
Admiral Sakazuki looked down from the hill he stood on. The two emperors, the two pirates, Imai and Shanks. He hated them with all his heart and now that they were both in front of him, he wanted to kill them.

But the problem was that they were both in front of him.

The fact that they were together…

Akainu frowned at the sight, he glanced at his teammates. Even though the admirals were with him, he still had doubts about defeating the two in front of him.

Moreover, there was also the Red Haired Pirates, Boa Hancock, and Nico Robin who he spotted when he was on his way towards the two. He didn't bother interrogating them since there were more important affairs at hand.

"What do you want to do, Sakazuki? The others could keep the pirates company, the rest of us could deal with the two emperors." Fujitora said.

"The main problem is the fact that they're working together, it's troublesome." Akainu said through his gritted teeth.

"That's true, but what other choice do we have other than to take the risk? There is a chance of us defeating them. After all, we aren't called Admirals for nothing." Fujitora said.

"Alright, when is Kizaru arriving?" Akainu asked.

"He'll be here soon. He said there are some matters he has to take care of first." Fujitora replied.

"Tell him to hurry up, we're going in." Akainu said.

"Already on it." Fujitora said.

"Everyone! Prepare for battle!" Akainu exclaimed. "Charge!"

Imai watched as the army of marines started heading towards them. She couldn't help but grin at the pleasant sight. The two admirals were also coming at them, Imai was feeling even more excited.

"Wipe that grin off your face, it makes me uncomfortable." Shanks said.

"I can't help it, Shanks. There's so many of them, so much killing, this is going to be so fun!" Imai exclaimed enthusiastically.

Shanks sighed, "Don't worry about the marines, my crew will take care of them. The two of us will take care of the two admirals."

"What a day, who would've thought that we were going to work together. Does this count as an alliance?" Imai asked with a chuckle.

"No, today will be an exception." Shanks replied.

"As I thought." Imai said as she glanced over at Uta. "You stay here, we'll protect you."

"No…I can still fight." Uta said groggily as she struggled to get up.

"No you can't." Imai said, pushing Uta's shoulders down. "Just sit here and watch, okay?"

"Fine." Uta muttered.

"Get ready, they're coming towards us." Shanks said.

"It's not a problem, watch this Shanks." Imai said.

Imai raised both her palms towards the sky, her red eyes glistened with excitement at what she was about to do to the army of marines.

The once clear sky started to be filled with dark clouds. At first, little droplets of rain started falling from the sky and turned into heavy rain. Booming sounds of thunder rang through the ears of the marines.

The sky was pouring heavy rain.

Akainu frowned at the sudden change in weather, he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. As if his instincts were right on time, continuous lightning started to appear.

It struck areas of where the marines stood and evaporated several of them into dust. Their numbers were starting to decrease quickly due to the power that Imai had gained.

Akainu cursed under his breath, "Fujitora! We need to stop her now!"

"On it!" Fujitora replied.

Imai grinned widely at the sight. Her lightning was strong and caused the formation the marines took to scatter all over the place. She noticed the two admirals coming at her at high speeds.

"You'll die today!" Akainu yelled as he swung his fist covered in magma.

"In your dreams, Sakazuki!" Imai replied as she quickly cut the lava apart before sheathing it.

A heavy force was bestowed upon Shanks and Imai. Fujitora had used his gravitational ability he gained from his devil fruit. However, it wasn't enough.

Shanks disappeared from his original position and clashed swords with Fujitora causing the gravitational force to disappear.

"Shanks…why have you partnered with her?"

"I can't help it, a father has to protect their daughter no matter the cost."

Shanks increased the force of his sword and flared his Conqueror's Haki causing Fujitora to be thrown back a little.

Imai was currently toying with Akainu. The lightning devil fruit had allowed her to move with quick speeds. Although Akainu's Observation Haki was at a very high level, there was nothing he could do.

After all, Imai had achieved the ability to counter future sight.

Akainu couldn't read her at all.

"Remember back then Sakazuki? Even with Kizaru, you couldn't defeat me. Now that I have a devil fruit ability, what can you possibly do against me?" Imai taunted him.

Akainu ignored the taunt and focused on attacking Imai. However, nothing was working.

Seeing Akainu's frustrated expression, Imai stopped moving around, and flickered in front of Akainu who was surprised at the sudden action.


Imai launched two quick jabs at Akainu who had blocked it at the last second but was pushed back. She didn't waste any time before flickering behind Akainu and kicked him forward.

"Is this all you've got? Can you really call yourself a Fleet Admiral?"

"Fine, I'll show you!"

Immense heat poured out from Akainu. Imai jumped back and created a few feet of distance to avoid being burned. The ground had started to melt under the magma Akainu had poured out.

"Ah, this looks quite scary."

Despite Akainu's big body, he was able to move fairly quickly. He dashed forward leaving a path of magma that burned the ground and swung his right fist at Imai.

'I can't cut this.'

With her own right hand, a layer of lightning appeared. Before the magma could burn through her skin, she swiped it away, and quickly avoided Akainu's kick.

But that was exactly what Akainu wanted to happen. During the few seconds that Imai was distracted, he had formed a magma ball that was coming directly towards Imai.

She turned around and widened her eyes at how close the magma ball was to her. She could feel the vapor of heat coming off of it. If she didn't dodge this, she could suffer major injuries, or perhaps die.

But even at the face of death, Imai smiled.

"Bastard, you finally show what you're capable of."

Imai flicked her finger up and a laser beam burst through the ground and zapped the magma ball away from her. However, traces of magma managed to land on her, and burned some of the hoodie away.

"Ah, I liked this hoodie too." Imai said casually as if she didn't just avoid death. She glanced at Akainu, "What? I can see it all, my eyes have surpassed human levels. I've reached realms of which you will never touch."

"You should've died long ago." Akainu said.

"But I haven't. I've shaped the world where I am power itself. People fear me, just like you do. And all of you on this island kneel before this throne I sit on formed by true power."

"No matter how hard you try, you will never beat her." Akainu said.

"Beat her? Haha!" Imai threw her head back and laughed. Her hair fluttered in the wind. "You've got it flipped around, Sakazuki."

Akainu stared at the unreadable figure.

With her palm covering her face, Imai separated her fingers revealing a single dull red eye that seemed to be spiraling.

"She has to defeat me."

After Imai's sentence, a wave of immense killing intent combined with Conqueror's Haki covered the entire area. Those who weren't strong couldn't withstand it and were knocked unconscious.

The marines that were fighting the pirates had dropped to the ground. The Red Hair Pirates held their heads and fought to stay awake with their will. They all felt chills down their spine.

The pressure emitted from Imai had caused the Fleet Admiral to be pushed back, he had to sink his feet into the ground to stay still.

"As of right now, I, who is honored by the heavens, shall use my full capabilities."