The Identity Revelation

< The Identity Revelation Part 1 Opened >

< CG Cutscene Played >

< This Memory Record will be shown based on the Battle Maiden's memories plus some things she get to know from others at that time, plus again some knowledge she gets after Ragna Twelve helped her know more about what happened at that time with his 'Twelve Eye of Time', transferring past visions to her before she confronted Player Ragna Current. >

( October 2020 )



( Outside the Cutscene )

" Ahahah! " Ragna laughs as he sees Battle Maiden impersonating the Grand Holy Priestess, as well as the Grand Holy Priestess herself who greatly impersonates the Maiden.

" You really looked like her, Maiden. "

" It feels like you are more suited to be Grand Priestess 'Arisu' than Grand Priestess Arisu herself. " Ragna praises the Battle Maiden for her similarity to the one she protected at that time, Battle Maiden covers her face after hearing this, ashamed as she had to act like Arisu, realizing that it wasn't like her style as she had given a charm on her face.

" Please just enjoy it, Ragna. " Battle Maiden was so shy, for now, with her eyes given by Athena, she could see her past where she had to do all of it as she looks exactly like a literal Social Media Celebrities, being too charming like those women you see on Social Medias, wearing fancy clothes and act so fancy all of the things.

Meanwhile, Ragna quite enjoys the act, despite he still wonders if Battle Maiden could open her eyelids during her blind days which made her use an eye lens or something Ragna swears that he just saw Battle Maiden open her eyes while still being covered with Arisu's black glasses.

"( That is a plot hole I need to ask later, but still, this reminds me of the scene in Star Wars where the Queen of Naboo had to switch with her female bodyguards for her own protection, as she disguised herself as her own servant, isn't that what happened. )" Ragna remembers the 'Phantom Menace', he wants to rewatch this afterward.

"( I haven't watched the later installments of the franchise, damn I need to watch it. )" Ragna told himself.

"( But still, how many days have these switching identities happened...? )" Ragna sees the Memory while waiting when his uncle would show up, he yawns waiting for hours and hours, waiting when will the peak moment start, until...

" Ah yes, this is it! " Battle Maiden says as another 'Memory Records' were played.

" This is when things began to be troublesome. " Battle Maiden tells Ragna as Ragna sees the Memory Records.

Ragna sees this and smirked as he begins to witness the next scene.


( Return to the Cutscene. )


< Shinjuku Station >

It was a busy day for both Battle Maiden and Grand Priestess Arisu, for the two had to meet many people in one day, after all those painful meetings, the two decides to return to the Tower.

Battle Maiden and Grand Priestess Arisu who were accompanied by bodyguards then wait for the next train, as the train comes, Battle Maiden enters it with a few bodyguards, 1/3 of the whole bodyguards, leaving Arisu 'Alice' with 2/3 of them.

" Bye," they both say to each other as the train left with the Battle Maiden.

The situation then goes back to normal, as things went usual in that station, but then.

"( Is it him? )" Arisu says as she then was carried by her guard to avoid the incoming explosion.

" Take cover. " the bodyguard says for they covered up Arisu from the explosion.

[ Covering Curtain ]

The bodyguard creates a barrier using his Gift, realizing that the enemy is entering their location.

" Well, well, if it isn't the Grand Priestess Tsuchimikado!? " said a person as he comes out from the smoke.

" You, reveal yourself! " the bodyguards demanded the attacker to come out from the explosion smoke.

As they said, the attacker then comes with his men, showing their weapons as well as their Gift Abilities.

" You lot are... " the bodyguards say as they identified the attacker.

" That's right we're the 'Red Demon' Guild! " said the Red Demon Leader, Kentaro Kurogane coming in using his [Red Steel] Gift (Tier III).

The Red Demon Guild is a rogue Illegal Hunter Guild, much like the Vulture Guild from Trinia. As he comes, he and his men begin to attack the bodyguards.

