Son of Water Part 2

"( This is a Dark Origin story, so please be warned about the harsh words.)


" The Underground Society Place, huh? " Battle Maiden asks.

" I think I've raided one before," she says.

" Yes, and that underground society place you raided is the place I'm talking about right now! " Raiden replies telling her that because of her, he missed that place for that's the place where his life changed.

" You raided that place and burn it all, joined with the Inquisitors were you not? " Raiden looks at Kara too which made her stutter.

"( Shit, that place... )" Kara says in her mind.

As Raiden tell them about it, he then explains further about the past between him and Adrian even more.

" So what happened? are we beginning to get to the part where you meet him? " Kara asks Raiden while he stared at her at the moment.

" Well yes... "

" It started after he won the matches that day. " Raiden continues to tell the story.


I was watching him getting out of the ring and get his usual paycheck and we comes, I immediately greeted him, telling him how impressed I was seeing his fight earlier as I mustered all of my bravery for that one moment, I had no Deviant Thunder back then, this was before all of that.

" Thank you, bro... "

" Your name was Raiden, right? " Adrian says to me, calling my name after I greeted him earlier. I only tell him my front name, not my full name since I had that 'middle' name, the name 'Jack', the name of my murderous ancestor, Jack the Ripper, added to me since I had his blood in my veins, for the doctors who identified my DNA immediately stamped the name after I was delivered by mother whom I never once met.

As I greeted Adrian, I ask him much about underground fights and he was very generous, he taught me to fight despite me not having any Gift Abilities back then, I was Ungifted, Giftless or whatever you might call me, but still Adrian don't give an s##t for he just trains me like we all train those who had Gifts.

He trains me to use weaponry, to use a sword, and some other things to compensate for my lack of natural and latent Gift abilities. Hence, making slowly win in the underground fights, just like him.

For many months, I become close to him, both as his mentee and his friend. At that time, Adrian then decides to take me to where he lives, to a place out of the grid, inside the forests.

" Bah, where the hell do you actually live, Adrian!? " I asked him after coming out from the forest.

" Here it is, this is my house where I still keep things for now. " Adrian says, showing me an old secluded house, an old large house in the middle of the forest area, built there for whatever reason.

Seeing that, I wondered why the hell Adrian live in that kind of place, are his parents the ones who built this?

" Parents...? " Adrian asked me.

" You mean the doctors...? " he asked me back, adding his question, making me confused but at that minute, I immediately assumed that he was adopted hence why he asked me back like that.

" The doctors? are they your parents? " I ask Adrian again.

" Adoptive ones yes, they said my mom died after delivering me into this world," he says while we approach the house he then opens it, showing me inside the house where it was all dirty and old.

" You live in this place? " I asked him as ashes comes into my nose, making me sneeze all over.

" Of course, but we need to get into the lower floors for the dirty here are all decorations to fool those who want to rob. " Adrian closes the opened doors.

" Come, down is where I keep all of the things," he says as he then opens a secret doorway into the lower floors of his house as I follow him, before even coming down, I see a bunch of dead corpses in the main floor which really shocks me before I went down with him.

" Don't forget to close it or the robbers know that there's a floor below. " Adrian told me to just close it as we went down the Lower Ground and as we descends, I was shocked to see that there was an underground large medical center, a laboratory, and other things that were so medical in nature.

" Welcome to my house, Raiden. " Adrian turns off the generator device in that place.

" Please, think of it as your new home," he says to me.

" New home? " I said as I then followed him suddenly, we must all go into a gate as it has scanners all over it, and during that time, as I entered it, the scanner beeped loudly as it scans me and detects the 'Sin Mark' in my body which immediately creeps me out.

[ ' Sin Mark Detected!!! ' ]

[ ' Sin Mark Detected!!! ' ]

[ ' Sin Mark Detected!!! ' ]

" Adrian this, um... "

" You have it too? " Adrian asks which shocks me again as he then showed the Sin Mark in his Sin Mark bluntly to me as it was already on him after he was born.

" I know what you're thinking buddy, how the hell did I get one while having a Gift ability too, isn't that what you're wondering? " Adrian asks I nod at that time.

" Well of course I can, unlike many people, I was born different. "

" You see... "

" If other people had to wait days or months to have the gods' ability gifted to them after they were born, then I'm the most prodigal and gifted. "

" For despite having the annoying and torturous Sin Mark, it didn't take away or prevent my Gift Ability to manifest. "

" For unlike other people, I was born with my water Gift, it's in my blood. " Adrian says which shocked me as I then felt something as he says that.

" So you're saying that those who had 'Sin Mark' could have the Gift abilities? " I asked him.

" Yes, but if you want to do that, the ability itself must be passed from your ancestors in your own very blood and DNA. "

" If you don't have those kinds of ancestors, then you're hopeless since the 'Sin Mark' will never let you have any abilities in your limited life. " Adrian says it to me which triggers something in my mind.

" Adrian, regarding ancestry... " I said to him.

" I think my ancestor passed his ability to me. "

" Well actually Adrian, do you know that I'm a 'Jack', the descendant of Jack the Ripper? " I asked him while finally revealing my full name to him all of the sudden.

" I see, so you were thinking that you might have his Gifts in you, right? "

" I heard he had the most unique Gift Ability that somehow passed into his descendants despite all of them being 'Sin Mark'ed! "

" Yes, that's what I'm getting after you said it earlier. " I tell him.

" I was wondering if I... "

" Well, we might've better checked it first. " Adrian interrupts me and brings me into a nearby lab.

" C'mon, you better hurry check if you had potential or not! " he says to me while I follow him and suddenly see a bunch of skulls, wearing hazmat suits.

"( Skulls...? )" I wondered at that very moment as I still followed Adrian, despite what I'd seen.


" Why the place had those corpses? " Kara suddenly asks Raiden about it.

" Based on the story, could the corpses be? "

" I'm not finished, Kara..., hold it! " Raiden shuts her and then explains to them that the story will enter that part.

" Listen closely, you all... "

" In the next story phase, you will know why Adrian and I do all of this. " Raiden says as he continues his story, where he was checking his own DNA using the medical device available there as Adrian had doctoral knowledge in his arsenal thanks to his adoptive parents.


" Ah, it seems fate is good with you buddy! " Adrian says, showing me that I'm Jack the Ripper's descendant like they labeled me and I also had been examined, to potentially have, Jack the Ripper's ability which is to summon a weapon from his hands.

" It seems you have luck given by fate, Raiden," he says to me which made me happy at that time.

" You can unlock your inherited Gift Ability. " Adrian says to me which really enhances how I felt at the time.


See stories, regarding Adrian's past like in 'Chapter 106: Memories Part 1'.

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