Torture Chamber (3)


A week into the torture Ky and Ariel started noticing the pain wasn't affecting them as much.

Hours upon hours of the day was spent cutting, stabbing, or bending bones by the hobgoblins.

The only rest they got was when they would pass out and sometimes when the hobgoblins would sleep for the night.

They were patched up after each session and forcibly fed water and food to keep them alive.

This was almost as painful as actually being tortured for them.

Knowing you would be kept alive against your will did something to further break the minds of the humans.

After the second week, Ky and Ariel could no longer form a coherent thought.

They were starting to go mad.

It was a testament to their physical and mental strength that they successfully lasted even this long before experiencing sickness of the mind.

The only reason they were able to do so, and still hadn't gone completely crazy was that they had each other.

They would pass the time by telling each other stories about their childhood.

This helped to take their minds off the pain sometimes, but they didn't get many moments like this.

It was rare for both of them to be awake while the hobgoblins were asleep.

These moments kept the hope alive in Ky's heart that by some miracle they would make it out of this alive.

By the third week, all of that hope was lost…

Ky no longer screamed as loud, or cried as much while being ruthlessly tortured by the hobgoblins.

By the time the first month was over, he no longer felt anything at all.

It was also around this time that Ky figured out that the hobgoblins were more violent depending on his reactions.

The loud he screamed, the longer they tortured him and the more painful that particular session would be.

By the fifth week, they both learned to have expressionless faces throughout the torture sessions.

While this didn't completely get rid of their pain, it significantly lessened it.

It took all of his remaining willpower to do so, but Ky didn't show a single change in his expression throughout the whole week.

He no longer wanted to give the vile creatures the satisfaction they were getting from the torture anymore.

By the sixth week, Ky finally understood why everything went wrong. However, this only made his situation much worse.

He fell much farther into the pit of madness because of the self deprecation these realizations caused.

Like an idiot, he put himself and his girlfriend in great danger.

It took six whole weeks for him to fully figure this out and to understand just how much danger he put them in with his actions.

"If there are any gods still left in our solar system, I apologize for my actions. Just save her. Take me, but save her, that's all I ask."

He offered up a prayer with that last tiny bit of hope still left.

By the ninth week, Ariel and Ky no longer had to act. They no longer felt any pain.

There was a time when a hobgoblin almost accidentally sliced Ky's whole leg off, but his face didn't so much as twitch in response.

He could still feel that they were doing something to him, and could feel it on his skin, but it was as if his pain receptors had stopped working.

By the tenth week, the humans no longer had any thoughts going through their heads.

They were more akin to robots completing daily tasks.

They no longer spoke to each other, no longer had the thoughts of madmen, no longer felt the pain of their torture, and no longer had hope.

That tiny little bit of hope that everyone possesses no matter the situation, is now gone.

By the eleventh week, Ky began seeing illusions.

Some days his parents would show up to talk to him and some days a clone of himself would show up and they would have a conversation.

He never talked about anything of value with neither his parents nor the clone.

They were the ramblings of someone broken.

He didn't even realize he was speaking most times.

His mouth and eyes would move on their own.

By the twelfth week, Ky no longer felt like he was the one controlling his body.

He felt as if he was just a spectator in the life of some other poor soul.

It felt like a very bad and boring movie that he couldn't skip.

He was forced to watch the movie the whole way through.

Ariel was in a similar condition.

Most times she wouldn't even wake up during the torture sessions.

The hobgoblins stopped getting any satisfaction or anything else out of the torture sessions long ago.

No one knew but them why they continued to torture the humans, but it didn't matter to Ariel or Ky.

Nothing mattered to them anymore.

Their minds were completely broken.

On the thirteenth week, the hobgoblins starting experimenting with new ways of torture.

They started inflicting burns all around Ky's body.

That very same day, they tried waterboarding him for hours on end.

Throughout that night, they tried ripping the nails from the hands and feet of the humans.

When dawn of the next day came, they tried ripping the teeth from Ky's mouth slowly.

None of it did anything.

Ky and Ariel continued to not feel anything, there was next to nothing the hobgoblins could do anymore to cause them to feel any pain.

Physical pain was a thing of the past for the two. Even mental pain was no longer effective.

Not because they were so strong mentally, but rather the complete opposite.

They were so broken, they didn't even know what mental pain was.

The only thing that could potentially harm them, was to actually kill the other in front of their partners eyes, but that was a last resort to the hobgoblins.

The only change came on the 93rd day. It was the morning of the second day, on the thirteenth week when everything changed…


This might be a slight spoiler so read this author's note at your own discretion lol.

I won't get into the specifics of what is going to happen in the next chapter, but most of you can already guess what's going to happen.

To give you a hint: the next chapter will be titled, "Wrath of the Storm God"
