Monster of the Marines

And so, the battle between the marines, and the pirates began. This was an inevitable battle for those who sought for their rights and freedom. If they survived, they could live their life however they wanted.

Keyword, if.

Imai noticed the decreasing numbers of the pirates as they charged forward. It wasn't as if she felt bad for them, death happens all the time. If anything, she was proud of them for going out like a true pirate.

Proud at the fact that they were willing to risk their lives to take a stance.

Imai slaughtered the marines that targeted her along with the unbeatable duo by her side. Nothing - no one could stop the three no matter how hard they tried.

The number of marines were finally starting to decline. Although there was a visible difference in numbers, the three apostles that stood alongside the pirates made all the difference in the battle. They were abnormally strong figures.

Without an admiral, a vice admiral - no, even with them. The marines weren't sure if they could win this fight against the Fifth Emperor. After all, the person cutting them down was too strong.

That was when the marines realized it, they were bait. Sacrifices to be exact. They were sent here for the purpose of slowing the Fifth Emperor down, hoping she would be tired by the time the higher-ups got here.

The marine who thought of this dropped his weapon, his gaze went to the ground as he started to wonder what his life was truly worth. Was it worth it fighting a losing battle? Joining the marines to seek justice for his dead family, was it all worth it in the end?

It truly wasn't worth it, he thought as his head was cut off. The flashes of his life came to view, his wife, his kids, and his family. All of them were killed by evil pirates seeking for money, now, he felt lighter. He was now joining his family, asking for forgiveness for not being able to avenge them.

Imai glanced behind her as the man she had just killed dropped to the ground. She had seen the same look too many times, the look of despair. The look of someone who gave it all up, she pitied him.

Since in this world, without a will, you were basically a corpse.

The battle seemed grim for the marines, they were starting to give up. Nothing was going well for them. Hell, they barely had the strength to pick up their swords, and fight.

Suddenly, a blinding golden light filled the sky. Imai shoved the marine aside and furrowed at her eyebrows wondering what that was all about. To her knowledge, there was no one she knew that could do that besides him. But he shouldn't be here right now.

"Everyone! Lift up your swords, the battle is not over!" a feminine voice boomed over the battlefield. Imai thought it was strange she sounded strangely familiar.

Feeling the urge to go, Imai quickly weaved through the crowd of marines who had gained motivation, and finally saw who she was. She couldn't help be surprised.

Heiwa, the blonde girl with emerald eyes, was the girl from the battle on Centaurea, the island located in South Blue. She was the one that Imai refused to kill after the battle "Loss of a MIllion."

Imai made eye contact with Heiwa who had surprise in her eyes which turned into anger a split second after. If not for her abnormal reaction time, she wouldn't have been able to block Heiwa's sword.

Imai grinned at the contact, the weak willed girl she had fought a few years back had turned into a monster. She had become someone with the potential to rival Imai.

"It's nice to see you again, Heiwa. Other than your monstrous strength, your appearance hasn't changed. Though it seems we're now the same height now." Imai said, striking a grin.

"It's Diane to you now." Diane said, her tone laced with hatred. "I will return the humiliation you did to me that day. I went through hell and back for this moment. You will die!"

Imai widened her eyes at the glint in Diane's eyes, it was filled with the dedication to murder her. She couldn't help but feel a shiver down her spines. For the first time, she had felt fear.

Imai quickly dodged the attack from Diane. If she had tried to block that, she would've been stabbed almost instantly after that.

"I'm surprised you dodged that, most people would go for the block. Unless you were able to read it, it's possible if it's you." Diane said.

"Future Sight helps at times like these. I must say, I'm glad that I didn't kill you back then. Look at what you've become, a monster of the marines." Imai said.

"Don't talk like you created this version of me, I did this to myself. I ate a devil fruit and killed my old self to dedicate my life to this moment." Diane spat.

Imai simply smiled and charged at Diane. Her sword created sparks as it made contact with Diana's blade. The battle was going at a fast pace. Those with normal eyes couldn't keep up with their speed. No one dared to get close either, they felt like getting in between them would result in one of their limbs being cut off.

Though, the marines were also surprised. Diane, who was recently promoted to Admiral, was at the level of strength to where she was keeping up with Imai. Finally, they had their own light, their own hope.

Imai couldn't help but grin as they conversated through their blades clashing against each other. Diane's blade held violence, hatred, and mostly revenge. As for Imai's blade, she sought for desire, and longing which Diane could not understand.

What kind of killer sought for longing, Diane thought. This only made her angrier as she decided to increase the pace of the battle. She was able to keep up with Imai, the figure that was known as an empress.

But if Imai was known as an empress, then she should be known as the conqueress.