwhelming despair and wrath of his comrades I snapped my fingers and everybody except for Kavel exploded into a mist of blood, contaminating the air of the courtyard in a coppery iron smell.

"DIE!" Dodging to my right from pure instinct, I felt my skin get knicked by an arcana blade My eyes widened, and looked up at Kavel with pure fury as he held a shocked expression on his face.


Moving in such a way that made it seem that the sound barrier was nonexistent I punched this worthless dog in the face and watched as he crashed through multiple buildings like a falling asteroid.

Not waiting for this pile of shit to land on the ground I flickered above him and grabbed Kavel by his long blue hair and swung through the air a couple of times before throwing him back to the ground.

The ground cratered from his landing but I didn't stop as I stomped on his head over and over I laughed sadistically in satisfaction, but even as I did my wrath didn't calm down in the slightest and seemed to only increase the more I inflicted damage on Kavel.

I stomped until I could see the dent from his deformed skull due to the relentless stomping I gave him. His eyes had long popped out so I grabbed his hair again and yanked him up to his feet, I summoned my blade again and sliced his cock and balls off. My body shuttered in complete ecstasy and pleasure and I cummed as he squealed like a well fucked whore.

I tore his throat out but left his vocal cords intact and smiled as I watched him struggle to scream while he gurgled and choked on his blood.

"Come on. Keep screaming and barking, like a good dog." I whispered in a warm and melodious tone like I was coaxing my lover.

Streaks of blood ran from his empty eyes sockets, they would probably be tears of blood if he had his eyes intact but right now all he was begging for was death. I could feel it from his soul.

I was about to give him the death that he wanted so much but my instincts screamed of danger. I was about to escape but my eyes widened as space seemed to lock around me, preventing me from making a move. Before I could even think of anything else a piercing pain shot into my soul as my body flew and landed on the ground.

"I have to give you credit Princess Zavaeria. Not only did you hide your true cultivation from everyone, even your mother but you killed an entire squad full of core disciples from my sect. I don't know if I should respect your strength or make you go through complete humiliation in my sect brother's honor." Said the mocking voice of the bastard Nen.

How did I not sense him? I should've seen him.

Blood slipped from the corner of my lips and I grunted in pain as I tried to pull myself back up to my feet but failed. That attack Nen sent at me damaged my soul, Nen was known for his soul artes, one of the many reasons why he was so feared in the Federation.

This injury would take a while to heal but I'll be damned if I fall into the hands of scum like him.

Nen drew closer until he stood over me. He crouched down and looked at me with a smile as his sterling eyes shimmered with cruelty, "Such pride and defiance. I'll be sure to break that first before I torment you until you are nothing more than a broken husk."

He grabbed my chin with his right hand and caressed my cheek with his left, "Such beauty. You will for sure be my best conquest, I've never had a Phoenix before I hear that your Nirvana Flames erupt when you cum. Whoever bathes in them can gain immense insights into the Dao of Fire. Tell me, my dear, is that true?" He asked as the lust in his eyes increased by the second.

Disgusted and angered by the beast that had the nerve to put his hand on me I was about to break my seal and unleash my true power until everything around us stopped. The blowing winds, the intent in the air, and even the residual arcana in the air stopped flowing.

"And right when things were about to get good. I swear Nen, your reputable presence seems to be the common factor in why the few things that I find entertaining in this academy get ruined." Said the sinful voice of Hakari as he materialized beside us with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Nen asked with a frown on his face. While he seemed calm I could tell his alertness increased and kept his guard up for any sudden attacks.

Sensing the change in Nen's demeanor Hakari shook his head, "My bad G, but I can't allow you to take her away."

Nen sneered as he laughed with disdain, "Boy, who do you think you are? You think because you carry the surname Kenji and killed a few core disciples of my sect I would bow and grovel before your feet. Tone down your conceit." He berated and waved his hand as if sending away a servant, "Leave us boy before I forget about your backing and cripple you right here." Nen threatened and turned his attention back to me.

Hakari looked at Nen as if he was an idiot and laughed hysterically, "You think that you are invincible Nen? By the Nines you are a fool. Do you think that because your master is from the Astral Plane I won't kill you right here?" Hakari revealed making me look at Nen with shock.

No wonder he is so proficient with soul artes.

Nen looked at Hakari in surprise and responded calmly, "You seem to be well-informed. You seem to be a formidable adversary."

"I wish I could say the same." Hakari responded, "Nen, I don't see you as my enemy because you simply don't have the qualifications. The only reason why I even acknowledge you is that that man took you in as his disciple for whatever reason. It is also because of the respect I have for that man that I haven't killed you already but don't take that respect as protection. If I want to kill you, you can only die. Not even your master would be able to stop it." Hakari said with a cold look that made me feel as if I had fallen into the Nine Hells.

Nen's eyes widened in shock before he smiled and stood to his feet, "Who would've thought that I would meet the Asuran Prince." He said before space shifted and he was about to disappear, "Next time we meet things will not go your way. I promise you that." He said coldly.

Hakari snorted and waved his hand as space locked around Nen, preventing him from leaving.

"There will be no next time if you care about your life Nen. Remember, the respect I hold for your master is the reason why I'm not killing you here right now. Besides, I should be the last thing on your mind right now. Also, a little warning, Kellian let you live for his reasons but I assure you the next time you two meet you will die. I wonder how you will deliver this piece of news to the Vice Sect Master. Goodbye Nen." Hakari said as we waved his hand, sending Nen to wherever he was going.

I turned to Hakari who calmly stood there and looked at me with a smile on his handsome face, "Why did you help me?" I asked. I knew something was going on, even though I barely know him I am certain Hakari is not the type of guy to save damsels in distress out of the goodness of his heart.

"Because I was asked to." He responded.

"Oh please." I said with a sneer, not believing a word he said, "Like you would take orders from anyone."

Narrowing his scarlet eyes he smiled, "Seems like I'm not fooling you huh? Ok, I'll tell you the truth then, I was offered a good deal." He said.

"A deal? From who?" I asked.

"Take a guess." He answered and it didn't take me long before I balled my fist as the answer hit me like a truck.

"Mother," I muttered under my breath.

"Ding Ding Ding," Hakari responded as we waved his han and before I could even react a wave of astral arcana entered my body, healing my injured soul at an insane speed.

I looked back at Hakari only to see an object flying straight toward my head. I caught the object with ease and opened my hand only to a plain black mast etched in runes that I couldn't understand.

"Your mother told me to give that to you and that you should only use it when you are alone in a secluded area and have made sure you were not followed."

Before I could ask Hakari more questions he raised his hand, "Don't say anything, we are not alone as some people are here listening in."

My eyes widened as I spread my senses as far as I could trying to find the fools eavesdropping on us but I couldn't find anything.

"Don't bother it's no use. The people watching us are higher beings, you won't find them unless they allow you to find them." He explained

"Then how are you able to?" I asked, intrigued by how a man with a lower cultivation base than me could sense higher beings but I couldn't.

"I'm just built different." He said with a smile, "But you should leave now, you made a lot of noise here and the barrier I set up isn't going to hold for long."

"Wait Hakari," I said as he turned around to face me, "What do you gain out of this? I know my mother made a deal with you but could she have offered to get you to act." I asked as this was something I needed to know. Hakari is not just some hired gun, he is one of the most dangerous people in all of Genesis and there are little things that can catch his mind let alone make him act. My mother must've paid a serious price for his help.

"Spoilers," Hakari responded as he vanished into a sea of scarlet-black nodes.