The System


A new screen was now in front of Ky's face


Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: Unranked

Divinity: N/A

Total Stat Points: 8

Available Stat Points: 3

STR: 1

AGI: 2

DEF: 1

INT: 3

STA: 1

Skills: N/A


'Seems pretty self-explanatory.' Ky thought to himself.

Like any teenage boy in 2022, Ky grew up playing video games all the time. This type of stat sheet wasn't something uncommon for him to see.

He was also an avid light novel and webnovel reader, so it reminded him of some of the novels he read in the past.

'But what should I put my stats into?'

Ky knew that he would most likely not get the opportunity to change his stats later. This was a very important decision that he could not take lightly.

'Strength might be good, but I don't know how much 1 stat point would increase my strength. My agility is already 1 point higher than some other stats so I shouldn't have to upgrade that immediately. I am not sure how much defense will help me just like strength. I won't need intelligence at the moment I don't think. Lastly, my stamina is fine right now because I am not a couch potato.'


Ky thought very hard about where he should put his 3 available stat points.


After a little over 10 minutes of thinking, Ky finally assigned his points.

His status screen now looked like this.


Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: N/A

Divinity: N/A

Total Stat Points: 11

Available Stat Points: 0

STR: 1 -> 2

AGI: 2 -> 3

DEF: 1 -> 2

INT: 3

STA: 1

Skills: N/A


Ky decided to keep his current ratio of stats.

He concluded that if he was able to kill the wolf with his original stats ratio, then keeping it would not hurt him.

He also believed he wasn't making an irreversible mistake this early on by doing so. As long as he could continue to survive, he wasn't worried.

'What should I do now?'

Ky looked around.

All he saw was snow, trees, and the remains of the plane.

There were still some survivors coming out of the planes and some talking to each other, but from the middle and tail sections there were at most 10 people in sight.

Ky didn't know how many people survived from the front of the plane, but he no longer cared.

'Almost forgot!'

Ky reached down and ripped a few teeth from the dead wolf's open mouth.

It took a reasonable amount of strength, but he was able to pull 10 of them after a few minutes.

He wanted to keep a few as a souvenir of his first kill, while the rest would be used as knives.

Ky then walked over to his father.

"I'm sorry dad."

More tears fell from his eyes, but he let them.

He started to scoop up snow and pile it on top of his father.

"This is all I can offer you." He said.

When he was done covering his fathers body, he moved onto his mother and did the same.

"Might as well go into the forest, what more do I have to lose haha." His laugh was slightly deranged.

Ky moved in the direction of the forest with a wolf tooth in each hand.

On his way, he realized the cold was starting to affect him.

It was easy to ignore previously because his attention was focused on his parents and then the wolf, but now it was near impossible. His feet in particular weren't fairing well.

It felt like he was walking on pins and needles with every step.


The shivering started when he finally reached the tree line.

Entering the forest instantly made it worse. The sun was blocked by the high trees.

The pine trees were very close to each other considering how wide they were. There was only about 5 meters in between each tree.

Ky crouched down and tried to make his steps more quiet as he traveled deeper into the forest.

'If there was a wolf out in the open like that, there's bound to be more in this forest.'

He couldn't stop the crunching of his shoes on the ground, but at least making an attempt to seemed to help a little bit.


Ky traveled deeper and deeper into the forest for what felt like hours before he made contact with anything else.


Ky snapped his head to the right.

Through the trees he could see a wolf eating something.

He was about to pick his foot up and move in its direction, but thought better of it.

'If that creature hears me I'm toast.'

'But, if I don't kill the beast I won't get any stat points.'

Ky wasn't stupid. He knew that if things like this were happening in the rest of the world, he would need to be prepared for anything if he wanted to survive.

'Just because Mom and Dad didn't survive, doesn't mean I should kill myself. They would want me to live for their sake.'

Tears started to flow down his eyes again.

Their faces were still fresh in his mind.


Ky took a slow breath in and then blew it out to get his emotions under control.

'Today, you will die.' He thought while looking at the wolf.

He slowly picked up his right foot and moved it towards the wolf.

The light gray furred wolf was much bigger than its relative that Ky had killed a while ago.

It was around 1.8 meters tall when looking up. That was almost as tall as him!

It took around 30 minutes, but Ky moved 20 meters in the direction of the wolf during that time.

He had to move as slow as a snail and was almost caught a few times, but his efforts were rewarded when he reached 5 meters away from the wolf.



You have gained a new skill!

Skill: 'Stealth (1)'


The user is able to avoid the detection of enemies within the same rank as long as the user is not within direct eyesight of the enemy. Even the smell is masked to a certain extent.

To level up this skill, use stealth on a certain number of enemies. Reach level 10 and complete the requirements to rank up the skill.



That was all Ky thought about the skill before dismissing the screen and focusing on his task again.

He knew that the next few meters were crucial because he was entering the smell range of the wolf.

The only reason he made it so far without giving himself away was a combination of the Stealth skill being unlocked near the end and the wolf being too preoccupied with his .

The scent of blood on Ky was masked by the scent of the dead animal the wolf had its snot buried in.

'Now how to kill this thing…'

Ky had actually spent all that time making his way over here without a plan to kill the beast.

Ky looked around for a rock or something he could throw.

He even considered throwing one of the teeth, but decided against it because he might need it later.

Looking up, he came across the only other idea that might work.

He moved towards the trunk of the tree close to him and made his way up its low hanging branches.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

When he reached a height of 2 meters off the ground, Ky accidentally knocked some snow from the branches onto the ground, causing the wolf to be startled and sniff around.


Ky instantly stopped his movements.

It took around a minute, but the wolf eventually went back to his meal.

Ky's time was running out as he saw the beast the wolf was eating was almost all bones now.

Ky took another few minutes to climb to 5 meters.

'Forgot I am afraid of heights…'

Looking through the branches, Ky could see the ground below him and it spread even more fear through his head.

This only served to help him though. More fear meant more adrenaline to fuel him to complete his plan.

He leaned forward from the trunk of the tree and prepared to jump.

He would have to jump through the branches first as he couldn't creep all the way to the end of the thin branches without falling down prematurely.

Ky looked down at the wolf and tried to calculate in his head just how hard he should jump so that he doesn't overshoot his target. After making his mental guess, he went for it.

'3. 2. 1.'

Ky took a deep breath and jumped towards the wolf.


The head of the wolf snapped up in Ky's direction, but it was too late.

Ky had a tooth in each hand and extended above his head.

He slashed down with the intention of stabbing the teeth through the top of the wolves head, but he missed.