" Attack! " the bodyguards say as they fight the 'Red Demon' Guild men, they used their Gifts to fend off those attackers using their experiences and by hours, they begin to seize victory.

" You bastard, I'll make you pay for- " Kentaro's head gets sliced by the bodyguard, the battle was brutal despite the bodyguards still surviving the battle.

" Is everyone alright? " said a bodyguard to the others, but before he could ask again, his head was shot by an arrow and the head lands on the nearby wall.

" Attack, incoming! " the other bodyguards said as another attacker comes to their place, many more of the attackers arrived at that station as they declared that they want to kill the Grand Holy Priestess.

As the battle rages, near the station, a person watches from the tall building, seeing the thing that happened in that place, the chaos, the riot that happened.

" Hmmm... it seems her bodyguards are really useful, despite they should've been useless for the person they guard is obviously stronger than them. " said the one who watches the riot through his scope.

" Good thing I posted this on the Dark Web, guess the underground guys are quite fast to sniff money, then," Andrew says as his communication device then opens a communication.

" Hope the money I sent sends many killers at the Grand Priestess. " said his contact who opens the communication.

" Well, let's see about that, by the way, are you watching? "

" I'm near you, but I will not reveal my location as well you reveal yours. "

" Besides, seeing the battle in that station, makes me wonder if things could go as you planned. "

" It depends... "

" Speaking of the Grand Priestess, I think a little test is needed here," he says to the contact.

" Test? "

" You realized that the Priestess hasn't done anything during the fight, she's a Divine Avatar, you know... " Andrew tells the reason he won't interfere, for he needs to make sure of something.

Meanwhile, as Andrew and his contact are watching, at that very moment in Shinjuku Station, an attacker is coming into Arisu with a sword which she dodges and slams him into the ground, she attacked back her attackers with her fists, using a portion of her Gift Powers to enhance her hands to give greater damage to her attackers.

"( Three more and more would likely come. )" she says to herself as she then took a sword out of her clothes, a sword she hides in order for times like this she swings it into the incoming attacker before deciding that maybe it's time to go all out.

" I'm going to end this, time to drop the act! " Arisu says as she realized that the situation had gone so chaotic than before as more attackers come to her and kill the bodyguards.

" Fine then, it seems I have holding back too much. "

" Appear before me, Judgment Libra! " she says, dropping her act as she then summons 'Judgment Libra' and uses the item to bring judgment to her enemies as the enemies realized that they're fucked, worst even.

" Wait, what's that...!? "

" That item, wasn't it belong to...! "

" Wait a minute, who are- "

" Be judged, villains. " Battle Maiden says, using Libra's ability to bring the greatest of judgment it could bring.

[ Judgment Libra Scales Activation ]

[ Judgment Libra will judge the fate of the target ]

" The scales of Libra hang in the balance... "

" For it's the primary condition of one's deeds. "

" The very two forces of one's nature. "

" Light and Darkness, Life and Death, Good and Evil. "

[ Libra's Scales begin to exact judgment. ]

" Now, which Scales will fall down... "

" The right side, the one that represents good, justice, and life. "

" Or the left side that represents evil, vengeance, and death. "

[ The Scales begins its activation. ]

[ Left Scale falls down. ]

[Judgment Activated]

[Attempting to Eliminate the Target with Divine Light]

" Now be judged by the light, all of you. " Arisu says as she then drops the act, revealing that she's not the Grand Priestess herself, but instead.

" Battle... Maiden! " the attackers are vanquished by Libra's judgment as they realized it too soon who they just attacked.

As it happened, the assassin then sees this and smirks, now assured of the woman he sees right now.

" It's the Maiden, not the Priestess. "

" They switched their clothes, probably because both of them are similar. " Andrew tells his contact for he then will pursue the real Priestess.

" But first, let's replace the wanted poster on the web, shall we? " Andrew says as he changed the wanted poster shared in the Dark Web, changing the target from the Grand Holy Priestess to the Battle Maiden.

" Time to do the real job," he says as he leaves.