
"What about Boa Hancock and Nico Robin? Are you not going to wait for them?" Uta asked.

"I don't know about Boa Hancock, but I'm pretty sure she'll either go back to her island or enter the New World. As for Nico, she'll join back with her crew." Imai replied.

"Huh? I thought Nico was going to join your crew, did something happen between the two of you?" Uta asked, her head slightly tilted.

"No, we never agreed on anything. She got what she wanted and I got what I wanted. I learned how to read the poneglyphs and I gave her the history she wanted to know about." Imai said.

"I see, then it just sounds like the two of you were using each other. Were you two mainly just business partners or something?" Uta asked.

"Haha! It surely does sound like that, huh." Imai said. "I'd say we were more than friends, but we weren't lovers or anything. It wasn't as if we harbored any romantic feelings towards each other. There's also the age gap anyway."

"Oh, but didn't people say age is just a number? If there's real love, then anything is fine, right?" Uta asked innocently.

Imai looked at Uta with a worried expression and said, "No, no. That's not true, Uta! Only date people one or two years older than you. Whoever taught you that is weird, don't talk to them again!"

"Okay, okay. I get it." Uta said as she pried Imai's hands off her shoulder. "Anyway, what's this about forming your own pirate crew anyway?"

"Ah, the Seven Apostles. I've always wanted to be a captain anyway, but back then I always found being by myself more comfortable since people would get in my way." Imai replied.

"People getting in your way?" Uta asked.

"I meant that if they're too weak, they'll just be holding me back." Imai replied.

"But aren't I too weak? Won't I hold you back? I can't swing a sword like you do and eliminate hundreds of enemies in a second."

"Sure, but you're well balanced in all aspects, Uta. You are proficient with the rapier, shield, and you also have a set of armor to protect yourself. You have a fit body meaning you're physical and you're quick too. Your control over your devil fruit ability is amazing too, you're better than me."

Uta blushed at the barrage of compliments from Imai. She quickly turned her head away and hid her face from Imai. Never had she been complimented like this, she felt her heart beat quicker than usual.

"A-anyway! Do you have any ideas for who the rest of the members are going to be? You're not going to recruit some random people, right?" Uta asked.

"I won't, but I do have someone in my thoughts. I'll probably show a bit of favoritism and reserve the spot for her." Imai replied with a smile at the thought of her friend.

"Her? Is she someone strong?" Uta asked with curiosity.

"Of course! She's one the strongest people I know and one of the few people I call my friend." Imai replied.

"I see, do you think she'll join your pirate crew though?" Uta asked.

"Well, she doesn't have a choice. If I can't have her, then no one can." Imai replied.

Uta sighed, "There you go with your crazy personality again. Also, what am I supposed to do as a vice commander?"

Imai shrugged, "I don't know, I'm new to everything too. But I guess just assist me in decision making and battles."

"Okay, I'll just do that then. Do you have any goals for the Seven Apostles? Matter of fact, are you sure people want to join? You're pretty scary." Uta said, recalling the events that happened.

"Goals…well, we both want the same thing. To create a new age of pirates and change the world. We're going to become a pillar in this world, a pillar that will never break down. And in time, we will control the world."

Uta felt chills when she saw the strange smile Imai had on her face. She had seen plenty of smiles from Imai. The smile she had when she slaughtered the marines, when she fought the fleet admiral, and times when she was happy. Yet this one was strange.

"Controlling the world? Don't you think that's impossible. I mean, there are a lot of people in the world, and strong people too. I don't think they'll allow you to do that."

Imai smiled and patted Uta's head.

"Ah, you're so innocent. Anyway, do you have any more questions left? I'll gladly answer them."

"Okay, then I have one more. What's the real reasoning behind you bringing me into your pirate crew? I know you don't desire my strength, I can just tell. So why?"

Imai raised her eyebrows in surprise at what Uta said. She realized Uta was sharper than what she seemed. She was Shanks' daughter after all.

"Honestly, I just want to show you the world." Imai said.

"What do you mean?" Uta asked.

"All your life, you've lived in one place. And that one place was the place you've suffered all your life. I have the ability to give you everything, the ability to show you what true happiness really is. I mean, look." Imai said as she pointed towards the sky.

Indeed, the view was mesmerizing. Uta would've never thought that she would be on a ship sailing with one of the emperors, and watching the sunrise with one of the strongest emperors. The sun reflected onto the water creating two suns. She could stare at it for hours without ever getting tired of it.

"But…why?" Uta asked.

"Haha, is it such a bad thing to want to do something out of the kindness of my heart?" Imai asked with a chuckle.

"No, that's okay. If that's the reason, then I'm content with it." Uta replied.

"But I guess it's because I like you."


"I like you, Uta. Not just as a friend, but I guess in a romantic way. These feelings I don't understand myself, after all, there's only been one other person to feel this way."

Uta stared at Imai in shock, unsure of what to say next.

"You don't have to reply." Imai said as she leaned against the railing. "A relationship right now wouldn't work. The timing is wrong. We have too many things to do."

Uta didn't understand her own feelings either. She felt a pang in her heart when she heard Imai say someone else had also made her feel this way before. Uta had strange thoughts. Thoughts like possessing Imai for herself.

She shook her head, it was bad to think like this.

"I understand."

"I'm glad."

There was a heavy tension in the air when suddenly a newspaper dropped right in between them causing the tension to disappear. Imai widened her eyes and showed the contents of the newspaper to Uta.

[ Uta ]

[ Bounty - 1,300,000,000 ]

[ Imai Ryujin ]

[ Bounty - 5,900,000,000 ]