Everyone Here Is My Dad! (2)

"Why don't I let him win this round?" Lin Mo couldn't help but think.

"I… I…" At this moment, Little Yu realized that he had said the wrong thing. He waved his hand and said," No, no! That's wrong! It should be… I'm the son of everyone here! That doesn't seem… right either? "

Perhaps Little Yu was too nervous to even say anything harsh for a moment.

However, at this moment, in his panic, Little Yu suddenly saw the name above Lin Mo's head.

"Huh?" Little Yu was slightly taken aback. "Black Earth!?"

Little Yu was stunned.

'Isn't that too much of a coincidence?'

He had just spat on Black Earth on the Internet. He did not expect to meet him in the blink of an eye.

"Black Earth?"

"Is it that Black Earth on the Xia country's Genius List?"

Everyone was so distracted by the word "Black Earth" that no one cared about their father and son relationship anymore.

The next second, the eyes of the entire cabin focused on Lin Mo.