
Lightning descended from the sky and started to strike the giant robot made of gold. It was immune to the first strike, but as more and more lightning strikes the robot. Its movements were starting to slow down and steam was emitting from its body.

"Let me show you, Gild. This is the true way to rule over people, a way to rule over people like you." Imai said.

She flew onto the robot's head and smashed the eye open revealing Gild's frustrated expression.

"Peek-a-Boo! Welcome to Gran Tesoro where if you take risks, you can achieve high returns and make yourself a billionaire." Imai mocked. "But unfortunately for you, you risked too much, and caused the grim reaper to show up."

"Shut up and disappear!" Gild yelled.

Imai grinned, "That's the way to rule over people like you, by using fear. In the end, you are still a coward hiding in your past's shadows."

Imai grabbed onto the collar of Gild's shirt and threw him out of the robot. Everyone had paused their fighting, surprised to see their king helpless on the floor. They glanced up to see a figure walking towards him slowly.

Due to the Conqueror's Haki that she was emitting, it affected their brain, and caused them to see Imai differently.

There she was with the blade in her hand with streaks of lightning surrounding her. It was as if she was a god cosplaying as the grim reaper dressed in a debt collector's outfit.

"It's over, Gild."

On a separate battlefield, Uta and Rei were up against Tanaka, Dice, and Baccarat. They weren't scared at all, but instead felt excited. It was time to see whether or not they were even worthy of fighting the duo.

"Red Oni Uta and Blue Oni Rei, it's a pleasure to finally fight you." Baccarat said with a smile.

"It seems you've been waiting for us for quite a while, don't tell me you're attracted to us? We're not looking for dates and we're not a package either." Rei said.

"Let's just stop talking and get to the fighting. End this quickly so we can meet up with Imai after this." Uta said.

"No, no, no. You aren't getting away that easily." Dice said with a big smile on his face. He was covered with gold armor along with Baccarat.

"Surururu, shall we start?" Tanaka said with a strange laugh.

"Rei, this should be easy as long as we don't get touched by her. As for Tanaka, he's useless but will try to distract you on the battlefield. As for Dice, cut him up." Uta said.

"Look at you, you're already adapting to the role of the vice captain. I can tell you've been studying our captain a lot." Rei said with a grin.

"Shut up and focus." Uta said, turning away to hide her embarrassed face. "Let's do this."

"On it, vice captain."

Uta and Rei dashed towards the three figures when their lackeys suddenly appeared. They didn't waste any time dealing with them. With quick simple movements, they easily cut through the weak lackeys.

"Do they even care about their lackeys? It's as if they were just using them as a sacrifice." Rei muttered.

"It doesn't matter if they don't care about them, there's bigger prey for us anyway." Uta replied. "Also, I'm going for Dice."

"Oh no, you don't. I'll be taking your time." Baccarat said.

Before Uta could reach Dice, she was blocked by Baccarat's sword and was slightly surprised.

"You can use a sword?" Uta asked.

"There's a lot of things I can use, dear. You see, I'm especially good with my hands." Baccarat said with a wink.

"Not something I needed to know, now stop wasting my time. You're pretty and all, but there is someone prettier for my eyes to lay upon."

Uta raised her blade and swung it at Baccarat who blocked it. She noticed her stumble back slightly even if it was barely noticeable.

Talented? Uta mentally chuckled, the person in front of her didn't hold a candle to her. Like she had said before, this entire battle was a waste of time. There was bigger prey to hunt.

She pressured Baccarat with her quick sword movements. As she slashed at Baccarat more and more. She noticed Baccarat was starting to struggle keeping up. There was an opportunity.

Uta lowered her head when Baccarat swung her sword vertically at her. She lowered her shoulders and dashed forward giving her the perfect opportunity for her to strike.

Suddenly, she saw a flash of chain events that would occur if she took this strike. Her luck would be taken by Baccarat and the coin she flipped would turn everything into her favor.

That was when the vision ended.

Instead of using her blade, Uta dropped to the ground, and sent a kick toward Baccarat's chin causing her head to fling upwards.

Using this chance, Uta covered her blade in haki, and cut through the golden armor that covered Baccarat. The gold armor shattered into pieces and Baccarat's stomach had a line across it that was pouring out blood.

If Baccarat was lucky, she would live. But she would then have to live with the scar across her stomach.

Though it would serve as a battle scar, so it wasn't that bad.

Uta glanced at the unconscious body in front of her and wondered how Rei was doing. She had gotten quite far from where she originally was.

"Did she purposely lure me somewhere else?" Uta muttered.

Rei was smiling with thrill as she kept circling around Dice. Sure, Dice was fast. But his big body made it easy for Rei to track him.

All she was doing was slashing at Dice's durable gold armor while she circled him. It was as if they were playing a cat and mouse game with Rei playing as the mouse slowly chipped away at the cat.

Rei knew Dice was a masochist, she was practically doing him a favor giving him the pleasure he desired. That was what made Dice an easy target, under all the muscles he had. He was easily able to manipulate by using his own kinks against him.

Once Dice's face turned into a tomato, Rei used this chance to completely immobilize him. She kicked him and sent him flying into the wall. There was a groan coming out of his mouth but disappeared when Rei had covered his head with ice.

With that being done, Dice's body slumped against the wall, and was utterly defeated by his own kinks.

Suddenly, a loud thunder strike appeared in the sky.

"So that's where you are, Imai."

"On our way, captain!"