
The evacuation plan went smoothly with the help of the people that resided on the islands. They took the things they needed and soared through the air to experience their first taste of freedom.

Imai watched with a smile seeing all the happiness that radiated from the people as they flew further and further away from her. Although she knew this wasn't going to end everything because Shiki is dead, the stuff he's done wouldn't end.

Imai would have to reach within the roots to fully eradicate the sins he brought upon this world.

This reminded her of something.

Imai glanced down at the corpse of Shiki. She took the fruit and gave it to Rei to store it on the ship, but what should she do with Shiki's corpse. The question lingered in her mind as she contemplated hanging it somewhere public or giving it to the marines.

With a sigh, she dragged the corpse of Shiki by the collar, and made her way to the blazing blue flame in her view.

"Captain! Has everything ended? The evacuation plan was a success?" Rei asked.

Imai nodded, "Everyone on the island is free, all that's left is to take this body somewhere."

"Yuck, it stinks. Where are we going to bring it?" Rei asked, pinching her nose. "Also, where did Uta go?"

"We're going to East Blue, to Loguetown where Gol D. Roger was executed." Imai said. "As to where Uta went, she'll be here shortly."

"HA?! We're going to Loguetown?! You know everyone will recognize our faces right? They're going to call the marines and send them after us!" Rei exclaimed.

"Calm down, no they're not. After all, they'll be too focused on Shiki's corpse to chase us down endlessly. They'll be going nowhere." Imai replied.

"Alright then, we'll do as you say, captain." Rei said.


"I'm back, what were the two of you talking about?" Uta asked, hopping off of Kuu the Bird. It started to fly away right after.

"We talked about going to Loguetown which is still absurd to me. But knowing how the captain is, there's nothing we can do about it." Rei said with a sigh.

"I know, she's really stubborn, and won't listen to anyone." Uta said while nodding.

"Both of you must want to die, huh? Was the training not enough for you? I'll gladly make it even more difficult." Imai said, a vein popping.

""We're sorry.""


The three prepared to set sail and were soon on their way towards Loguetown that was located in the East Blue.

On the ship, Uta and Rei were suffering heavily. Ever since the comment they said about their captain being stubborn, they were training endlessly.

"Is that all you've got?" Imai asked. "If it is, then you aren't worthy of being part of the Apostles."

"W-wait captain!" Rei exclaimed. "Isn't this a bit unfair? Last time you were only using one sword!"

Imai remained indifferent and glared at Rei. She felt shivers down her spine causing her to unconsciously break eye contact.

"Nothing is ever fair in battle, now prepare yourself, the both of you." Imai said, swinging her two blades.

"Damn it, this is all your fault, Rei." Uta grunted.

Imai leaned against the railing, countless thoughts lingering in her mind.

"So? Mind telling me what you're thinking so hard about?" Uta asked.

Imai raised an eyebrow, "Adult business, I don't think you can handle it."

"I'm only a year younger than you, moreover, I'm pretty sure I've dealt with enough stuff to help you with whatever it is." Uta said with a huff.

Imai chuckled, "That's true. Well, at the end of the day, we have to face the reality that we're still human. We have emotions and problems we have to deal with."

Uta nodded when she made eye contact with Imai.

"And as a captain, I feel the need to protect you two, keep you two out of danger." Imai said.

"You sound like a mother right now." Uta said.

"Shut up. I guess to summarize everything up, I don't want to see the two of you getting hurt. Especially since we'll be going to Loguetown with a large bounty on our heads."

Uta couldn't help but laugh at the words coming out of Imai's mouth. She wasn't making fun of her, she was genuinely touched by her words.

After all, she was cared for.

"You don't have to worry about us, we're both strong after being trained by the one and only Empress of the Blade."

Uta noticed the slight twitch in Imai's eyebrow and slightly giggled.

"Then I can trust that the both of you will behave and stay out of danger?" Imai asked.

"You're quite funny, captain." Uta teased. "As long as we're with you, we're gonna attract danger wherever we go. And we're not leaving you."

"The choice is yours, it wasn't like I was gonna let you leave. You have to take responsibility." Imai said.

"You're still on about that, do you want another kiss? I can give you another one if you'd like." Uta said.

For some reason, Imai felt something flutter in her heart, and heat coming up towards her cheeks.

She quickly turned away to avoid the alluring gaze from Uta.

"Eh? What's going on?"

Rei's groggily voice resounded through their ears.

"Rei, you finally woke up after training." Uta said, running over to Rei to support her balance.

"*Yawn* I'm starving, captain, can you make me some food?" Rei asked, her eyes barely open.

"Me too! Me too!" Uta exclaimed.

Imai glanced at the moon, "It's past midnight…alright, fine."

"Thank you….captain."

"Thank you! Oi! Rei! Don't fall asleep again!"

Imai couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. There were already two more members yet it was this lively, how would it be when all of the spots would be filled up?

Imai shook her head, not wanting to think about it anymore. She started cooking for the two figures that were playfully fighting.

"It's like I really am the mother of two children."

She grumbled.