
There she was with the blade in her hand as lightning danced around her sparkling figure. Her eyes held nothing but indifference to the lifeless body that was lying on the concrete ground.

The battle was over.

In the people's eyes, Imai was like a god to them. Just by raising her hand, she was able to bring down lightning at will, and nothing could stop her.

If anyone did try to stop her, they would all just end up like Gild.

Imai recalled the final moments of Gild's struggle, his eyes showing a slideshow of emotions that he seemed to have struggled to express. But the final emotion he showed was anger and his final words were,

"These damned Celestial Dragons."

Celestial Dragons, Imai was quite familiar with them. They had claimed to be the gods of this world due to their high political power. There were also the Five Elders who were the head of the World Government.

In other words, Imai and them were direct enemies.

No one would dare oppose the Celestial Dragons due to the punishment they would face. The Celestial Dragons would go as far as executing them in plain sight due to their high ego.

It made Imai mad. All they had was high political power and authority. Other than that, they were just weak beings abusing the rules of the world created for them.



Imai glanced to her right and noticed the familiar figures running at her with panicked expressions.

"I'm here, what's wrong? What's with the panic?" Imai asked.

"It's the navy, they've sent a bunch of them here. I think they're trying to destroy the entire place along with us." Uta replied.

"While we were on our way here, I saw cannons, and bombs being launched here. It's hard to believe they would abandon all the innocent people here." Rei said.

Imai sighed and glanced around.

They were pirates all around them and all of them had stopped fighting after realizing there wasn't a point in it anymore. Soon enough, they would be handed over to the Celestial Dragons and would have their life taken from them.

"If they're coming here, then why don't we give them a surprise? This should be pretty fun." Imai said with a grin.

"Imai, what are you planning to do?" Uta asked.

"Captain, I don't have a good feeling about this." Rei commented.

Imai chuckled and jumped on the roof of a broken car. Summoning a loud thunderstrike, she had caught everyone's attention. She had a wide grin on her face while doing this.

"Everyone, listen! In about five minutes or less, the navy will all be here, ready to take all of you to prison and execute you." Imai said, there was silence all over. "But there is another option, that is to rebel. Fight together, fight with your life, and fight for your freedom. These bastards who claim authority are a bunch of frauds abusing the law to scare you. So, what will you do? Take a gamble and risk everything or give up?"

There was chattering among the pirates and the lackeys of the late Gild. After a minute or so, it had come to an end, and all of them were facing Imai.

"Why should we follow you?"

"Yeah! Why should we have to listen to you?"

"They want you anyway, why would they care about us?"

Imai couldn't help but laugh at the questions. She couldn't believe how stupid they were and the fact that it had actually come from a human's mouth was insane.

"You guys think you have a choice? Because if you really do think you have a choice, I dare someone to try to run away right now." Imai said, streaks of lightning surrounded her arm. "If you do run, I will kill you with my own hands. You will die before the true battle begins."

"Then how does that make you any better than the Celestial Dragons?!" one of the lackeys yelled.

"I never said I was better than the Celestial Dragons. I am a pirate, a killer, an emperor, and someone who doesn't abide by the laws of this world." Imai said while pointing at the lackey. "But you are different, you don't have a choice because you're weak. But at least if you fight, maybe I will guarantee your survival."

"Our survival? That's it?" another one asked.

Imai glanced at the man who asked the question and smiled at him. Though, the smile didn't seem to reach her eyes at all.

"Life is a gift, remember that. But in this world, life is a privilege. The strong will prevail and the weak will succumb to the fated death that awaits them. So, are you going to throw your life away or at least fight with your all and go down like a true warrior?"


Imai turned into the direction and noticed the marines descending onto the pirate ship. There was a lot coming their way and the numbers haven't stopped increasing yet.

"Everyone, this is your chance. What will you do?" Imai asked the crowd who showed complex expressions.

"AGH! SCREW IT! If I'm going to go down, I'm going to go down like a man! I'm going to fight for my goddamn freedom!" a lackey exclaimed before charging at the marines.

"He really went…" one of them muttered. The others glanced at each other and resolved with each other.

"Follow him! Today we fight for our lives and our freedom!" someone yelled with a roar following along.

"Wow, I'm surprised you were able to move them this much." Uta said.

"Captain, I'm a little motivated by your words too. I'm feeling the adrenaline pump through my veins, I wanna fight!" Rei said.

"Then go, Rei. Give it your all." Imai said as Rei ran off into the distance. She was about to run with her when she was held back.

"Imai, did you really mean those words? Guaranteeing their survival? You know that means you'll be guaranteeing their freedom, right?" Uta asked.

"Of course, I know. Perhaps I said it at the moment but it all really depends. I could be leading them to their deaths or to the greatest point in their lives." Imai said.

"You should really have some regard for the lives of people, they aren't just tools for you to use." Uta said, unsheathing her blade.

"That's funny, since I've never once looked at humans as tools I'd use for my own benefit. After all, the greatest beings on earth are humankind."