Come to Mommy!

(Author's Note: *Sigh*)


3rd Pov

After Arthur returned back to his secret castle with Ghislaine and Zenith, Paul's two friends finally met Paul who was on the brink of death. The Village Doctor despite not possessing amazing Healing Magic managed to save him with his years of experience as a Doctor, and when Paul woke up, he looked traumatized and not willing to share anything about what happened. His two friends could only do their best to help him and understand what had occurred.


Arthur Pov

We had returned to the castle, and what I had expected had happened. Zenith had found Lilia here, and I could see the bone-chilling expression on her face as if she wanted to skin her alive. Meanwhile, Lilia was at a loss, not understanding why Zenith was with me, still, she could only lower her face in shame in front of Zenith due to her crime.

" WHY ARE YOU HERE?!", Zenith said in a cold voice and grabbed my arm, surprising Lilia who looked gobsmacked getting a gist of the situation and our unusual relationship. She bit her lips, with a hint of despair on her face, and then replied," I- I am here because-", seeing her trouble, I decided to help her, after all, she was my future waifu in the end.

" She is here because I hired her, and I found her when she almost died in the snowstorm after that she was abandoned by her family, and I took her in", I said, surprising Zenith who looked at me worried and then glanced at her with disgust," Huh? So this is how you do your job? Taking advantage of the kindness of others?", she said, her every word piercing through poor Lilia's heart.

I remained silent for a bit, I could indeed stop this, but again what it will yield? A temporary peace between them, I need to solve the root of this hatred itself, and some of this bickering between them is needed. I must say understanding a woman's heart is as difficult as fuck, thankfully I have Minerva backing me up, someone who can decipher any woman's heart.

'~Oh, my cute hubby really likes his waifu that much? Why don't I reward you tonight?~', said Minerva to me telepathically, I sighed and replied,' Well, first let me handle this issue then we will have a lot of fun tonight.', she then replied with a giggle,'~Ok, just wait for me to eat you up, darling tonight~'.

The thought acceleration ended, and I looked at trembling Lilia who seemed to break into tears at any moment, I quickly hugged her in my arms surprising her," Master?", she asked me softly, and I turned to Zenith who seemed to have intense hate in her eyes towards Lilia," Lilia, why don't you tell her about it? How Paul raped you back then?", I said, my words froze both Lilia and Zenith.

Lilia looked at me with trembling eyes," Ho- How do you know?", she asked me, I smiled and replied," It would seem I did some research about you, behind your back", my words made her blush. Zenith meanwhile looked stupefied, she looked at Lilia and asked her," Lilia, what does he mean?".

Lilia looked at me, and seeing my eyes which told her to go ahead, she separated from me with reluctance and then looking at Zenith, she started narrating her story about years ago, when Paul forced himself on her, due to her messed up emotions she also continued to tell about her life after that, and then how she met them, then how she betrayed her trust and finally ended up with me.

Zenith looked shocked hearing about her life and about another disgusting act that her former husband had done. " I - I see, I should have known by now it wasn't your fault considering how that bastard is, I apologize for hurting you and yelling at you", said Zenith bowing and apologizing genuinely, meanwhile Lilia replied," I- I don't deserve it, Zenith, in the end, it was me who hurt you ".

" Indeed, but again it was my fault for not understanding your needs, and that disgusting Paul definitely took advantage of that. Thankfully I am now with someone better, after realizing the greatest mistake of my life was to love that bastard once ", she said, her words further puzzling Lilia and surprising her, then she glanced at us, and seemed to understand what had happened.

" I see, then I am happy for you", she said, her words were genuine though there was hidden pain in them. I already knew what happened to her, of course, she would feel pain seeing another woman getting attached to me. Again, I was happy with the so-called character development of my waifu.

(A/N: Says the guys who reduced every waifu to 1 dimension, tsk, tsk, do you even know how hard is to make them second dimensional? Much less 3rd Dimensional?)

Of course, I had my plans to get her, soon, since I wanted to replace the blood of Aisha from that bastard's with my own. I will be able to get a sweet daughter as well, two to be exact if we include Norn. Thus with evil plans brewing in my mind, we got inside the house, or rather the huge Magic castle, I introduced Maria to her as well, and vice-versa.

Once the day met its end, I decided to tell the secret that I had held for so many years inside me. However there was a slight change in my plans, as Minerva accompanied me with her Physical Manefstation sticking me like a mother tiger who wanted to protect her cub." As I said it is better for me to go alone", I said, she hugged my hands within her bosom and said," It's too dangerous".

I was left to ponder what her words meant, though being the badass Alpha I am, I had a guess, and I was pretty sure that I was on the mark. Finally, I arrived in front of the door, Zenith already knew my main wife would be accompanying me and thought it was a meeting of sorts rather than the opportunity for me to reveal my biggest secret, thus which slight raise in my heart I opened the door and entered inside the room.


