Waited for so long

( Outside the Cutscene )

< Cutscene Ended >

" So she deemed Privilege is Power, huh? " Ragna says as he witnessed it.

" I've waited for so long, for the action, but I was immediately given a quote instead of a blasts and bruises action sequence. "

" No, Maiden, I'm not complaining if the memories are boring, but. "

" The quote is... realistic, should've posted it on the internet and it'll sure be viral. " Ragna praises he deems the quote to be realistic and motivational in front of the Battle Maiden.

" I wouldn't call it motivational, I'd say, it's toxic. "

" Just because you have privilege, doesn't mean you could get a with- "

" From countless accusations, oh sorry, that was- " Ragna says it as he realized that he just implicitly, no, explicitly hinted at Battle Maiden's accusation from where she could get freed from it using her Divine Avatar Status.

Listening to it, Battle Maiden grumps as Ragna mentions it, it really hurts her.

" I'm sorry Maiden, but I can't help but to joke on it after seeing it. "

" Besides we've only seen half of the story you want to show me through the 'Memory Records' not to mention this is not even the Main Plot I'm waiting for. "

" Yes, please wait for that, for that will be the peak of the past event I'm showing you right now, remember. "

" To add the perspective, remember that your uncle should've been the 'Villain' of this story, hmm? "

" Yes I understand for the long plot, I've guessed that the Memory Records tries to show or mentioned some filler things that shouldn't be shown, right? "

" Just look at the Grand Holy Priestess' intro, the story resolves around your awkward friendship with her, which kinda looked sus' in some parts due to her being clingy towards you, Maiden? "

" And also, the last cutscene quite showed me how OP she was, probably because of her Privilege, isn't it? " Ragna sarcastically asks if he really found it to be boring about Battle Maiden's relationship with Grand Holy Priestess Tsuchimikado,

" You really wanted to see your uncle in action so badly, aren't you? " Battle Maiden asks Ragna.

" YES!!! "


" Why the hell I had to watch these for hours long after all these hours, Maiden? "

" I'm waiting for the Dark Avatar thing, I want to know how the hell my Uncle ruin your life, actually. " Ragna says as Battle Maiden understands his reasoning.

"( Such an impatient kid, judging from his requests I could tell he and his uncle was that close before, to the point he didn't care whether his uncle doing bad things or not, he just wants to see him in action even if he knows the end result of it. )" Battle Maiden thinks.

" Yes, I will skip some Memories, then. " Battle Maiden as she stumbles into one memory cutscene.

" What is it Maiden? Is that the moment? "

" No, just some important memory. "

" I really wanted to show this to you, it's my memory before things go rough for both me and Alice-chan. "

" Let's just say this is the last thing before the action you want to see, do you want to witness it? " Battle Maiden humbly requests while knowing Ragna himself is already bored after seeing the slice-of-life episodes of memories.

" *Yawn* Really? "

" Do I have to watch more filler Memories after this before the action comes? "

" If there are many then we could do it tomorrow, then? "

" It'll be brief, I promised. "

" For there's another important character that will show up. "

" Oh, really? "

" Who's that? " Ragna asks before the Maiden plays the Cutscene.


< Waiting for so long Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she get to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )


( At night. )

< Arisu Tsuchimikado's Bedroom. >

Battle Maiden remembers what happened back then, what happened in that mall as the mall is engulfed in flames, purging the assailants.

" So that's the Grand Priestess' power... " Battle Maiden says as she then looks to her left where Arisu's bed was located.

* Arisu cutely snores.*

" Such power, but... " Battle Maiden says as she remembers what happened after Arisu killed the black jacket man, she was so drained as if her body immediately ran out of fuel after performing such a feat.

" Is it just me or Alice-chan's body is the type that could easily be drained? "

" Likewise, to think of it, she even needs bodyguards to accompany her despite her powers and abilities, as if... "

" As if she couldn't hold it for long, correct! " said a voice that made Battle Maiden surprised.

" Who's that!? " she prepares herself for combat while trying to sense the source of the voice.

" I'm here, in the Grand Priestess' body, Maiden. " the voice comes again, this time, Battle Maiden had recognized it's source, it comes from...

" Alice-chan...? " she asks while suddenly sensing a huge presence coming out from the girl's body.

The presence is so powerful, so high, at that very moment, Battle Maiden immediately knew what came out from Arisu as she knew this kind of sensation before.

