Blue Planet People Still Know How to Play!

"Does God Mo have any thoughts about the upcoming Galaxy Era?"

Jiang Wenbo's question really aroused the curiosity of many people.

Be it liberal arts students or martial arts university students, it was inevitable that they would look forward to the starry sky.

Previously, technology had locked down mankind's footsteps towards the starry sky. Now, it was foreseeable that this technological lock was about to be unlocked. It was precisely because of this that Jiang Wenbo couldn't help but start to think of the Galaxy Era. He also wanted to hear what his idol, "God Mo", thought of the Galaxy Era.

"The Galaxy Era…" Gao Haoran couldn't help but blink.

The topic was too high-end. He had really never chatted about this with Brother Mo.

To be precise, the topics Gao Haoran usually liked to talk about were very vulgar!

To put it more bluntly, it was yellow!