Chapter 141 Discussing the Dao Assault_1

Hundred Peaks Sect, for nearly a thousand years, has consistently held Flying Immortal Peak as the first among all peaks, unwavering in its status.

In all the contests during the sect's grand tournaments throughout the thousand years, the champion defending the first place has always hailed from Flying Immortal Peak.

Naturally, there are always those who challenge the first, but none have ever succeeded.

Moreover, when people challenge the first place, they usually wait until the last two days. The present situation, where on just the third day someone is challenging the first place, the Nie Jie from Flying Immortal Peak, has never occurred before!

The challenger is from Vermilion Bird Peak, Li Ke!

"Li Ke didn't go to challenge the second-ranked brother from Five Elements Peak, she went straight to challenge Nie Jie!"

"This seems to be the ultimate showdown, and it's starting early."

"Who knows who will win this battle."