"( This presence? Is that of a god!? )" Battle Maiden realized and immediately kneeled before the god that came out from Arisu's body.

" I see you quickly recognize my presence. " the god asks, she praises the Maiden for her great intuition.

" Forgive me, I didn't know it was you... "

" Lord Amaterasu of the Takamagahara. " Battle Maiden bows to respect the appeared goddess, she is in her Spiritual Form as her current life force is stored within Arisu's Gift Core.

After Battle Maiden greeted the goddess, the goddess then see the bedroom where she could see it was filled with clothes that Arisu had bought earlier, both for her and the Maiden.

" I see you both had a good time, wonderful. " Amaterasu says.

" Indeed, my lord. " Battle Maiden quickly responds.

" It seems you slowly could grasp Arisu-chan's lifestyle, didn't you? " Lord Amaterasu asks.

" Yes, despite shopping around is such a careless act to do while your life is in danger... "

" She could've stayed on the Tower and let others bring it for her instead of... "

" I thought her coming out was a good idea, Maiden. " Amaterasu tells Battle Maiden.

" What!? "

" Orianna, was it? " Amaterasu calls Battle Maiden by her name.

" Do you know, girl? "

" There's a reason why Arisu-chan had to take such a risk to make you accompany her, to make you accustomed to her lifestyle. "

" It's for her own sake, actually. "

" For if you not realized, if you had eyes, Orianna... "

" You will realize that both you and Arisu had the same looks, didn't you? " Amaterasu tells Battle Maiden, telling her that she and Arisu both looked the same at some points, from their height, hair color and length, bright skin color, and body posture which made the two looked like siblings from afar.

" I see... " Battle Maiden still didn't take it seriously.

" But why do you have to mention this as you appear before me, Lord Amaterasu? "

" A great question, one could say that my appearance here is merely to reveal to you. "

" The real reason why you're here, in the first place. " Amaterasu tells as she reveals it to the Maiden, revealing her real purpose to be here in the first place, it really surprises her.

" Do you understand it now? " Amaterasu asks after telling it all.

" Impossible, I never thought. "

" You were selected by the gods you knew and by both me and Arisu as we need a helping hand, one that could accompany Arisu-chan at every turn. "

" Not to mention, to be one that could shield Arisu in public, both in physical strength and... " Amaterasu approaches Battle Maiden

" ... physical appearances... "

" For from now on, you should try to impersonate Arisu's life as your own life. "

" For in the next month before we bring Arisu to your country, Trinia, you will assume her identity while she assumed yours. " Amaterasu tells the plan and thinks Battle Maiden finally gets it for now.

" Understood, Lord Amaterasu. "

" Thank you for your clearance, I've been doubting my presence here ever since... "

" Of course, Maiden. "

" I will return to Arisu-chan's body then. "

" Have a good night. "

" For in the next days forward, you are the Grand Holy Priestess. "

" So please, brace yourself. " Amaterasu says to Battle Maiden before leaving her completely, leaving the Maiden speechless of what she just discussed.


< Cutscene Ended >


" So, the entire reason you were there is to switch identities with the Priestess, that's it? " Ragna asks as he sees the cutscene.

Battle Maiden nods for she tells him that impersonating Arisu was tough, not to mention she had to learn to speak Japanese in order for her to meet the other Tsuchimikado Clan Members or perhaps those from the other Japan Noble Clans, not to mention she often had a deal with attackers who now are on her life while protecting the real Arisu from them.

" Alice-chan fought beside me, using her skills to make me 'looked' on using the skill and me too, helping her in vice versa, making both our disguises perfect for some time, confusing those who attacked us. "

" But after days, the threats are getting bothersome, so bothersome that we decided that switching identities no longer worked and thus... "

" We must resort to Plan B. "

" Plan B? " Ragna asks the Maiden as he then, with his critical mind, notices where the Maiden is taking the story to.

" Oh, I see... "

" You're going to screw the 'Plan A' and reveal yourself to your attackers when it's too late for them, isn't it? "

" Damn, that interested me, a perfect plot before I witness the main reason I watched this past event for hours! " Ragna says as he finds these switching identities plot interesting and can't wait to see how it was unraveled to the enemies in the story.

" I understand now Maiden, now I'm hyped again! "

" Roll the Cutscene, please. "

" Roll it! "

" As you wish. " Battle Maiden then plays the next cutscene.


< The Identity Revelation Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she get to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )
