Wrath of the Storm God and the Nature Goddess

The second Ky's feet hit the ground, an explosion of air burst forth.

At the same time, the earth under the hobgoblins started trembling viciously.

It only took 2 seconds for the whole building to come crashing down, and then explode outward.


[Your awakening has put you into a berserk state]

Ky paid no attention to the message.

The only thing going through his head right now was revenge.

He wanted revenge not only for how the hobgoblins treated him, but also how they treated his significant other.

Their actions may have been slightly justified, but that didn't make Ky any less angry.

He had come to the realization that he was in a world where the laws of the jungle ruled supreme again.

He didn't care if their actions were justified or not. They made him and Ariel feel tremendous pain, so he was going to pay it back tenfold.

Ariel was no different.

The two humans inadvertently adopted an indifferent attitude because of what they were forced to go through for the past three months.

They no longer cared what their actions brought. They would do what they wanted because they wanted to do it and for no other reasons.

If they wanted to destroy a whole goblin village, they would do so, unless someone planned on stopping them.

But, at this moment, who was going to stop them?


Ky let out a roar that sounded like that of an ancient dragon, or more accurately like an angered giant.

His long, sharp fangs only increased the fear anyone would feel at seeing such a sight.

However, there was no one that was currently alive and close enough to witness the roar, except for Ariel.


She giggled seeing her beloved getting so riled up.

She was just as angry as he was, and was currently experiencing a berserk state of her own, but it didn't show outwardly as much as it did for Ky.

Her irises turned completely red, making her look like a seductive enchantress.


The howling wind drowned out Ariel's giggle.

The dungeon could no longer be called so.

The roof had been ripped off and flung kilometers away, the cells now just looked like long poles of metal scattered everywhere, the floor was uneven and torn to shreds, and there was not a single hobgoblin that could be seen.

They were all buried under the ruble.

Ky started floating, using his wind powers.

After a second, he flew up into the air faster than a bullet.

He stopped after reaching 50 meters above the ground.

Ariel quickly followed behind. She used the earth under her to launch herself up and brought a large platform with her to stand on.

The two floated in the air and surveyed the goblin village with disdain clear on their faces.

"Let's tear it to pieces." Ariel said, still looking at the village.

"It won't even be recognizable." Ky replied.


Out of nowhere a bright strike of lightning flew through the sky.


It hit Ky right on the top of his head, but he had no reaction.

This was his lightning, it was not going to hurt its master.

Storm clouds quickly formed in the sky, accompanied by loud rumblings of thunder and the occasional bolt of lightning that hit Ky.

The wind then started to pick up even more.

However, this time it was flowing around both Ariel and Ky.

It was just as strong on the ground as well.

They were both using the power of wind and forming strong gales that swept through the skys and on the ground.

At this point, the remaining hobgoblins in the village had started to come out of their houses and run around the village frantically. They had no idea how to stop the two humans who were floating in the air akin to gods about to dish out divine punishment.

The light drizzle of rain that came with the storm clouds swiftly turned into a large downpour.

It was as if someone was dumping buckets of water on top of the hobgoblins continuously. However, Ariel and Ky were just as dry as they were 10 seconds ago.

Ky grabbed Ariel's right hand with his left, and raised his own right hand up.

Ariel did the same with her left hand.

They were performing in sync without having to discuss what they were about to do out loud.

As soon as Ariel's hand raised, the earth started shaking.

An earthquake of a higher magnitude than what even seemed possible assaulted the goblin village.

Houses were soon turned to rubble with hobgoblins buried under them.

After Ky raised his hand, the water that was flowing down from the sky like a river started to harden.

Soon, large icicles were falling down from the sky like spears.

That wasn't all, lightning was still striking the ground, but this time with a much higher intensity.

The lightning was aiming to kill.

Any hobgoblin that survived the earthquake that was still shaking under their feet, was struck down by an icicle spear or a large lightning strike.

Ky now had ice forming on his skin, and lightning snakes dancing around his body. None of this harmed Ariel, and similarly the thorny vines that started growing out of her own body avoided injuring Ky.

The vines were flowing from her hair like they were always a part of it.

The screams of the hobgoblins could be heard even from 50 meters in the air by Ariel and Ky, but their only response was to smile wider.

They continued to decimate the goblin village with no remorse.

This continued for over 10 minutes, with the last goblin being killed a few minutes ago, but the couple continued their destruction.



Ky groaned and opened his eyes.

He was laying on the cold, hard ground.

"What the f-"

His shout was interrupted by Ariel's own, "Holy shit!"

"What happened here?" Ky asked.

Ariel shrugged.

It was hard to even describe his surroundings. It was like a tornado had come through the area and then the very same area was stomped on by a giant's foot, repeatedly.


Thank you to JoJo_Black and PropagandaDS for the continuous support through power stones and to Bryson99 for the 3 power stones yesterday!
