Night Attack


Ky and Ariel decided to stay the night to protect her family who would be leaving for the military base the next morning.

Her parents explained that most of the town had already left so it shouldn't take them but a day or two to make it.

Sadly, staying the night was a mistake.

The two divinity carriers forgot that they would attract monsters to the house.


"Huh?!" Ky was instantly awake.

No one was on a night watch because they assumed everything would be peaceful. This was naive and ultimately could have led to everyone's death.

Ky grabbed his daggers and sprinted out of the living room.

Ariel offered to share her old room with him, but he couldn't tell if she was serious or not so he decided to just sleep on the couch in the downstairs living room.

While he had indeed enjoyed their time together so far, he wasn't going to take his first potential relationship so fast.

Ky never got to experience a real relationship growing up.

The only girlfriend he had, he discovered she was just with him for his money by going through her text messages behind her back.

He was only 14 when this happened, so this incident left him scared to get into another relationship for many years.

"What was that?"

Ariel met Ky at the bottom of the staircase that was 10 meters away from the door.

She had her longsword in her hand and was wearing her pajamas.


Her pajamas were made of silky satin and hugged her body very tightly.

Coming out of his stupor Ky responded, "I'm not sure, should we check it out?"

Ariel slowly nodded her head.

The two made their way to the doorway slowly.


When they got a few meters away, another loud bang came from the doorway.

The whole house shook this time.

'How in the hell is that door holding up.' Ky thought.

"Ariel, I'm going to open the door in 30 seconds and distract the beast. Run around the back entrance and pull it away from the house once I open the door." Ky quickly whispered.

She gave him a quick nod before bolting to the kitchen where a sliding door was located that led to the house's backyard.




Ky started counting in his head.

'Twenty nine.'


He quickly slammed the door open.



Standing in front of Ky was a massive goblin.

It was at least 3 meters tall and took up the whole space of the wide door.

It had a large stomach and thick thighs.

There was a big wooden club in its hands, raised up and ready to bang on the door again.

The tusks that were poking out of the bottom of its mouth that reached almost to its large eyes were particularly menacing.

"Hey Shrek!"

A shout came from behind the big goblin.


The goblin turned around and faced Ariel who was standing in the street with her sword in both hands pointed towards the beast.

"GRRRRR!" Another shout came from the monster before it charged towards Ariel.

It was very fast for its size. It only took 3 seconds for it to reach Ariel.

"Oh shit!" Ky shouted.

He didn't expect it to move so fast.

"Ariel dodge!" He shouted.

Ky started following the big goblin as fast as he could.

When the goblin reached Ariel it brought the club back above his head and swung down aiming at her head.

Ariel jumped to the side and rolled.

The club missed her by a few centimeters and hit the pavement.


Another loud explosion was produced by the large club.

It even left a small crater in the ground.


Ky jumped up when he reached the goblin.

It still had its club on the ground and was hunched over so Ky took the opportunity in front of him.

He had his daggers in hand and stabbed them down into the monster's back.


It screamed after feeling the sting of the daggers.

However, it didn't damage the monster as much as Ky hoped.

The goblin swung his body in a half circle, successfully flinging Ky off of his back.

Luckily Ky had a good grip on his daggers, so they slipped out of the monsters back as well.

While Ky was being flung off the beast, Ariel was circling around it.

She reached its exposed backside and swung her sword at its legs.

Her intention was to hit the spot directly behind the knee, but the goblin moved its leg at the last second.

She sliced at the monster's calf instead.

A long and deep gash formed.

The goblin turned around quickly and swung the club horizontally at Ariel's head.

She ducked, once again avoiding its attack.

"Ky! Slice, don't stab. You have knives, not a sword!" She shouted.

'She's right, why was I trying to stab?'

Ky got up and ran to Ariel's side.


The beast let out another roar after seeing that it missed another swipe at the woman.

Ky and Ariel crouched down once more and readied themselves.

"Let's take out its legs first." Ky suggested.


Since Ky was already on the left side of the goblin, he decided to take that side while Ariel dashed to its right side.

The big monster looked between both humans for a second before deciding to go for Ky.

He raised the club above his head and turned in Ky's direction before slamming it down.


Ky jumped to the side, but did not roll.

This allowed him to stay on his feet.

He continued his dash to the left leg of the goblin.

Ariel had already reached her side due to the rotation of the monster.

She left another deep slice just above the previous one.


The goblin quickly picked up his club and swung it towards Ariel.

Ky took advantage of its rotation and sliced with his daggers. He was holding both of them in a backhanded form.

He crossed his arms over each other and then sliced, causing two horizontal gashes right behind the goblin's knee.

This caused its left leg to buckle, but didn't stop its swing.



Ariel couldn't dodge in time and was hit on her ribs by the club.

"Ariel!" Ky shouted.

She was sent flying a few meters before hitting the ground.


At least a few ribs were now broken.

Ariel clutched her side, but still stood back up.

Her expression was one of extreme anger.

Not a speck of hurt was shown on her face, just pure anger.


The monster let out another pained roar.

It was currently on its left knee with its right foot out in front of it.

He looked at both humans, but didn't make a move towards them.

Seeing Ariel was still alive, Ky continued his attack.

He started slashing viciously at the monster's back.

It tried swinging its club at Ky multiple times, but every time Ky would back up.

This caused the monster to just hit itself with its own weapon multiple times, further increasing the damage to its back.

It couldn't turn around to hurt Ky any longer because of its messed up leg, so it looked like the end for the goblin.

After a few minutes of this, the goblin had dozens of long and deep gashes on its back.

"Grrrrr." A quiet roar came from it before it collapsed on its stomach.

Ariel walked over and raised her sword with one hand on the side that wasn't hurt.

She sliced down execution style and decapitated the beast.

[You have killed a Hobgoblin (Leader of a platoon of goblins)]

[+7 stat points]

"You okay?" Ky asked.

"Somewhat. I think a few of my ribs are broken."

"Let's go back in the house, we'll look up a Utube video on how to fix you up." Ky suggested.

"Ariel!" A shout from her mother came to them.

The whole Stewart family was standing in the doorway watching the duo.

Patricia ran towards her daughter and wrapped her in a hug.

"Ow! Mom, be careful my ribs are messed up."

"Ah, sorry!"

Patricia, Ariel, and Ky walked back into the house towards the rest of the family.

"Are you okay baby?" Max asked.

"I'm okay dad."

Her younger sisters didn't say anything but were crying and looking up at her with a sad expression.

Ariel crouched down and gave them a hug, "I'm okay girls, stop crying."

This only made them cry more audibly.

"Mr. Stewart, could I borrow your phone? Ariel and I lost ours in the dungeons."

"Sure, son."

The man calling him son made him a little bit sad, but Ky ignored it and went to the Utube app on his phone.

After a few minutes of research Ky said, "It looks like you don't have to do much Ariel. It says they will heal on their own with time, just don't do anything for a while, even lifting your sword."



Her sword had long been dropped by the now closed door anyway.