
"Anyway, let's get to the main reason why you are here." Ouranos said while clapping his hands together.

After a short pause he continued, "I am about to dump a lot of information on you, and it may be boring, but you need to listen as it is all very important."

"First let me explain what this dungeon is. All of the demigods, gods, titans, and primogenitors are leaving this solar system soon. Many of the more malicious deities wanted to leave you guys to fend for yourselves, but some of us didn't agree with that."

Ky frowned at that.

"You all have at most 100 years before Ragnarok, or as some call it the Rapture, will begin. Us nicer deities decided to give up some of our divinites to some of the mortals in this solar system. As the council operates on a majority vote, the other deities were forced to do the same."

"Won't giving up your divinities affect you all?" Ky asked.

"Not with how much we are giving up." Ouranos answered before continuing.

"Our divinities grow every day, all the time. We are only giving up a very small portion of it, and it will probably recover within a few weeks. However, the amount of our divinities we will be giving to you mortals is nothing to scoff at."

"Some of you may even come close to death after receiving the divinities."

Ky gasped at that.

"Once you receive our divinities, it will then become your own. It will be very similar to the deity you receive it from, but it will grow and adapt to serve you. It will no longer be a part of the original deity."

"The divinity carries will be set up to become the new deities of this solar system one day, because in order to become as powerful as we and immortal as we are, you need a divinity."

"We formed our own divinities, and some of the mortals in this system will do the same now with mana and a lot of effort, but we will spare the effort for some of you."

"This dungeon is one of many like it. It's a small trial to gain my divinity. The rest of the deities have done something similar. Some of them made their dungeons just as hard as mine, some of them had specific requirements to even enter, and some didn't even have monsters in their dungeons."

"Hard?!?!?!?!" Ky interrupted.

"Yes?" Ouranos replied with a questioning tone.

"Forgive me for my rudeness my lord, but your dungeon was not hard at all. The wolves were very stupid and somewhat easy to kill."

"Easy for you. What about the 27 other survivors of the plane crash that you left behind? All of them are dead now, do you think they would agree with your opinion?"

Ky's eyes went wide another time as he asked, "They're dead??"

"Of course, they were either killed by the wolves, starvation, or hypothermia. What did you think would happen to them?"

Ky had no clue.

He realized the other survivors' lives hadn't even crossed his mind once during his whole journey.

'I'm an asshole aren't I?' He asked himself.

While it is smart to ensure your own survival first, is it still being a kind human being if you don't help others survive when you can?

Ky had all the resources available to help at least a few other survivors make it out alive, but now they were all dead…

'What if someone were to ditch me and not help me when I needed it most? How would that make me feel?' His expression hardened as he self reflected.

The first step to changing a bad attitude, habit, or any flaw was self awareness.

Ky was beginning to understand that while his initial actions of selfishness to survive were smart, everything after that was just pure selfishness and assholery.

"Don't think about it too much kid, people die every day." Ouranos said nonchalantly.

'That doesn't make it right.' Ky thought.

"I can see you're now kind of depressed, but I'm going to continue my explanation so pay attention."

Ky looked back up to the Father of the Sky.

"Good. Now, for the big reveal! You will be receiving my divinity if you so choose. It will come with many good things, but also many bad things."

This didn't really surprise Ky, as he had already assumed he would receive Ouranos' divinity based on his previous words.

"First, receiving my divinity specifically will be much more dangerous than some other divinities. Any divinity from one of the 7 primogenitors will have higher effects of both good and bad qualities than those from titans, gods, or demigods."

"With my divinity, you will receive all of my attributes over time. Many mortals will struggle to get lucky with a monster drop to find an attribute for a long while. Attributes won't be common until at most rank 4, but you will have 1 at your current rank, and more later on. You will also grow much faster than other mortals without a divinity. You will receive +4 added onto the attribute amount you get for the first kill of a new creature, whereas titan divinities only get +3, godly divinities only get +2 and so on. Also as the divinity grows with you, you will have an easier time purifying your core and sensing mana."

"Now the bad things of divinities. Monsters of the same power or higher will be attracted to you. This will be further increased because of the level of my divinity. You may also be seen as a threat to other divinity holders. Some may not innately like you, some may be jealous of your power, and many other things."

"You will have to watch out for other divinity carriers as well as powerful monsters. Luckily having a divinity allows you to sense the divinity in others, but the same goes for them. For example, My wife's, Gaea's, divinity holder will have an aura of earth constantly around her. You can learn to hide it, but it will take some time and effort to properly do so."

"Lastly, as a divinity carrier your stats must always be in a certain ratio. This is the harshest penalty as you won't be able to upgrade your stats without having enough points to upgrade others as well. This is the penalty for being stronger and growing faster than everyone else."

"Luckily for you, my ratio is the perfect ratio. The only thing you have to do is have all of your stats at the same number."

"Hmmmm." Ky thought over everything Ouranos had just told him.

He didn't want to make a rash decision just because of the excitement having the divinity of such a great being could give him.

"Take your time kid and don't take this lightly. While the divinity will be yours and yours alone, you will still have to carry out deity-like duties for the solar system when you reach that level."

"Your duties will depend on the title your people assign you, but it will most likely be similar to mine. I am the Father of the Sky, so my job is to watch over it. I have wind, lightning, and water attributes so I was given the title Father of the Sky by my wife."

"If you were to use those attributes to cause endless destruction, like my son Kronos, you would most likely receive a title similar to his. He is known as the Titan of Destruction. His only job in this solar system is to cause chaos and destruction with his lightning and fire attributes."

After a few minutes of thinking Ky gave Ouranos an answer.

"While this sounds very enticing, I think I am going to have to decline your offer." He said.

"Really?" Ouranos was shocked, he didn't expect his first potential divinity carrier to decline him like that.

"F*ck no, not really. What kind of idiot would I look like declining an offer like that???" Ky said while laughing.

"You just told me I have the opportunity to become a god and have immense power. Humans are a naturally greedy race, and I am no exception. When such power is put in front of my face, I will grab it." Ky said with a serious expression on his face now.

"Good." Ouranos replied.

"This is usually the part where I say something like "Now come here my child", but I think we are too far apart for your little legs, so I will come to you hehe." He chuckled while rising from his throne.

Ky couldn't help but get slightly scared again seeing Ouranos rise to his full height, but he quickly shook it off.

Ouranos took a few steps to reach Ky before getting on one knee and bringing his right pointer finger towards Ky's head.

It rested lightly on his head with a gentleness that was unexpected from a being of such size.

"Now close your eyes. It will be painful, but endure and you will return with your very own divinity." Ouranos said.


Any reviews, collections (library adds), and power stones when it's possible to vote are very appreciated! This is a WSA entry, so to get the attention of the the staff I will need as much support as possible. Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to, and I am grateful either way, but it helps me out a lot.
