Son of Water Part 1

( This is a Dark Origin story, so please be warned about the harsh words.)


*Raiden tells the story from his perspective.*

It starts in the summer, twenty-two years ago*.

On the beach of Trinia, in the W District.

There's some unexpected event, that happened on that day before summer ends.

Both of you might've heard this one, because this story was so booming in Trinia back at that time, and many of those who see this still live in their old age.

Where on that beach, there's a woman found on the shores, clothless.

As people see that, they began to panic and immediately take the woman to the medic, but during their taking, they see that the unconscious woman is currently pregnant for an unknown sum of months it happened.

Doctors and Medics save her and also decided to operate on her and take the baby out from her.

" It's a boy! " the nurse then pats him.

" Uwaagghhh!!! " the baby cries.

" Doctor, the baby is crying, the operation succeed! " the nurse says as she holds the baby, as the baby begins tears began to flow out from him and began to flood the whole operating room which shocks even the doctor.

" This is not normal..., this is... "

" Aaaa...! " a woman screamed.

" What the...!? " the doctor was shocked as the unconscious woman somehow woke up despite already being sedated earlier.

" That baby, he's a filth to be given by the divine...! " the woman awakens somehow.

Seeing that, the doctors were confused to see it which made them wonder how the woman awakened from the sedative state she was in right back then.

As she awakened the doctor who was in charge of the operation then asks the woman what happened, despite the illogical thing that happened at that time, he ask the woman about everything, what happened to her, and ask her about the child too.

" That child...! " the awakened woman then sees the baby that the nurse holds.

Seeing it, she begins to go wild as if she's being possessed by something which made the other nurses have to hold her.

" K... kill that baby! " the woman says asking them to kill the newborn immediately as his tears flood the operation room's floors.

" That baby is an abomination, he should've not existed because of me! " she says while screaming crazily, making the people there look at each other, making the wonder if the woman is possessed hence the attitude.

" I... I should not... have him... I... "

" I thought... that divine would help me... instead... "

" It... was... his... mistake... he... "

" Tricked... me! "

" Who tricked you...!? " the operating doctor asks which made the woman go silent as she tries to say it but somehow her tongue holds itself, preventing her from telling the thing she wants to tell.

" Please kill him, doctor!!! "

" If he founds out, if his brethren found out, they will kill us both much worse than what I tell you right now! " the woman shouts in her fear for she begins to say nonsense while struggling so hard.

" Why... why..., no... " the operating doctor listen to her and sees the baby which made him confused as his mind was so dizzy to see all of this.

" No, no, this... "

" This... is just crazy, this... " he murmured in all of the chaos, the mother is crazy the baby is abnormally crying and the other medics just had a hard time processing things.

In midst of all confusion, suddenly the operating doctor's mind clicked, and somehow his mind begin to tell him that he needs to ask the questions at that very moment which is.

" This... "

" Huh..., wait... " the doctors suddenly clicked.

" Hello there you, please answer! "

" Who are you and who is this baby's father, answer me!!!? " the doctor asked all of a sudden for that's the only question in his mind right now.

" That's not important, raarrkh! " the woman says in her crazed state.

" What's important right now is for you to kill his baby, for his father, that divine will... ugghhh " her tongue suddenly stops.

" Huh!? "

" his fa.. uigigghbofjdgfkjgfhhh! " she tries her best to tell, but as she tried to speak it, her tongue begin to tilt as if it was tilted by an unknown external force, chocking her.

" What the..., all of you help...- " the operating doctor orders but it was too late, for whatever happened to her, it made her head explode when she tries to even tell something to doctors and nurses at that very moment as blood splatter from her exploded head.

As it happened, the people there just went silent as the red liquid sprayed all over the medical suits, and during that silence, the baby still cries, his tears still flooding the floors of the operation room, making the floors like a red-blooded river as it happens. At that very moment, it was just some bloody chaos happening at that operating table, all adults are silent except for the baby that cries so hard on that very moment, the day he was born. An unknown baby, born abnormally for how he was born was very confusing and can't be explained fully in detail for no words further could describe that event.



" Ah, I see now... " Kara says.

" I've also heard that one, the story of the 'bloody flood delivering'. "

" I also remembered my mother mentioned that story to me. " Kara says while the Battle Maiden nods as she also knows that very story.

" I see, no wonder I was already familiar with this story, but still... "

" It's just... "

" So Waterson is this baby? " she asks Raiden and he nods.

" He told me himself and from how he described it, I believed him. " Raiden replies as he then continues the story.



After the baby was born, the doctors and the nurse who was present in that event then adopts the baby, naming him Adrian for the doctors finally found that the baby's mother is from Adria, Italy.

I know you must all be confused regarding this but that's what they said in the story, you could also find it in old newspapers for that is what those witnesses said at that moment.

Regarding how the hell the baby's mother ended up on Trinia's shores. I must say that she must have something to do with some extraordinary regarding what she gave birth to before she dies.

A baby that immediately gets the ability of water during his birth, the first baby to ever activated his Gifts after being born.

Even doctors can't be certain about how this happened but they decide to reject every Inquisitorial attempt by the Inquisitors to investigate further, knowing what the mother said before she died.


" Regarding the Divine? " Battle Maiden asks which Raiden nods.

" Yes, the doctors decide to keep the divine gods and their adversaries to stay out from the baby, probably in respect for the dead mother or just having some paranoia. "

" Even they have to go out on their way to exile themselves in fear of the Inquisitor's approach while raising the baby as their own, in fear of more complications in the press or even for so many other things. " Raiden explains.

" But after many years, after they exile themselves. "

" Fifteen years later. "

" It was the first time, that I met Adrian. "

" For I was at District U back then, still avoiding people for my 'Sin Mark' and persecution regarding my bloodline. "

" At that time, I escaped society by hiding in the underground facilities made by those who want to stay out of the rules. "

" In that underground society, I see an Underground battle ring, and from there. "

" I see Adrian for the first time, fighting those older than him at that moment. "

" The moment that made me inspired for the first time in my life. Raiden says as he remembers it.

He remembers that very event years ago.

" Weaklings, you think you normies had the chance to defeat me!? " young Adrian says as he beats up his opponents with his abilities in front of Raiden who happens to watch his fight back then, for he was so strong at that age.

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