
The sun was starting to set, the four figures including the bird were setting off into the direction of the sun. They didn't have any clear path but to explore the islands that belonged to Shiki.

"Where the hell are we even going?!" Rei exclaimed, dramatically throwing up her arms.

"I've been meaning to ask the same thing." Uta said, looking towards Imai. "Where are we going?"

Imai simply smiled at them before opening her mouth.

"Right now, we're directly at the center of the land that Shiki owns. As of right now, the three of us are being monitored by his people."

"Then what are we here for?" Rei asked.

"I'm guessing we're luring him out. Considering his pride and ego, he's definitely going to show up." Uta said.

"That's right, Uta." Imai said as she looked up into the sky. "Speak of the devil, here he comes."

The three stared at the figure descending from the sky. His long golden hair fluttered in the air as his wide smile came into their view. Shki stood on top of the boulder with his arms crossed, his eyes full of excitement.

"It seems my eyes aren't tricking me, you really did show up Fifth Emperor." Shiki said.

"Haha, did you think I was going to run?" Imai asked with an eyebrow raised. "You're old now, Shiki. You don't belong in the New World, you're a person from the past, you've become history."

Imai smiled even wider when she saw Shiki's fist tighten. She had subtly provoked him, egging him on to let his emotions cloud his judgment.

"It seems the fact that your bounty surpasses the Pirate King has gotten to you. It is I, Shiki the Golden Lion, who shall put you back in your place!" Shiki yelled as his arms raised.

"Captain, do you need help?" Rei asked, her hand ready to pull out her blade. It was the same for Uta, her body language screamed the urge to fight.

"You two just stand by and watch. I'll show him why I'm the Fifth Emperor and why I'm your captain." Imai said as she walked towards Shiki, her blade resting on her shoulder.

"Alone? It seems you've lost your mind, then come at me!" Shiki exclaimed.

However, Shiki wasn't prepared for what Imai was going to do to him. He had severely underestimated the woman who held the title "Empress of the Blade"

Within a blink of an eye, Imai appeared beside Shiki, streaks of lightning trailing behind her. With a fist covered in haki and full of sparks, Imai slammed her fist into Shiki's fist.

His entire body flew back but he recovered quickly using his ability to levitate himself. However, Shiki wasn't quick enough. He felt a shock throughout his body and a foot kicked him in the back.

If it wasn't for the endless training Shiki did, he was sure his spine would be broken, and he would've been paralyzed for life. But still, he still felt pain throughout his body.

Shiki glanced at his palm, there was blood.

"I never thought that someone would ever make me bleed." Shiki said.

"Oh?" Imai teased. "I would've never thought since your body is so easy to break."

This time, Shiki was prepared. He quickly flicked his finger and threw the boulder towards Imai. However, Imai didn't even flinch. She faced it with a wide grin on her face and easily shattered the boulder into pieces.

But it seems Shiki expected this after experiencing Imai's strength. Using his metal legs, he directed a kick covered in a sharp haki at Imai who had easily dodged it. But something was on Shiki's mind, why did Imai have an unamused look on her face?

Imai was bored, she had thought Shiki would put up more of a fight considering he was once part of the Rocks Pirates.

"But it seems that wasn't the case." Imai murmured, easily dodging Shiki's attacks.

To other people, Shiki's attacks might seem extremely fast. But for someone who has fought countless amounts of battles, fought the strongest people in the world, and had experience.

It was slow.

Imai was starting to read Shiki, her taunts, and the way she was nonchalantly dodging his attacks were starting to frustrate him. Of course she knew this, after all, humans inevitably change after twenty years.

The ability to slowly cloud one's judgment as if they were puppets tied up in strings. She was slowly bringing Shiki to his last nerves before his eyes dilated.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Shiki exclaimed.

"There it is." Imai said, smiling at the two figures who were watching her. "Now watch me carefully and learn."

Imai pulled out her blade and counted the boulders that were coming straight at her. There were three of them coming at her fast, but nothing she couldn't handle.



She closed her eyes, the images of the boulders appearing in her mind. She placed her blade by her hip and got into her stance. When Imai's instincts screamed, she opened her eyes seeing that the three boulders were about twenty feet from her.

"Sovereign's Secret Technique, Izanagi."

From Uta and Rei's perspective, they saw three slices. Each slice targets one of the boulders. But it didn't stop there, the slices increased by three, and it kept going. From what they could see, there were a total of thirty six slices.

They were in awe at what they saw.

Secretly, deep in their hearts, they wanted to be like Imai.

Strong and dependable.


All three boulders were shattered into tiny pieces of rocks.

Shiki couldn't believe what he was seeing, he was starting to doubt if the person in front of him was actually a human or not.

"YOU! HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?!" Shiki questioned, his tone showed traces of fear.

"I can do that because I've surpassed the limits of a human." Imai replied, appearing in front of Shiki. "You aren't that strong in this era."

This was the end of Shiki, the man who was once history was now staying as history, forever.

Imai pierced her hand through Shiki's heart, ultimately grabbing it causing blood to pour out of his body endlessly.

In her hand was now the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi that he once possessed. She glanced down and stared at the motionless corpse that was turning into a pool of blood.

However, just killing Shiki wasn't going to end the things that were happening on this island. It was only a matter of time until the islands started to collapse.

Imai turned towards the two figures that were staring at her with their eyes widened.

"Hurry! Take the bird and tell everyone to evacuate immediately! Rei, locate our ship immediately!"


There were other things to worry about, their discussion about the battle would happen later in the future.

"Now then, time to take a flight to freedom, feathery humans!"