Random Elimination of a Lucky Player

Swish! Swish! Swish!…

In the sky.

Figures tore through the air from a thousand meters above.

The person at the front was Lin Mo!

As for the fifty to sixty figures behind him, they jumped down with Lin Mo, wanting to gang up on him.

"If I fall at a thousand meters high and hit the ground directly, even with my current cell strength, I'll be near death or dead!" Lin Mo thought to himself.

Although Lin Mo had the combat technique of the "peak of rank 5" and a powerful vitality and recovery speed, if he smashed down from such a high place, he would probably be able to crush many cells on the cellular level!

If a large number of cells did not die, Lin Mo could recover quickly. If a lot of cells died, they would really be dead!

"In the end, it's because this body in the game is too weak! If it were my real body, with this height, I could land however I want to. It wouldn't hurt at all!"