
Ariel shot forward and brought her silver longsword above her head.

The goblin never stood a chance.

It was sliced in half before it could even bring its bony arms up in an attempt to protect itself from the sharp blade.

"Well… That was anticlimactic." Ariel said with her hands on her hips looking down at the pitiful goblin corpse.

"Yeah. I thought Ouranos told me that I only had an easy time with the wolves in his dungeon because he made it easy, so shouldn't the monsters out here be more dangerous?"


Ky almost immediately found the answer to his question.

A whole horde of goblins rounded the corner.

"Run!" He shouted.

He counted at least 30 of them with one glance, but the goblins hadn't finished rounding the corner yet, so it could be much more than that coming.

"No idiot! We can take them!" Ariel yelled back.

Ky instantly stopped running and turned back.

'She really wants to fight that whole horde???'


"Ariel, this is a really bad idea!"

"Stop being a p*ssy!"

There was no way Ky was going to back down after that.

He stopped walking when he reached her side and crouched down with his doru ready.

'At least I will be able to try that new idea.'

Ky spent the last few days thinking of a better way to use his doru that wouldn't carry the risk of stabbing himself.

He envisioned himself using the doru as if he was spinning a helicopter in his hands.

The first few goblins soon reached them.

Ariel and Ky were 5 meters away from each other so they wouldn't hit the other on accident, so 5 goblins charged each of them.

Ky spun the doru around his hands, bringing it to his left lower back before swinging in a half circle.

Two goblins were instantly killed on his right.


[2 Goblins killed]

[+8 stat points]

Keeping the momentum, Ky spun the doru again, this time in a vertical circle.

Another goblin dropped dead.


[1 Goblin killed]

[+1 stat point]

The 3 open spots were filled immediately by new goblins.

The other 2 on his left pounced on his exposed back to scratch him with their sharp claws.

Ky saw this out of the corner of his eye and attempted to swing his doru in another half circle to slash the incoming goblins.

Sadly, he aimed just a little too high.


Both goblins landed a slash on a different arm.

The doru fell out of Ky's hand.

'Oh crap!'

He tried to quickly bend down and grab the weapon, but it was kicked away by another goblin before he could reach it.


They let out another battlecry before charging towards Ky again.

Ky punched the first goblin right in the jaw while retreating.

He gave the next one the same treatment but with the other hand.

This continued for a few seconds, before Ky's knuckles started feeling sore.


[1 Goblin killed]

[+1 stat point]

One of the goblins ended up dying just from a punch.

They were very weak creatures at the first few ranks.

Their secret to survival was their numbers and ability to reproduce quickly.

'Is that a knife?!'

Beside where the goblin died, Ky spotted a dagger.

He quickly picked it up before it could be kicked away like his doru had been.

The blade was 30 centimeters (1'0) long, double edged, and straight.

Ky quickly started stabbing the goblins in the head.

He was still running back, but the goblins were starting to fall quickly.

The dagger was a much easier weapon to use than the doru for Ky.


[10 Goblins killed]

[+1 stat point]

'It seems like the more of the same monster I kill, the less stat points I get for it.

Ky continued slashing, despite taking a second to view the system messages.

Although he was killing the goblins, he was not going to come out of this fight unscathed.

He had many cuts throughout his whole body.

His arms in particular, had received the most damage.

They were starting to feel weak due to blood loss, but Ky continued swinging.

This lasted for another 5 minutes before the goblin horde was finally gone.


Ky let out a labored breath.


[50 Goblins killed]

[+5 stat points]

The system had stopped giving him individual messages after the 6th kill and decided to just wait until the fight was over.

Ariel didn't seem to do any worse than Ky.

The piled up corpses around her were just as many as the ones on Ky's side.

"You're crazy." Ky told her.


Ariel was currently on her back in the middle of the blood covered road catching her breath.

"How many stat points did you get?"

"Around 15 I think." She responded.


"What's your stat ratio thing by the way?" Ky asked.

"I have to have all of my stats be the same number."


"I feel like Gaea and Ouranos are trying to set us up to be the same or something. I have the exact same stat ratio requirement." Ky told her.


'Open Interface.'

[Race: Human

Name: Kyden Price

Rank: Rank 0

Divinity: Seed of Primogenitor Divinity (Ouranos)

Total Stat Points: 48

Available Stat Points: 1

STR: 13

AGI: 13

DEF: 13

INT: 13

STA: 13

Skills: Stealth (1), Mana Sense (2), Mana Manipulation (1), Mana Reinforcement (1), Mana Assimilation (1), Wind Manipulation (1)]


Ky didn't even have to assign his stat points anymore. The system would automatically do it for him.

"Let's see if there's any more loot." Ariel said after a few minutes.


There wasn't much else that the goblins dropped other than an identical dagger to the one Ky already had.

He decided to leave the doru behind because it was just too difficult to use. He preferred the daggers much more, even after only using them once.


[Object Type: Weapon (Dagger)

Rank: Unranked

Rarity: Common

ATK: 8

Durability: 100/100]

The attack power was 4 points less than the doru, and it was common ranked as opposed to the doru's uncommon rank.

"Well, let's go to my house now."


Ky followed Ariel again.

This time, instead of waiting for the monsters to find them, they used their senses to avoid them.

Ky could still only see clusters of mana, but it was enough to tell him exactly where the monsters were and where to go to avoid them.

It only took 15 minutes before the two were in front of Ariel's house.


She let out a breath before walking inside.

It was a nice house. It was decently big, not a mansion, but still big. It was made of brown bricks and had a black roof.

Many windows lined the walls on both the first and second story.

Ky followed Ariel through the black door in the front of her house.

The first room he saw was a long, messy corridor.

There were clothes and what looked like children's toys lined up and down the hallway.

"Ah, sorry about the mess." Ariel said with a frown.


Ky didn't even hear what she said.

He was too focused on the toys on the floor.

While he may not have been the brightest person in the world, he knew what toys on the floor of a 25 year old woman's house meant.



"Why do you look like that?"



She could tell something was wrong with him, but she didn't know what.

Ky had only met her a few hours ago, but with the flirting she was doing with him he assumed she was single.

Ariel stared at his face for a few more seconds before turning around and making her way to the kitchen that was at the end of the long corridor of doors.

On her way she started trying to tidy up.

Picking up clothes and putting them in a pile.

When she reached for a toy she suddenly stopped mid grab.

"Ah! Is this why you're acting like that?"

"These are my younger sisters' toys."

'I'm an idiot.'

Ariel continued after Ky didn't respond, "Didn't you just make a joke about it being cliche to be attached already after only knowing me for a few hours?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and had a slight frown.

"Ah, sorry about that. I just felt like I was being played, so it kind of hurt." Ky scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, but you really should ask first next time."

"My two younger sisters come over to my house all the time to hangout. They are only 3 and 4."

"Makes sense. Sorry again." Ky was extremely embarrassed.

'She's not even my girlfriend, and she's right we literally just met. Why am I freaking out?'

"Here, pretty boy, stop stressing about it. I probably would have had the same reaction."

She tossed him a water bottle from the fridge.

Ky drained it instantly.

"Ahhhh. That tasted good."

"Hehehe. I haven't had fresh water in a bit either so I get it." Ariel replied.

"What do we do next?" He asked.

"Let's see if the TV or something works." She replied.


Thoughts on Ariel so far?
