Dumbest Wolves Alive

Ky slashed down in the direction of the wolf's skull, but he missed.

He ended up piercing the tooth daggers right through the wolf's eye.

They easily pierced its eyes and went straight to its brain. It was dead in an instant.


Ky may have been in shape and an athletic kid, but he could not prevent his already hurt left knee from getting more injured from the height of the fall.

"Aghhh!!!" He screamed in pain.

Ky gripped his left knee and squirmed on the ground.

The pain took a few minutes to subside enough for Ky to stop screaming.


Ky looked at his knee and noticed it was dislocated. He may have had no medical training, but it didn't take a genius to see that his knee was pushed out of its socket.

'I've got to pop that back…'

Ky stretched his left leg out slowly.

Another popping sound soon echoed throughout the forest.



Ky almost let out another scream at the pain, but was able to close his mouth in time.

He fell flat on his back and closed his eyes to take a short rest.


After a few minutes Ky sat up and opened his eyes to look at the screen he saw after killing his second wolf.


You have killed another Wolf!

+1 stat points



"How come I only got one this time! That's bullshit!" He cried.


'Nothing I can do about it I guess… Open Interface.'

Ky immediately assigned his 1 stat point.


Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: Unranked

Divinity: N/A

Total Stat Points: 12

Available Stat Points: 0

STR: 2

AGI: 3 -> 4

DEF: 2

INT: 3

STA: 1

Skills: Stealth (1)


He knew he would eventually have to kill another wolf face to face, so he wanted to be as fast as possible before then.

Ky wasn't confident he could get lucky again with a monster like he did with the first one.

'I need this wolf's fur.'

Standing up Ky approached the wolf to skin it and take its fur for his warmth in the future.

That's when he noticed the sword beside the wolf's head.

It was silver bladed doru. It was a long 1.6 meter long (5'3) wooden pole with 20 centimeter long (7 inches) spear heads on each side.

Picking it up caused another screen to pop up in front of him.


Say 'Inspect' to see the stats of anything you are currently holding

Object Type: Weapon (Doru)

Rank: Unranked

Rarity: Uncommon

ATK (The same as the strength stat for intelligent species): 12

Durability: 100/100


'I think uncommon and an attack stat of 12 should be good, but I am not sure…' Ky thought.

He then had an idea.

Ky reached down to the wolf and placed his hand on its fur.



Race: Unevolved Wolf

Name: Unnamed

Rank: Unranked

Divinity: N/A

Total Stat Points: 23

STR: 5

AGI: 8

DEF: 1

INT: 1

STA: 8

Skills: Bite (3), Stealth (2), Scratch (5)


'So, I was really getting lucky. It seems that this breed of wolf has low defense, which enabled me to kill them even though my strength stat could be seen as low.' Ky thought.

Ky put those thoughts at the back of his mind and started to skin the wolf.

He went as slow as possible because he was very inexperienced with things like this and he had never used a weapon before.

The fact that the doru was a dual sided spear made it much harder.

There were many times where Ky almost poked his own armpit or shoulder trying to stab the wolf.

Since he was going so slow, he was able to successfully cut the wolf's fur off without any issues, but it took him another 30 minutes.

By this time, the sun had started to go down.

It was noticeable even through the thick tree branches covering the top of the forest, so Ky knew he didn't have much sunlight left.

Ky put the wolf's head on his own, and the rest of the fur formed a mantle down to his knees.

He put his arms through the openings in the fur of where the wolf's arms used to be.

He was basically wearing the fur as another set of skin.

It was very bloody and sticky, but Ky cared more about his body temperature than that.

He took the doru and easily cut a bunch of branches off the trees to use for a fire.

There was no way he was surviving through the night without a fire.

That was the plan anyway.


"Oh come on!!!" Ky shouted.

He turned around to see another 1.8 tall wolf slowly walking towards him with saliva dripping down its open mouth.

"How dumb do you idiots have to be to announce yourselves to me every time you want to attack me! You're goddamn wolves for crying out loud! Isn't 'Sneaky Bastard' supposed to be your middle name!" Ky yelled at the wolf.

The wolf didn't respond back, it just continued to stare at Ky with the hungry expression on his face.


Ky put the doru in his hands with one side pointing to the wolf's face and the other under his armpit.

They both rushed at each other.

Ky's battle senses were slowly forming, so his first thought was, 'There is no way I'm matching this beast in speed', so acted accordingly.

He didn't even attempt to dodge when the wolf pounced on him.

Instead, he lifted the doru up and slashed downward, while making sure not to poke his own arm.

It sliced through the head of the wolf like butter.


Ky was stunned.

He knew the doru would be good because of its attack power of 12, but he didn't know it would be this easy.



You have killed another Wolf!

+1 stat points


'At least it was 1 point again…'

He put his new stat point into agility again.

Ky then ignored the dead wolf and turned back to his pile of sticks.

He wasn't exactly sure how to make a fire, but he assumed sparks would do the trick.

He dug through the snow for a few minutes to find a rock.

Once one was found, he started striking it against one of the spear heads.

Sparks started flying out, but it took a few strikes for the pile of sticks to catch fire.

'Now time to skin this boy.'

Ky dragged the other wolf slowly towards the fire and then sat down to skin it.

It took another 30 minutes and this time wasn't nearly as good as the last.

The fur was split into 5 different sections because of accidental ripping.

Ky then started cutting out meat from both wolves to cook.

He set up sticks with meat on the end and began cooking them.


Ky had never even been camping before, but all of those years watching UTube videos were starting to pay off.

Even those videos of watching the foreign men build underground water parks made of clay ended up helping him today because they built a fire in one of the videos.

Ky was inexperienced, but aptly prepared.

Once he was done eating his fill of the wolf meat, he put the 5 sections of new fur on the ground and layed down.

He took the good fur that he was using as a mantle and turned it around to use as a blanket.

Not even a minute after closing his eyes, Ky's peace and quiet was interrupted once again.


"You guys have got to be the dumbest predator to exist…"


He stood up and grabbed his trusty doru to face off with the 3rd wolf of the day.

It was dark this time, so Ky could barely make out the wolf, but his fire gave him enough visibility to see its direction.

The wolf was 5 meters away and jumped towards Ky with its front claws out.

Ky rolled to the left to try dodging this time because he wouldn't have time to bring his weapon up again.

That was a mistake. The wolf had put a lot of power behind its legs.


The wolf's right paw struck at Ky's left shoulder.

This time the scratch was much deeper than the one on his chest.

The one on his chest had stopped bleeding a while ago, but at first glance this one wouldn't stop bleeding for a long time.

Ky stood up as the wolf tried pouncing on him again.

This time he took the doru and tried to swing it.

He couldn't get it up high enough to split the wolf like he did the last one, but he was able to angle it towards the sky.

The pouncing wolf landed straight on the doru, impaling itself.


Ky let out a sigh and dropped to the ground.

He started applying pressure to his still bleeding shoulder, but it didn't seem to be helping much.

'I need something to stop the bleeding, but ripping my shirt up would make me even more cold…'

He got up slowly and went to his makeshift bed to grab one of the longer strips of fur.

Ky wrapped it around the wound on his shoulder and tied it tight.

It was tight enough to hurt, but Ky didn't adjust it because he was starting to feel too tired.

He put the mantle over himself again and collapsed on the makeshift bed by the fire.


This is the last of the first batch of chapters. I will hopefully be releasing 3-4 a day for a week or so. After that it will slow down to 1-2 a day.

Dont forget to add the novel to your library if you want to read more chapters!
