Torture Chamber (2)


"Ky! Wake up!"



"Wake up!"

Ky swiftly opened his eyes.

He was confused at first because of his half sleep state, but the memories flooded his mind as soon as his eyes opened.


Ky groaned in pain.

His fingers still hurt just as bad as when the hobgoblins were twisting them like sticks.

"I'm awake." He responded to Ariel.

There were still a few torches burning on the walls, so he could see her silhouette hanging from the wall in the adjacent cell.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Haha. No. Are you?"


"Sigh. I'm sorry this is all my fault."

"I won't deny that Ky, but I went along with it as well so I am just as much to blame."

"I shouldn't have put us in so much danger."

Tears started streaming down his face again, following the paths of the tears from just a few hours ago.

"There's nothing we can do about it now. Hick."

'Is she crying as well?'

Ky heard Ariel make a sobbing noise at the end of her sentence.

It wasn't irrational for anyone to be crying in such a situation, and Ky was doing so himself. However, he found himself leaning on Ariel for emotional support.

"You don't have to be the strong one Ariel. That should be my job anyway, not yours. I should be the one comforting you."

Although Ky said this, the realization only made him cry more.

He felt that as the man in the relationship, he should be the one to comfort his partner when in a tough situation.

"I'm older than you. No one of your age should be going through something like this."

"Don't say bullshit like that. No one of any age should have to go through having their fingers twisted and turned like a child's playthings for hours on end." Ky responded with an angry tone.

Ariel looked up at him with wide eyes.


After a few minutes of silence Ky spoke again, "We'll get through this. I don't know how, but I'm going to find a way to get us out of this."

Ariel didn't respond, so he continued.

"I won't let my family get wiped out by this crap. First my parents die tragically in a freak dungeon accident, and now their son is supposed to die in another dungeon?!"

The last sentence was an angry shout.

Ky was no longer talking to Ariel, but more to himself.

"Fuck the gods! Fuck the goblins! Fuck this life! Fuck everything!"

"Haha." A laugh that didn't come from Ariel or Ky was heard.

Ky and Ariel looked up at the dungeon entrance in horror.

All the fight Ky had been building up in his body instantly left.

He was reduced to a trembling bundle of fear.

The elderly goblin didn't say anything else, but continued to laugh as he walked into the room followed by the six other hobgoblins who made a mess of the human couple's hands.

"No…" Ky said in a meek voice.

"Please…" Ariel pleaded.

The hobgoblins didn't even bat an eye.

They most likely couldn't even understand what the two humans were saying. The only one who might was the elderly hobgoblin.


The sound of the keys opening the door to the cage of his cell rang loudly in Ky's ears.

It gave the same sense of suspense a person would feel when the lights of the movie theater go off to start a horror movie, but much much worse…

Ky's head drooped in defeat.

He knew there was nothing he could say or do to get out of this.

Of course, he still had the tiniest sliver of hope left, but that's what the hobgoblins were after.

Their purpose in torturing the humans wasn't to get information from them like this was some kind of spy drama. No, there purpose in the torture was the cause fear, pain, and a loss of hope.

They wanted the humans to lose all hope in ever seeing the light of day again, just like the now deceased goblins they killed mercilessly.

They wanted them to feel the same pain and fear of hopelessness any goblin felt in their final moments before death.

Tears and snot once again covered Ky's face.

He tried to prepare himself mentally for the hobgoblins to break his fingers again, but that wasn't their goal this time.

When the three monsters got in front of Ky, they didn't reach for his fingers.

They pulled knives out of their belts.




'No. No. No. No. No. No.'

'They're going to kill us!'

The pain from having his fingers constantly broken was still fresh in Ky's mind, but he knew sharp objects would be infinitely worse.

There was a very tangible risk of death with sharp objects piercing his skin.

He didn't realize it at the moment because his mind was in such disarray, but the hobgoblins wouldn't purposefully kill someone they wanted to torture, even with the sharp objects.

So, while Ky was afraid of being killed, that was probably the greatest mercy they could offer him in such a situation.



The screams of the two humans rang out in the dungeon as the hobgoblins got to work cutting up their flesh.

The cuts never went more than half an inch deep, and anything that produced too much blood was patched up later, but that didn't stop the pain.

It took three hours for the two to finally pass out from a combination of the blood loss and the overwhelming pain.

Those three hours of torture felt like years to Ky.

They were so out of it, they didn't even realize they were awoken throughout the night to be fed a small amount of food and water.

Ky didn't even have nightmares like one would expect in a situation like this.

He had a dreamless night, just to wake up to a nightmare the next morning…


There will only be a few more chapters of this because I don't want to bore or disgust anyone for too long, but I hope the small number of chapters doesn't diminish just how much time will pass of this...

Big thank you to anyone who has supported the novel so far, it makes me very excited and happy., especially JoJo_Black and PropagandaDS who have continuously supported through power stones and comments!
