Chapter 006 - Holding Back

Genos approaches, and with an angry aura, he glowers at me. Yet, I am already used to this kind of personality. I am both a leader and a hero. This kind of treatment will not rattle me. So, instead of cowering from the intensity of his stare, I frown back at him.

Silence soon follows while we both try to subdue each other.

"Ahm, Fubuki? Will you come with me to the convenience store?"

Upon hearing Saitama's voice calling my name, I break the glaring contest between me and Genos. I sharply turn towards Saitama and find him at the small entry towards the kitchen. He's already wearing a jacket with a 'Niku' label and an icon printed on his left-hand breast pocket.

"Sure," I answer while trying to hide the happiness I feel from the invitation. I follow Saitama who is leading me away from Genos. This time, though, I don't mind it.

Still, out of spite, I check what kind of face Genos is wearing now. His feature darkens once more. And to further annoy him, I wrap my arms around Saitama's and pull out my tongue at him as if I am a little kid. He becomes more riled up, which gives me satisfaction.

When we are out of the house, I realize my closeness to Saitama. I immediately take my arms away from him. I look away to hide the flushing on my cheeks. My eyes dart around as I remember how I linked my arms to him—the feeling of it remains and is still dominating my thoughts. I am so happy that I bet I would dance if there is music playing in the background.

"You should not tease him like that," Saitama chastises me, finally breaking up my daydreams.

Does it only look like that? The giddiness is starting to dissipate. "Why should I?" I ask and turn to face him. I cross my arms on my chest to show my defiance.

"He is stronger than you," he answers with a dull expression on his face.

I frown at him. The heady feeling is gone completely. And now, annoyance completely replaced it. "I am aware that he is an S-class. Despite that, even if I am only a B-class, I know a few tricks."

To prove my point, I tell him of my abilities, of Hell Storm, of my mental resistance. He cocks his head at me while he listens to my ranting. I even include the skills I learned from watching my older sister. And I mention the experiences that I have accumulated from taking on multiple jobs given by the Hero Association.

But as he listens in, his expression changes from attentiveness to boredom, then emptiness. Noticing it, I stop. "Of course, you won't be interested," I say.

Although, I hope ‌he is. I want to tell him even the minutest detail of my life. I want him to understand me and, in return, I want to learn more about his life. The more exhaustive the depiction, the better. But of course, I know ‌he is not that type of man.

I know ‌he is different. Most of the time, boys pretend to listen, to appear as if they understand me. But all they cared about is my body, my face, and my social status. And knowing that, I also start to care about only those things.

But what I'm feeling now is peculiar. If I would give his performance of treating a woman, a grade perhaps, I would give him a failing grade. Despite that, I know that he would be better than all the other boys who courted me with a perfect ten.

"We need to cross," Saitama interrupts my thoughts.

I look at where he is pointing—a wall of barbed wire separating City Z from the other cities.

"Why are we going outside of City Z?"

"Because no more open establishment here," he answers.

Then he jumps on the wall of the fence, and I am left alone. This is not the same place where I come in.

"Are you not coming?" Saitama asks over the wall.

"What are we doing there, anyway?"

"Ah, buy some food?"

I frown. I thought it was just to separate me from Genos. Is that not the case?

"Are you coming or not?" he repeats.

I look up and down the wall of barbed wires. I can use my psychic abilities to cross that, however, I am wearing a skirt. And right now, I am not wearing some branded clothing underneath.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

The way he looks at me over the gap on the barbed wire tells me ‌that he's becoming impatient. I weigh my choices again. Chance to go to a convenience store with him, or the chance that he will see that I am not wearing branded underwear.

Suddenly, Saitama jumps over the fence and stands before me. I step back from his sudden movement. He places his arms on his waist and says, "You are going back?" he asks.

"It's not that. I want to come but—" I look at the fence. Maybe if I carry him, then I won't have any problems at all.

"Ah, your psychic can't handle it?" he asks. "Fine."

He moves closer to me, and I take a step back again.


My words caught up in my throat when suddenly he lifts me. My hands automatically wrap around his neck and I know that I am blushing like crazy now. He looks down at my face. A princess carry! I so love this… But very, very embarrassing!

"You will only need to suffer for a few seconds," he says, totally misunderstanding the reason for my blush!

Then he jumps and goes over the wall of wires again. Landing softly on his feet, he says, "Here we are."

Damn! I don't want this to end! What should I tell him so that he will continue carrying me? Probably, until the convenience store? Until we return to his apartment? That's too much!

"Ahm, Fubuki?" he asks.

Damn it! He will place me on the ground now! Suddenly, I realize that he is no longer holding my body. Rather, it is my psychic that's lifting my body! And yet, my arms are still tightly woven around his neck.

I instantly redden at the shameful situation. I jump and jerk from him and place my arms in front of me. As a sign of defense, rather, it should be him to defend against me, not the other way around!

I straighten my back and pull back my arm. Ugh! That's stupid. I clear my throat and look at him.

"Are you fine in the head, Fubuki?"

Now he thinks I am mentally deranged! Damn this frustrating attraction to him!

I clear my throat–to have some of my pride back. "I am perfectly fine. It is you who is not! What even makes you think that you have the right to lift me?!" I say, almost stumbling over my own words.

"You look troubled by it," he says and walks away from me.

I groan inwardly. I need to control my emotions! And yet, when my eyes go back to him, I know it will take my all to put these feelings under control.