Wrath of the Storm God


On the 93rd day of their captivity, the hobgoblins decided to experiment with a new torture method.

As the elderly hobgoblin and his six retainers walked through the doors, Ky looked up at them with dead eyes.

He had no thoughts going through his head, but he knew what was about to happen.

It wouldn't pain him at all, so there was no reason to worry about it.

He let his head droop back down and tried to fall back asleep.

His dreamless nights at least offered him some kind of peace and quiet.

But, before he could fall back asleep, the elderly hobgoblin interrupted him.

The hobgoblin rarely spoke to Ariel and Ky, but when he did it was in broken English with a heavy accent.

"You. Die. Today." He said with a large grin on his face.

If this were a few weeks ago, Ky would have been shouting in joy at the hobgoblins words, but he no longer cared and neither did Ariel.

This caused the hobgoblin to become angry. The smile on his face quickly faltered.

He was offering them mercy, yet they had the gall to ignore him?

After what they did to his people it wouldn't be ridiculous to torture them for years on end.

He quickly looked back at two of his retainers and gestured at them to move forward.

"Grahhh." He growled out a command.

The retainers gave him a deep bow and moved to the cells where the two humans were being held.

They both had a wooden box with intricate carvings on their hands.

The hobgoblin in Ky's cell quickly made his way over to Ky and opened the box.


For the first time in what may have been weeks, Ky had an actual coherent thought go through his head.

Looking into the box was what appeared to be a small chunk of uncooked meat.

The meat looked like steak, but had a weird slimy substance that was tinted with gold covering it.


Ky felt an odd attraction to the chunk of meat. It felt like something was compelling him to look at it. If he weren't chained to the wall right now, he may have even gotten on his knees and prostrated himself before the chunk of meat.

He didn't know why he was feeling these things, but he didn't even second guess the fact that he wanted to bow down to a piece of meat.

The hobgoblins brought the meat chunks to the mouths of Ariel and Ky simultaneously.

They didn't even try to object, they willingly opened their mouths to eat it.

"Hehe." The old hobgoblin chuckled evilly at this sight.


The second the meat touched his mouth, Ky felt like he was in heaven.

He had never tasted anything better. It was like the world's finest honey, chocolate, and something else he couldn't put his finger on were all combined into the texture of a steak.

While that may sound like it wasn't appetizing, oddly it made for the greatest tasting delicacy the two humans had ever had.


Right after Ky swallowed the food, he received a message from the system, but he was too out of it to read at the moment.

[You have consumed meat from the great Sæhrímnir that was marinated in the gods nectar]

[The food of the gods is extremely painful and deadly for unintelligent races and monsters to consume, but very beneficial for intelligent races like humans. You may only consume one bite worth before you ascend to godhood, because more than a bite will be too much for your current body to handle. The effects of just one bite are extraordinary.]


[You have unlocked your dormant bloodline. You are a descendant of the Giantess of the Wilderness, Skadi.]

[Your dormant bloodline will now go into an awakening process.]

Ky was still experiencing too much bliss from the food of the gods to read any of the messages.

The same thing was happening in the adjacent cell to Ariel.


The hobgoblins growled in confusion.

The humans in front of them were supposed to shrivel up and die in the most painful way possible. They had experienced it happening to one of their own when they first found these chunks of meat, so why isn't it happening to the humans?

"Hahahahaha, you have made a grave mistake old man." Ky suddenly said.

He was still feeling on top of the world, but he had regained some of his senses.

The food of the gods not only served to awaken dormant bloodlines, but also heals all wounds. All wounds includes mental wounds…

Ky definitely wasn't all there mentally, but he was dragged out of his state of indifference to the world.


[Your bloodline has started to awaken. This may be painful.]

With a large smile still on his face, Ky's figure began to transform.

His skin healed at a rate too fast to even comprehend. That was just the start, next he grew long nails that seemed sharp enough to pierce through anything. Then some strands of his hair grew white and his skin took on a light blue hue to it. The skin color change was barely noticeable, but Ky and Ariel would be able to tell it was different.

His ears grew into points like an elf and he grew sharp fangs like a vampire.

"Ariel, you okay?" He shouted.

The pain wasn't affecting him in the slightest.

"Never been better babe!" She shouted joyously.

Ariel was currently going through a transformation just like Ky was, but hers had different effects.

Most of the effects weren't visible, but the one visible effect was very prominent.

Ariel was already a 10/10 by normal human standards in her looks. If anyone were to give her a rating now, they would immediately say 100/10 without a second thought, and then regret saying so because that didn't do enough justice to her appearance.

"Let's pay them back!" Ky said.

"Of course!" A shout came back.


To the horror of every hobgoblin in the room, the shackles holding the humans exploded into a million tiny pieces.


First of two chapters today. Thanks to everyone who has donated power stones and/or recently added the novel to your library!
