Father of the Sky’s Dungeon


Once Ky felt the plane finally stop moving, he quickly unbuckled his seatbelt.

He tried to stand up but failed.

The second his legs tried propping him up, dizziness and nausea assaulted his senses.

"Ughhhh." He groaned, now lying on the ground.


Ky threw up his breakfast all over the ground of the plane.

*Bleugh* *Bleugh*

The sound of other conscious passengers getting rid of their breakfast made its way through the middle section of the detached plane.

"Mom…" Ky mumbled before attempting to stand up again.

This time he noticed his whole body was sore, but the dizziness was starting to fade.

He grabbed onto the blue seats in the isle for support and turned around to the back of the plane.

He had not looked through the openings of the plane with intentions to observe what lay outside just yet, so what he saw shocked him to his core.

"What the f*ck…"

He saw a sea of white.

There was snow everywhere. It covered the ground and filled the sky, limiting the visibility.

There was no snow in this part of California at this time of year, so it surprised any passenger that saw it.

Peering through the falling snow as far as he could see, Ky noticed the tail end of the plane wasn't that far from him.

'I have a jacket in the overhead storage, I'll grab that.'

He stood up to his full height of 1.82 meters (6'0) and reached up to the bag that was above his and his parents' row of seats.

Ky grabbed a black hoodie from the back and pulled it over his body.

Luckily, he was currently wearing jeans and high top shoes. So, while it would still be cold, it could be worse, he could be wearing shorts and slides (slip on sandals with no straps in between the toes).


As Ky moved towards the back of the plane, he noticed his left knee in immense pain.

'This is nothing, I can do this.' He encouraged himself before limping forward.


While the cold assaulted his face, Ky couldn't help but admire the scenery.

It was still hard to see more than 10 meters in front of himself clearly, but in the distance, he could see large pine trees surrounding the clearing they were currently in.



Welcome! You have entered the Father of the Sky's Dungeon!


Another screen popped up replacing the old one that was still floating in his face.


'What is this, some type of video game??'

Then it hit him, 'Ohhhh. That's exactly what this is…'

He realized the "help" that the god, Loki, spoke about in the original message must have been whatever this video game like stuff was.

The god said that a world ending event would happen soon and they wouldn't be helping Earth directly, but some of the nicer gods wanted to at least give them some form of help.

'If they turned our lives into video games, and I am currently in a dungeon…'

Everything slowly started to piece itself together in Ky's head.

He may be entitled and the young master type, but he was still smart for an 18 year old and the heir to a billion dollar corporation.

'If there are monsters, then that is probably what the captain was talking about when he mentioned strange creatures and animals gone crazy. There must have been monster sightings, and maybe even normal animals have turned into monsters.'

'Wait! My parents.'

He realized he was getting distracted and started moving towards the back of the plane again.

It was a little over 20 meters away from the middle section so he couldn't see much at first, but as he got closer, he finally saw what he wished he wouldn't see.

His parents were on the ground, motionless in between the middle and tail sections of the plane.

They may have flown out of the front, but the planes were still sliding, so Ky knew to look behind himself.

"No…" He mumbled.

John and Melissa Price were laying in red colored snow piles 5 meters apart from each other. Their bodies were mangled and bruised with blood all over them.

"Mom…" Ky felt tears streak down his cheeks as he looked at his mother.

He knew it was her because he could still make out the blue shirt and white jeans his mother was wearing that day through the blood.


He slowly made his way through to snow towards his mother before falling to his knees next to her.

He grabbed her shoulders and gave her one last hug, not caring about the cold snow around him or the blood now soaking his clothes as well.




Ky screamed to no one in particular.

For 30 minutes Ky did nothing but hug his mother and weep.

He would have done so for much longer if not for the loud noise he heard nearby.


Looking up he could see a large wolf approaching him.

Normally, Ky would be screaming like a little girl right now and running away, but he was dead inside after seeing his parents' dead bodies.

Grief isn't something that can just magically disappear, and it was at its highest right now for Ky.

"Shut up, go terrorize someone else!" He shouted to the wolf.

"GRRRRRRRRRRR." The wolf didn't seem to like that.

Neither did Ky like the wolfs response.

Out of what he would later realize as pure stupidity and rage, Ky slowly put his mother's body back on the ground before pouncing on the wolf.

The wolf, being an animal with good instincts, instantly responded when he saw Ky pouncing on him.

The wolf shot forward and struck at Ky with his claws.

"AH!" Ky screamed.

He was sent flying a few meters from the force of the wolfs strike.

He sat up and looked down at his chest. It now had a long claw mark going from his left shoulder to just above his right nipple.

His hoodie and the shirt underneath were torn apart, giving a good few of the scratch.

The wolf didn't sit idly by after sending Ky flying.

He ran in Ky's direction and pounced on him again while he was still on the ground.

Straddling Ky's body, the wolf let out another menacing growl, "GRRRRRRRR!!!!!".

It's massive teeth right in front of Ky's face and the saliva dripping from them would freak him out in normal situations, but he was feeling suicidal at the moment.

Ky brought his left fist up and struck violently in the direction of the wolf's throat.

"Hmmmmmm." The wolf whimpered in pain.

It hopped off Ky's body and stumbled around clawing at its throat.

The punch Ky threw struck just at its windpipe causing it to have trouble breathing for a few seconds.

Ky quickly scrambled to his feet and threw another punch in the same place.

The 1.21 meter tall (4') wolf then fell on its back.

Ky then gave it the same treatment he had received just a few seconds ago, even letting out his own growl while straddling the wolf.

"GRAAAAAAAA!!" He yelled in its face.

Ky wasn't going to make the same mistake the wolf did, however. He gave it no opportunity to recover.

He pummeled its windpipe and head.



Every strike caused the wolf to whimper in pain.

Ky even poked its open eyes a few times.

This went on for 5 minutes before Ky realized the wolf was dead.

"Hahhhh. Hahhhhh."

He breathed out tired breaths of air.

He looked at the face of the wolf he had just killed, and saw many knocked out teeth, blood pouring from its eyes, and even blood leaking out from its ears.

'That was lucky…'

Gaining back some of his rationality he realized just how lucky he was to be able to kill that wolf.

It must have been injured to not be able to kill a mere human, and it was also stupid to allow said human to attack it in the first place.

'I might need those.' Ky thought while looking at the sharp teeth of the wolf

Each tooth was about 5 cm (2 inches) long and would make good temporary weapons.

Before he could reach down to pull them out however, he heard another ding.


Congratulations! You have slain your first monster.

Killed Normal Wolf

+3 stat points


'Stat points? That must be for the video game aspect of this whole thing. How do I add them though?'


'Open stats.'

'Show stats.'

'Show menu.'


None of the standard phrases were working.

'Maybe I have to say them out loud?'

"Open menu."

"Show menu."

"Show stats."

"Open sesame."


"Why wouldn't they make it something easy, or at least make it so that it can open with different phrases???" He mumbled.

'Oh! I forgot one!'

"Show Interface!"
