TV and Parents


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"Let's see if the TV or something works." Ariel said.

"Good idea." Ky responded.

She went back down the hallway and entered one of the doorways on the right side of the corridor.

The doorway led to a spacious living room.

It had 3 white sofas around a large TV that was hung on the wall above a fake fireplace.

There was a fancy white rug under the sofas' as well.

Sitting down on the middle couch, Ariel used the remote to turn on the big TV.

She instantly turned it to the news station.

"All citizens, please make your way to the nearest military base. We are in a state of emergency. Any deaths are not the responsibility of the government. We urge you to seek shelter with our military as soon as possible.

For any divinity carriers, you will be offered extra protection and resources.

We have a few military personnel who have gained a divinity, if there is one in your military base they will set you up with our divinity carrier program.

The program is for your safety and the safety of the citizens of the United States."

That message then repeated a few times on the otherwise black screen.

"What do you think?" Ariel asked Ky.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure. I learned not to trust the government through my parents because of the company they owned, but I also don't know if we would be able to survive on our own." He responded.

"Your parents owned a company?"

"Yeah, Price Inc."

He replied nonchalantly.


Ariel jumped up off the couch and stared wide eyed at Ky.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"You're Kyden Price???"


'Ah, I thought she would have known when I said my name.'

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Ariel was no longer shouting but still had wide eyes and was standing up.

"Well, to be honest I thought you would have known based on my first name. Also it's not really that big of a deal anyway."

A week ago, Ky would have proudly said "Yup!" as a response, but he was beginning to change.

He no longer took as much pride in his last name and his parents accomplishments.

It would feel like he was spitting in their face to take pride in something they did for him that he took for granted.

"Why would the heir to one of the biggest companies in the world fear the government?" Ariel curiously asked.

"The government is a lot more corrupt than you think. I wouldn't think for a second that they actually plan on protecting divinity carriers. They most likely want to control us to be used for their own wishes."

"So, we shouldn't go to the base near us?"

"I'm not sure yet, but if we do go I suggest we become powerful enough to handle ourselves first. We need to learn how to use these new attributes." Ky said.

"Okay, I'm fine with that, but first I want to find my parents and make sure they're safe." Ariel replied with concern.

"Okay, let's go to their house now."

"Alright, follow me."

The duo made their way to Ariel's parents house that was only a 5 minute walk away from hers.

They didn't encounter any monsters on the way, but they could still sense many in the area.

*Knock* *Knock*

Ariel went up to the door of a house that looked identical to hers, but with a red roof instead of a black one.

"Honey! Someone's knocking on the door, get the gun!"

A feminine voice could be heard yelling inside the house.

The two had to strain their ears to hear, but because of their upgraded bodies they were able to still hear Ariel's mother yelling.


Her father appeared in the doorway and instantly wrapped her in a hug.

"My baby!"

Her mother soon joined the hug.

Both parents had blond hair and her mother had green eyes while her father had blue eyes.

Even though Ariel's hair and eye color had changed, they were still able to recognize their child.

"Hi mom, hi dad." She said with a smile.

A few tears fell down Ky's face, but he kept a smile on his face.

Ky was standing at the bottom of the steps leading to the front door, so the couple hadn't noticed him yet, but after a minute her father turned to Ky.

"And who might you be young man?"

"Hello, I'm a friend of Ariel's. My name is Kyden but you can just call me Ky."

"Nice to meet you Ky. I assume you were the one to escort my daughter through this monster infested city?" Her father continued.

"No sir, I did indeed travel with her, but she didn't need me to escort her at all."

"Is that so?" Both parents turned to her with a questioning look on their faces.

"Let's talk inside, there's bound to be a monster or two out here that will see us if we stay out here too long." Ariel replied.

The 4 people walked inside and went to the kitchen that was in the same place as the one in Ariel's house.

"Do you two want some water?" Her mother asked.

"Yes please." Ariel answered.

"So, let's start with why you were gone so long. We tried calling you everyday but you never answered." Her dad said with a serious expression on his face.

"Well, I accidentally walked into a dungeon when this whole thing started. But why are you guys still here? Shouldn't you be at the military base?"

"We wanted to wait a few weeks for you first. We didn't want to leave you behind." Her mother answered.

"Oh, you two shouldn't do that if something like this ever happens again. What if you were attacked while waiting for me?"

"Don't worry about us, you were the one in a dungeon. How did you even survive that?" Her father asked.

"It was kind of a beginner dungeon, so it wasn't so hard."


After a sigh she continued, "It was actually the dungeon of Gaea, one of the deities. So, I now have a divinity."

"Really?!" Both parents said in unison.


"That's… I really don't know how to feel about that. Won't this mean you'll be in danger a lot?" Her mother asked.

"Yeah, what your mom said is correct. We read online that divinity carriers attract monsters and danger."

'Both the TV and the internet still work? Don't these things usually just magically stop working when apocalypse events start in novels?' Ky thought.

"I'll be okay. Like Ky said, I can handle myself."


"Okay, just be careful honey."

"Anyway, get packed and be back by nightfall. We can spend tonight here then go to the military base." Her father said.

"Actually sir, we don't think it would be too good of an idea for us to go to the military base. I think the government will most likely try to use us because we are divinity carriers." Ky interjected.

"You have a divinity too??"

'Oh, crap.'

Ky didn't mean to give them that information. He believed the less people that knew the better.

While Ariel seemed at least somewhat trustworthy because she didn't even tell her parents about Ky's divinity, he didn't know her parents well enough.

They could be blabbermouths who would tell everyone around them that they know two divinity carriers.

"Ah, I didn't mean to tell you that."

"Don't worry about it Ky, we won't say anything. Also don't call me sir, just call me Mr. Stewart or Max."

"You can call me Mrs. Stewart or Patricia." Her mother said.

"Big sis!" The scream of two children came from the entryway to the kitchen.

"Bonnie! Rose!" Ariel shouted.

The little girls bolted into their older sister's arms.

"Mr. Stewart, I think you guys should still go to the military base. Ariel and I can hold our own, but you two have two other children to take care of." Ky said.

He wasn't comfortable calling someone much older than them by their first name just yet.

He may have been a spoiled brat, but his parents always made sure to teach him manners, especially to the elderly.

Max and Patricia didn't necessarily look old, but they were in their 50's.

It was rare for people this age to have two other children after having their oldest reach their 20's, but it wasn't impossible.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Also, divinity carriers are supposed to be much stronger than normal people right? At least that's what the government has been saying."

"Yeah. We may not be stronger right now, but eventually we will be much stronger than normal people."

"Okay, I trust you." Max replied.

Patricia then turned to Ky and asked, "Have your parents already gone to the military base as well?"

"Ah, not necessarily. Sadly the dungeon I went into was in the air. We were in a plane and it just flew straight into the dungeon after the first message was sent to us. They died from the impact." Ky was able to stop the tears from flowing again, but he was not able to hold in the sad expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Patricia got up and gave Ky a hug.

"I'm sure they would be really proud of you right now." She said into his ear.

"I hope so." He replied with a weak voice while returning the hug.