Chapter 141 Discussing Dao Attacks _2

He had to carefully plan, and it just so happened that the Vermilion Bird Peak was organising a Golden Core Celebration for Li Ke. He intended to get closer to Li Ke during the Golden Core Celebration and then look for an opportunity to negotiate if he could ask Li Ke for a favor, to help him stage a performance.

However, at the Golden Core Celebration, even before he could get close to her, Li Ke unexpectedly announced that she already had a cultivation partner.

This was the only way out, and now it was also blocked.

With no other choice, he had to avoid his master at all costs and pretend to be in seclusion, practicing his divine skills. In the end, his master even forbade him from cultivating.

All he could do was to say that he would find a cultivation partner on his own, but his master had blocked him with a single sentence.