
Currently, Uta is being forced to learn swordsmanship from Imai. It wasn't hard for her due to her experience with rapiers, but when Imai was fighting her like she was trying to actually kill her made things different.

"WHY ARE YOU TRYING SO HARD?!" Uta exclaimed as she forced herself to fend off the attacks.

"Don't complain, this is necessary for you to become stronger." Imai said with a smile. Her attacks quickened after that.

Soon enough, Uta was leaning against the railing, exhausted from the endless training she had done. Physical training, agility training, and breathing techniques. Those seemed like the new words for torture.

"I'm so damn tired." Uta groaned as she downed the bottle of water.

Imai simply chuckled and set the food beside her. "Come on, eat up."

Uta wasted no time before eating the food as if there was no tomorrow. She was starving after the torturous training she had to go through.

Imai rested her palm against her cheek as she watched Uta eat. She smiled at herself after realizing Uta was surprisingly cute despite eating like a caveman.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Uta asked before taking another bite of the freshly cooked chicken.

"Nothing, I just thought you were surprisingly cute even though you're eating like a caveman. You must be starving, huh." Imai replied.

"Of course I am! Who the hell forces someone to train like that?! And for hours without any breaks too!" Uta said. "But I guess it's fine if you keep making me food."

Imai raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Is my food delicious?"

"Surprisingly, I never thought that you could cook." Uta replied.

Imai dramatically acted shocked and placed her palm over her heart.

"Of course I can cook! I'm not just good with katanas, but also knives too. Each chicken piece you just ate was cut at the perfect angle making it easy to chew and swallow."

"Mmm, it was delicious. Thank you for the meal."

"You're welcome."

The two enjoyed the comfortable silence and the light atmosphere as Uta finished the meal. Imai went to wash the plates when there was suddenly a loud thud near the front of the ship.

"What the…" Uta muttered.

"Hmm? I don't think Shiki should be here yet unless he exceeded my expectations and sped his way towards here." Imai said as she set the plate down.

"HELLO? IS ANYONE HERE?" an unfamiliar feminine voice called out to them. "Did I get on the wrong ship? There's no way, that flag is definitely hers."

Imai opened the door which revealed a girl with waist length black hair, she wore a long trench coat, slightly oversized white cargo pants, and bandages that covered her chest revealing her stomach area.

"Yes, someone is here. What do you want?" Imai asked as she leaned against the door with her arms crossed.

A wide smile grew on the unfamiliar girl's face.

"I knew it was you, Empress of the Blade!"


"My name is Rei! Rei Kunieda! But just call me Rei!" Rei exclaimed with an even wider smile.

'How is that even possible…? There's even light…'

"So, Rei, what is your purpose for boarding my ship?" Imai asked.

"You see, I read the newspaper of you forming a pirate crew called the Seven Apostles. I'm here to join your pirate crew! I'm looking forward to our endless journeys together!" Rei said.

Imai rubbed her forehead from the amount of energy Rei had. Seriously, how could someone have this much amount of energy when it's almost night time? It's almost time to sleep!

"Hold on, you're not in yet. I still need to decide if you are strong enough to join my crew." Imai said.

"Ah! You don't need to worry about that, I have it right here." Rei said as she seemed to pull out a piece of paper from her pocket. "Here, look!"

Imai squinted her eyes and read the contents of the paper, "Rei Kunieda, bounty of nine hundred million."

"Impressive, right? I fit into all your requirements, strong, a strong will, and the desire to rule over the world someday!" Rei enthusiastically exclaimed.

Imai deadpanned Rei and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Nine hundred million is still rookie numbers, Rei." Imai said as she noticed the blade hanging by her waist. "Hmm, are you proficient with the blade?"

"Of course, I've trained all my life. All my peers that used to look down on me are wishing they were me! Their dreams of defeating me will never be in their grasp." Rei said.

"Well said, do you have any other abilities that you have?" Imai asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Rei said as a blue flame erupted from her palm.

"Blue flame? What type of devil fruit did you eat? Is it any different from the Mera Mera no Mi other than the color?" Imai asked.

"Let me show you."

Rei raised the bounty paper over the blue flame and the bounty paper was suddenly covered in a layer of ice.

"I ate the Aoi Aoi no Mi, this devil fruit is the natural enemy of the fruit you stated earlier. It is unnaturally cold and is able to freeze things on contact. I can neutralize any form of heat depending on which one is stronger." Rei explained. "Oh, I can also turn my body into blue flame and fly! There's no need to swim!"

Imai thought over the words of Rei carefully and thought about the usages of her devil fruit. It was extremely useful and strong when used correctly. She could tell Rei was strong just judging by the aura she gave off.

Her aura basically screamed confidence and an undying will.

"Pull out your blade."


"I'm not saying it twice."

Imai unsheathed her blade and dashed towards Rei who had a surprised look on her face. She aimed for the neck and hoped to decapitate her when it was suddenly blocked by another blade.

"Not bad."

"Eh? Thanks."

Rei suddenly felt a foot on her stomach and a painful injury on her back after being kicked into the hard railing. She groaned before quickly getting up to avoid being cut in half.

"Hey! Hey! I'm here to join your crew, so why are you trying to kill me?!" Rei exclaimed with a scared look on her face.

"Stop over exaggerating, this is a trial." Imai said before launching another attack. She sent numerous combinations of attacks at Rei who was able to fend it off pretty well. Although she received multiple cuts on her long fit legs.

"A trial where my life is on the line?!" Rei exclaimed which was ignored by Imai.

Rei was surprised she was able to keep up with Imai for so long even though she knew Imai wasn't trying at all. But she was stronger than her and that meant everything.

'I can become even stronger!' Rei thought as a grin formed on her face.

"Wipe that smile off your face."


The side of Rei's head was met with the hilt of Imai's blade. The side of her head stung a bit but it wasn't a major injury.

"Hmm, not bad, but you're lacking in some things." Imai said.

Rei's contained worriedness and the atmosphere around her changed into a sad one.

"I see…does that mean I'm not able to join you?"

"Although you are lacking in some areas such as being easily distracted in battle. That doesn't mean you lack potential. So as the captain of the Seven Apostles, I welcome you, Rei Kunieda, as the Third Apostle."

Rei's eyes lit up as she dropped the blade she was holding. She leaped forward and went for a hug but a finger on her forehead kept her from doing that.

"No hugs."
