Galaxy Era

Gao Haoran!

This name was undoubtedly well-known among Lin Mo's fans.

No one questioned his identity as Lin Mo's number one fan!

For a moment, because of Gao Haoran's arrival, the school gate really fell silent. Everyone was waiting to hear what Gao Haoran wanted to say.

Looking at the tens of thousands of pairs of eyes looking at him, Gao Haoran knew that it was time for him to perform!

He cleared his throat and said unhurriedly, "Brother Mo is busy cultivating and doesn't want to spend any time on anything unrelated to cultivation, so he didn't come personally! But Brother Mo and I are high school classmates and have been together for a long time. I'm like a roundworm in Brother Mo's stomach… So if you have any questions about Brother Mo, just ask me!"

Gao Haoran's words were undoubtedly exaggerated and fictional.

For example… was Lin Mo really not willing to waste a minute? Gao Haoran did not believe it!