Meeting the Sky Daddy


Before you read this chapter, try to guess who "Sky Daddy" is just based off of the chapter name and the foreshadowing. I would like to see your guesses lol.

Also thank you to anyone who has supported the novel through reviews and collections and all those who will hopefully do so in the future.



As Ky walked farther and farther up the long set of stairs that was in the cave he found, the feeling of mana started increasing.

At some point it almost felt as if there was more mana than oxygen in the air. But it wasn't a bad thing, the mana made Ky feel refreshed and energized.

The steps also started to transform slowly as he went up.

When he first started his journey, the staircase was made of rough black rock and looked like the carver didn't care how nice it looked.

The black rock slowly faded into pristine white marble.

It was almost as if the rock had grown over the marble part of the steps at the bottom, but hadn't reached the top yet.

The white marble steps were so clean and polished that Ky could clearly see his face in them.

Even after bathing a few times he still had a lot of dirt covering his tanned skin.

His black hair had grown longer in the week he had been away and it was now covering half of his ears.

His blue eyes were as bright as ever, but dark circles were clearly visible under them.

Ky hadn't observed the rest of his body very closely, but if he did he would have seen the effects of the impurities that were expelled after his core formation.

Before, he had a shadow of a six pack and his biceps were small but visible.

Now his six pack was clearly visible and his biceps were starting to show even without flexing.

His legs also received the same treatment.

The outline of his quads were starting to show and you could see the muscles moving in his calves with every step he took.

"How long is this going to take?"


It had only been about 15 minutes of walking, but Ky was feeling very impatient.

'The walls are changing now too.'

The rocky walls were starting to fade now and turn into white marble just as the floor had.

The ceiling was still made of the black rock and had the same crystals lighting the passageway that the main cave had.

5 minutes later Ky shouted, "Light!"

He could see light from the sky coming from the top of the staircase in the distance.

It took another 5 or so minutes, but once Ky got close enough to the light source to see outside, he was very surprised.

He expected the staircase to lead to the top of the mountain, or maybe to some boss room still within the mountain.

He didn't expect it to lead him to some type of sky domain at all.


All there was to see was endless sky.

There was a pathway of clouds leading to what looked like a temple in the distance, but other than the sun, the clouds and temple were the only things in the sky.

Not a bird was in sight.

"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down." Ky mumbled as he started to walk forward onto the cloud bridge.

He was still very much afraid of heights.

He got scared when he was 5 meters above the ground about to kill a wolf, this was 1 million times worse.

After the 5th step onto the bridge, Ky's whole body started to shake.

"Haaah. Hahhhh. Hahhhhhhh."

Panic laced breaths came out of his mouth, but he forced himself to keep going.

The large cloud platform with the temple on it was only 10 meters away now.

Looking closer at the temple, it looked like it was designed to be an ancient Greek temple or something.

It had around 10 white brick steps leading up to the main floor of the temple.

There were many columns on that floor supporting the ceiling of the same color.

Everything was colored in a very light gray.

There was a big opening in the wall that served as the front entrance, in the absence of a door.

The thing that sets this temple apart from the ancient Greek ones, is its size.

It was colossal.

"100 of me stacked on top of each other wouldn't even reach halfway… And I'm 1.82 (6'0) meters!"

Ky finally made it off of the cloud bridge and started to walk up to the opening of the temple.

But once he reached the doorway, he stopped.

Ky's eyes went wide and he started shaking with even more fear.

"What the f*ck…" He mumbled.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" The large figure in front of him burst out in loud laughter.

The inside of the temple was completely empty aside from the large throne on the back wall and its occupant.

There wasn't even a ceiling on the building, it just opened up to the endless sky.

However, there was no way for Ky to notice any of this. His full attention was focused on the man, or figure, sitting on the throne.

The figure was at least 150 meters (Around 500 feet) sitting down, but even that could have been inaccurate as Ky couldn't really tell. He just knew the person was massive.

That wasn't even the scariest part.

The person was humanoid, but made entirely of clouds.

His whole body was like a container full of light gray clouds.

There were openings for his eyes and mouth and some of the clouds even formed a nose, ears, and hair.

Behind his eyes and opened mouth was a bright blue light that looked like large spheres made of compacted lightning.

The hair was very wispy and flowed down to his shoulders.

The large figure currently had his right hand on the armrest of his golden throne, and his left hand was clutched on his belly as he laughed to his heart's content.

"HAHAHA! Kid, you should see your face right now!!" It yelled.

"Wh- Wha- What ar- are you?" Ky stuttered in a quiet voice.

Although his voice was almost just a whisper, the being seemed to have heard him.

This seemed to make him laugh once again.


A frown formed itself on Ky's face, but he waited for the figure to calm down without saying anything else.

It took 2 minutes, but finally the person answered Ky's question.

"Ah man, that was a good laugh. To answer your question, I am known by many names and titles."

"One you may have heard before is Ouranos."

Ky's jaw dropped and his eyes widened even more.

"Li- Like the father of the titans. The husband of the mother of the earth. The Father of the Sky. That Ouranos?" Ky asked.

"In the flesh." Ouranos answered with a smile.

"Well not really flesh, but I guess in the clouds?"


Ky could only blink and stare.

"I'm somewhat surprised you know some of my titles though. Are you Greek or something?" He asked Ky.

"No, I am fond of reading. I have read many novels about the gods and their origins. You were mentioned in a few."

Ky's fear was quickly fading and being replaced by excitement.

"Ah, that makes sense I guess."

"Could I ask you a question?" Ky asked the man made of clouds.


"What is this place? Why am I in a dungeon? Why are you real? Why is there mana and all this other fantasy stuff in the world now? Is this a prank?"

"Well kiddo, first of all, that was 5 questions not one."


"It's alright. For your first question, this is a domain I created for the sole purpose I will explain in a bit and the dungeon is part of the domain I created. You are in a dungeon because your plane accidentally flew into it after I opened the entrance. I am real because my dearest wife created me. There is fantasy stuff in the world now because we, the rulers of this solar system, have activated the mana core in each planet around the sun. The mana cores were originally dormant, but putting our mana into them woke them up."

He continued, "The mana core on earth is only rank 0 right now, but it will soon evolve into rank 1 and with it the inhabitants of earth will evolve as well."

"Earth is slightly behind Mars, the planet of the dragons, but not by much. You guys are on the same pace as the dwarves and elves though if that makes you happy."

"To be honest, I am once again shocked because not only did we humans not know of the existence of dragons, elves, or dwarves, but we had no clue there was even intelligent life on any other planet." Ky said.

"Ah, that's sad. You guys really suck!"
