Chapter 005 - Motives

"Bang is acting strange? Did something happen?" Genos asks, his brows crossed as if he can't believe the news. "Why are you injured?"

"He suddenly wanted a sparring match, and he beat me up," a man named Charanko answers. "Master Bang is normally very nice. This isn't like him. Something must have happened," he insists. "You hang out with him, so I thought you might know."

I look at the man. This Charanko, based on the conversation, is Silver Fang's disciple in the dojo that he is maintaining. I need to make sure of that, though. This Charanko looks weak.

"Bang, as in the S-class hero Silver Fang?" I verify.

"Let's just play video games," King says, who is in front of me.

No one responded to my question, but it seems like it has something to do with the hero hunter named Garou. So I munch on the cookies I brought while listening. At least, trying to listen even when Saitama is so close to me.

Charanko is talking about how this Garou went wild at their dojo and Bang cast him out. While Genos is talking about how the Hero association issued a warrant and Bang volunteered to capture him. And then, the conversation continues about how he is trying to keep Charanko safe because of an incident in the association.

"About Bang's actions, what do you think Saitama-sensei?" Genos asks.

I watch Saitama think for a while, with his hand under his chin. "There is one thing that's been bothering me." He looks at Charanko and asks, "Who are you?"

Charanko looks confused and Genos whispers, "He's currently Bang's only disciple, the weakling called Charanko. We've met him before."

Saitama furrows his brows. "Really?"

Charanko, realizing his meager existence for Saitama, starts a full-blown introduction, complete with all the details from the time they met. All the while, Saitama seems too bored and sleepy to really listen.

I stand up. I am visiting Saitama's place by giving them the excuse that I will give them the about-to-expire tea. I even said that it would be a waste if not consumed. Although, the truth is that, I bought it yesterday from the supermarket. I specifically selected the one on sale with a near expiration date.

The Fubuki group members knew about me being a common visitor. They don't know the entire truth, but the reason I gave them is still met with complaints.

I go to the sink while remembering each of my subordinate's complaints. They said that I've been visiting a lot. If I need someone to consume the tea, they are willing to help, which I protested about.

I take a couple of glasses, one each for Saitama, Genos, King, Charanko, and mine. Although, the others will have to make do with cups. There are only three glasses in his unit.

I smile as I start the preparation. The tea is instant, so it's easy to prepare. It's just a powder of tea on packs and not on tea bags. I take a pitcher of cold water, mix in the powdered tea, and pour it into the glasses. I open the refrigerator and take some ice while noting that Saitama has actually a stack of food in it.

Returning to the living room, I place the cups and glasses of tea on the small table next to the cookies that I also brought with me. A nice complement to the cold tea. I take my glass of iced tea and slowly sip on it while watching King play some kind of one-on-one battle.

"What's with the tea?" Genos asks.

Seems like Charanko's introduction is done so Genos' attention is back on me. Saitama, on the other hand, sees the iced tea. He scoots closer to me and even leans on the wall beside me.

"Thanks!" he says, tasting the iced tea. "This is nice."

"What is that for?" Genos insists.

Classic S-class hero. Of course, he would ask why I am giving them free food.

Genos fixes his eyes on me, obviously waiting for an answer. I flush. I'd rather be caught dead than say that the tea is an excuse to visit Saitama.

"Repayment," I blurt out. I grip on my dark green dress and evade his eyes. I just hope that I don't look strange. "For allowing me to eat with you last time," I add.

Genos approaches and stands over me. I look up at him. With obvious threats laced in his words, he asks, "Not a way to win Sensei's favor?"

"Of course," I answer.

I hate this. I hate how I am looking up at someone while being scrutinized! When I notice that Saitama is turning his attention towards me, his eyes getting off the magazine that he's perusing, I add hastily, "I mean no. It would get expired soon, so I thought to share it with you, instead of letting it go to waste."

"Are you certain?" he asks again.

Why is he trying to intimidate me? What else does he want to know?! I frown at him. Even if I have an ulterior motive for sharing the tea, I won't admit that!

"I saw the decrepit lifestyle you have here, so I might as well help a bit," I say instead. After saying that, I stand up and straighten my back. Then I answer Genos' stares with glares. "And what of it? Isn't helping someone one tenet of being a hero? You don't even know something as basic as that?" I challenge.

Genos' features darken and I wait for retaliation. Before Genos makes his next move, Saitama interrupts, "Stop it, Genos. You're not gonna win an argument against her."

"Sensei..." he starts but then makes a 360 degrees turn. "I will prepare the dinner."

Annoyed, I counter, "I will do that."

"Does someone like you even know how to cook?" Genos turns his back on me and goes directly to the kitchen.

I follow him. "And what dish are you proud of?" I ask while watching him as he ties the apron behind him.

"Sensei likes easy-to-prepare budget meals. I bet you don't know how to cook any of it," he gloats. He's belittling my upbringing again!

"Try me," I respond. I also can't help but add challenge to my tone.