Torture Chamber (1)


Warning: This chapter and the next few that are titled the same, may get a little dark and gruesome. Like the chapter title says, it will contain torture. However, there will be NO r*pe or anything like that. (And there never will be in any of my novels ever.)


"Fuck!" Ky shouted.

He couldn't feel his mana or his core, the only thing that could have potentially got them out of this situation.

He wasn't strong enough to break out of the chains, and the chains seemed to have some type of mana cancellation.

Ky was starting to lose hope of getting out of their situation.

"It's no use."

Ky looked up at Ariel.

He didn't realize before but she was already awake way before he awoke.

She had a dead look in her eyes and was just staring into space.

"What?" Ky asked.

"It's no use. We can't get out." She responded in a depressed tone.

Ky looked down at the ground, "Oh."


The couple quickly looked to the entrance of the dungeon they were currently in.

The door was to Ky's left.

As the door opened, seven hobgoblins stepped in.

They all looked the same except one.

The one in the middle was smaller than the others by a little bit, but was still much taller than a normal goblin.

He had gray hair on his head and a small white beard.

The other goblins didn't have hair on the top of their heads, much less facial hair.

The gray and white hair wasn't the only feature that gave away this old hobgoblins age.

He also had wrinkles all over his body.

Although he had many wrinkles, they didn't do much to cover up the muscular figure.

He was just as muscular if not more so than normal hobgoblins.

This hobgoblin also had more clothes and even accessories.

The other hobgoblins only wore loincloths.

This elderly hobgoblin wore a brown tunic and pants that had holes in them. He carried a walking stick in his right hand that had a few rings on it. His left hand had similar rings as well.

"Gradhhhaaaaahhhhhhhddddhahdahhh." The elderly hobgoblin growled to his companions.

Ky leaned his head a little and thought, 'So, they do speak a language?'

The elderly hobgoblin interrupted his thoughts, "Who man."

Ariel and Ky's eyes instantly widened.

'Did it just speak english?'

"Vi ole!" I shouted, looking back and forth between the two chained up humans.

It called them vile and nothing else.

The facial expression on his wrinkled face was one of pure anger.

It looked like he would launch himself at them at any moment.

He then pointed to himself and said, "Debt."

Then pointed to Ky and Ariel with his walking stick and said, "Re. Pay."

They didn't really understand what he was trying to say, but they would soon…

"Graddahhh." He growled again to his hobgoblin companions.

They didn't say anything back and split into two groups of three before moving to the cells of the humans.

One of the hobgoblins in the group that moved to Ky's cell unlocked the door before stepping in. His two friends followed him closely behind.

"What are you going to do?" Ky asked with fear in his voice to the elderly hobgoblin.

Ariel looked towards the hobgoblin as well with a questioning look on her face.

The old hobgoblin didn't answer with his voice, but rather with a smile.

"What are you going to do?!" Ky yelled much louder this time as the three hobgoblins in his cell got closer.

Ky may have been ignorant of the ways of monsters, but he now understood what was about to happen.

Two humans just marched into their village and killed off over half of their forces.

Instead of killing the two humans, the monsters decided to capture them and were now walking into their cells with things in their hands.

Ky put two and two together and realized that he and his girlfriend were about to be tortured for their actions.

This is why Ky suddenly became so vocal, he was getting more scared with each passing second.

Ariel was so silent not because she lacked fear in this situation, but rather because of the opposite. She realized what was most likely going to happen just a few minutes after she awoke.

She tried to mentally prepare herself for what was to come, but nothing could prepare a normal person for torture.

She was currently in a state of shock and didn't really know what to do or say.

Ky looked up at the hobgoblin that was the closest.

It had an expression of deep hatred on his face, just like the elderly hobgoblin.

Looking at the other two, their expressions were the exact same.

'They are looking at me as if I am hitler… But I guess I'm not too far from it for them…'

'I had no clue they could even feel things like this. They look just like us, but at the same time not.'

Ky was starting to realize that the monsters he had been killing all this time weren't just mindless beasts. He was treating this new world too much like a video game. He never even considered that the monsters he was mercilessly slaughtering could feel things like hatred.

The only other emotion before this he had seen was anger, and that was just because of a cut or injury they would get.

'If they can feel emotions like hatred, what else can they feel?'

Ky didn't get the time to think about the answer to this question.

The hobgoblin that was close brought his hand up to Ky's and grabbed one of his fingers.

Ky's eyes went wide in expectation of the pain that was to come.

The hobgoblin's face twisted into a large smile.



His head whipped back and he let out a guttural scream.

Ky was currently experiencing the most pain he had ever experienced in his life, by a long shot.

However, the night wasn't over. In fact, for the hobgoblins the fun was just starting.

The hobgoblin grabbed the next finger and gave it the same treatment.


"AGHHHH!" Ky let out another scream.

"AHHHHHH!" Another more feminine scream came from across Ky, but it never even registered in his head.

There weren't any thoughts going through his head, other than the pain he was currently in.

The hobgoblin reached to grab another finger.

"No! No! No! NO! NO!" Ky started shouting.

"Hehehehe." The creature let out an evil laugh.



"HAHAHAHAH!" The hobgoblin laughed even louder at the screams Ky was letting out.

The monster turned its head to one of its companions and gestured to Ky's other hand.


There were tears flowing down Ky's face like a waterfall and snot rolling down to his lips.

"Crack! Crack!"

This time two fingers were broken simultaneously, one on each hand.

The three hobgoblins in his cell laughed as if they just heard the best joke in the world.

Ky didn't notice, but the elderly hobgoblin was still smiling ear to ear at the loud screams of the two humans in the dungeon.

Ky couldn't see anything at the moment. His tears were causing his vision to stay blurry.

He couldn't even prepare himself for the incoming pain anymore, because he didn't know exactly when it would happen.

As the hobgoblins broke more and more fingers, Ky's screams got louder and louder.

When one hand was fully broken, they would go back to the first finger and just move it in the opposite direction it was currently facing.

His already broken fingers were being broken more in different places.


After an hour of this, Ky and Ariel's fingers looked like snakes traveling through tall grass.

"Grraaahhdddaaaah" The elderly hobgoblin growled to the three in each cell.

They stopped what they were doing and left the cells.

Ky lifted his head to see what was going on.

He was happy that the constant pain subsided a little bit, but he was more scared that something worse would come next.

His worries were for nothing, at least today.

The old hobgoblin then went into Ky's cell first.

Ky couldn't see him very well because his tears were still blocking the majority of his vision, but he could vaguely make out the white and gray on his face and head.

The goblin reached up and straightened Ky's fingers one by one.

He would have screamed again, but his voice had long been lost.

The hobgoblin then left Ky's cell and did the same to Ariel.

Her voice hadn't gone out, so Ky heard her screams as he did it.


Her screams caused him even more pain than the long hour of torture he just experienced.

Ky couldn't take it anymore, "Blegh!"

He let out his lunch all over himself.

It ran down his chin to his shirt, and there was nothing he could do to remove it.

With bloody, crooked fingers, and vomit all down his torso Ky's brain finally allowed him to pass out…