
Deep within the unknown chambers of darkness, there sat a figure on a throne made of stone. He had a wide smile and a cigarette in his mouth. He wore a red and black kimono robe tied together with a dark green sash, and a golden chain around his waist. He also wore a yellow striped tattered haori coat draped over his shoulders.

He laughed when he finished reading the contents of the newspaper.

"To think someone from this era has surpassed his bounty, shall I tear them down?"

His confidence knew no bounds, after all, he was a survivor from the Pirate King Gol D. Roger's generation. Shiki the Golden Lion was his name, everyone has heard of his name before.

He was a living legend among the pirates from that generation.

"Imai Ryujin, Empress of the Blade, and the official Fifth Emperor." Shiki muttered as his eyes glistened with hostility. "It's time to tear you down to where you belong."

With that being said, he fixed his golden hair, and set off into the sea. It's been twenty years since he's been on the sea.

To make his debut, he lifted his flying pirate ship into the air, and hovered over a marine base that was placed onto the sea. With a flick of his finger, the marine ships below him were brought into the air.

Shiki stood over the edge of his ship and made eye contact with the famous vice admiral Garp.

"Consider this a warning."

On his command, the marine ships that were lifted into the air came crashing down into the sea. Due to the high altitude the ships were dropped from, the ships were easily broken down into pieces because of the force of impact, and the high volume of water.

Garp cursed under his breath as he watched the man named the Flying Pirate fly away with his ship. There was nothing he could do about it due to the lack of preparation.

"Moreover, why the hell did you return? Where were you for the last twenty years? What exactly is your reasoning to return?" Garp questioned under this breath.

Due to the recent incidents with Imai and the introduction of the Fifth Emperor along with her recruiting members for her pirate crew. There was chaos all over the world and they were busy every hour of their day dealing with trouble.

And with the return of Shiki the Golden Lion, someone who was one part of the Rocks Pirates, nothing good was going to come out of it. Needless to say, the marines were going to be even busier.

"Curse these damn pirates!"

Imai frowned at the sight.

"A bounty of five point nine billion, are they seriously doing this?" Imai muttered.

"They're seriously doing this. You're now at the very top of the bounty list, lots of people will go after your head anywhere you go." Uta said.

"Yeah, and that is exactly what they want. For my death to come as soon as possible." Imai said as she laughed. "But too bad, the world would be a better place without me, and for that reason. I have to stay alive as long as possible."

"What a weird reason to want to live." Uta commented.

"Anyway, you're not that bad either. You just entered the real world of pirates yet your bounty is already in the billions." Imai said with a smile.

"Probably because of my father since he's an emperor." Uta groaned.

"Oh well, it's a good thing. Also, did you make up with Shanks yet?" Imai asked.

"Mhm, we cleared up the misunderstanding. The cause of the annihilation of Elegia…was my fault." Uta replied.

"Tot Musica, huh? What a dangerous music note to be played, to think that it would spawn a devil." Imai said as she shook her head. "But that's all in the past, it's time to focus on the future."

Uta smiled at Imai.

"You're right."

When they thought things were finally going to be peaceful, another bird had dropped newspaper for them to look over.

"Again? This usually doesn't happen unless it's something really important." Imai muttered.

"Open it up, I want to read it." Uta said as she linked her arm around Imai's. "Shiki the Golden Lion? Who is that?"

Imai widened her eyes in surprise, "You don't know him? But I guess that's to be expected. Shiki the Golden Lion is someone from the Pirate King's generation. First person to escape from Impel Down, he's a dangerous guy."

"How come I've never heard of him then?" Uta questioned.

"Probably because he's been hiding for over twenty years now, we were just little babies when he was a pirate." Imai replied while she leaned against the railing.

"Ah, and his reason for his sudden return must be…" Uta glanced at Imai. ""

Imai smiled and nodded.

"Not good, we're being hunted by someone that was part of the Pirate King's generation right? That means he's really strong!"

"Haha, it's okay. Who knows what he's been doing for the past twenty years, he could be weak by now."

"But there's a very low chance of that happening."


Uta sighed, "What are we going to do?"

"We wait for him to find us, it shouldn't take long, he still has connections all over the world. Also, stop worrying, there's me." Imai said.

"Sure, but do we have any information on him? At least when we fight him, we'll know what we're dealing with." Uta said.

"All I know is he can make himself fly and other objects to levitate too. As for living matters, he cannot do anything. So don't worry about being taken."

"I'm not worried. If anything, I can just bring him into my world, and we'll easily be able to defeat him."

"But maintaining your world takes a lot of energy, it'll disappear when you fall asleep. That's why we're not going to use your powers yet until you become stronger."

"Become stronger? You want me to train?"

"Of course, how else will you keep up with me?"