3rd Pov

' I can't let her hurt him ', Minerva thought, her face was calm but inside she was brewing with a protectiveness for her husband, she knew that Zenith might outburst with anger after hearing his secret,' I promise, if you dare hurt him, I WILL FUCKING MAKE SURE YOU PAY ', she thought, although there was only mere 20% chance that she will outburst in anger, that was enough for her to be wary.

She had promised herself, to always keep Arthur happy even if it meant destroying everything. She could mercilessly butcher millions of innocent children in the most cruel way if it needs to be done to keep him happy. She was Goudere, an extremely obsessed one. Her affection level beat even the likes of Mega Yandere.

Of course, sadly her worry was completely useless as her husband would just fuck Zenith till she accepts the truth he is about to present in front of her and it was an effective method. Thus, as they entered the room and Zenith was greeted by the sight of her new husband being held by the queen of their harem, she became nervous.

" Uh, Arthur is that your first wife?", she asked a bit unsure as she never had seen the woman, but she could tell she was extremely dangerous, and her will was only second to Arthur's from what she had heard from Maria thus making a good relationship was one of her goals, but she didn't expect them to meet like this.

Minerva arrogantly snorted, being the head wife she needed to be both reliable, friendly and authoritative because in that way she would be able to handle Arthur's harem well. Arthur smiled and said," Well, I am here to talk about something important and I won't beat around the bush, I am Rudeus, your son."

Zenith froze and then looked at him as if he was joking, but seeing his serious expression made her doubt her own thoughts, finally with trembling lips she looked at his face carefully and remembered the uncanny similarity between him and Rudeus, then she asked," You are Rudy?", her voice was soft with disbelief mixed in it.

He nodded and suddenly his size started shrinking till he was the size of a ten-year-old, when Zenith looked at him, she was filled with disbelief as the uncanny similarity transformed into the exact face of her son. Her body started trembling while Minerva frowned, murderous thoughts filled her head as dozens of invisible emperor-rank spells surrounded the room. Arthur who was well aware of Minerva's over-the-top reaction finally aged himself back to his handsome adult self.

" I know it might be a lot to take in- Thus you can wait for a bit before I begin to reveal the complete truth", Arthur said, Zenith suddenly leaped at him, and Minerva's hostility lessened significantly as Zenith hugged her Arthur," Oh!!! Rudy!!", she said as she started crying while pushing Arthur's head into her bountiful bosom.

She became a crying mess as she gave him a barrage of kisses on the forehead, cheeks, and even lips. She inhaled his scent with an insane fervor, while Minerva dispelled her spells,' She has achieved the state called Goudere, she is completely harmless and won't hurt dear, thus she is not a danger ', she concluded as she switched off her All of Creation.

After some time Zenith calmed down, she was sitting on Arthur's lap intimately, and she had her arms wrapped around him tight as if never wanting to let him go, finally, she asked," Tell me, Rudy everything", her voice was pleasant, and Arthur started narrating the story, how he is an otherworld shocking her, then how he reincarnated as her son and left soon while leaving a clone of him and despite having no need of explaining how a clone worked, he did.

After all, she wasn't an otaku, and despite hearing that Rudy who had lived with her for five years was a clone she didn't have any problems, but he explained to her the nature of a clone and how besides her, was a special one having his parallel mind on it. Thus she became more grateful and understood the concept of a clone, otherwise, it would have caused problems in the future.

Then he continued how his clone died, and enraged by Paul's behavior he decided to save her from him and decided to make her own. Zenith took it as a sweet sugar, not a bit angry that her son had decided to help her by fucking her, after all the method was quite effective and she was a lite Goudere in the end.

In the end, she gave him a French kiss, passionately battling with his tongue while devouring his saliva, for a few minutes the erotic noises filled the room while Minerva gulped down her saliva envious of the treatment Zenith was receiving, but as she was good wife she stood silent while deciding to have her pussy ravaged by Arthur later on.

" So son, should I call you Arthur or Rudy?", she asked him after their kiss had ended, he smiled and patted her head and said," I would prefer if you call me Arthur, though I don't mind if you call me as Rudy", she nodded deciding to go along with his preference, after all Rudy or not, he was her own son in the end, and after she thought about the debauchery she had committed with him, she blushed.

" Ara, Ara I am such a bad mother, lusting after my own son, but... It is okay, right? Afterall Mommy will make sure to give you a lots of love", she said sexily, as her hot breath tickled against Arthur's neck, Minerva coughed making the woman recall that she was present in the room," Well it would seem you require some alone time with dear, thus I shall leave the room though remember it, I am the No. 1", she said and smirked.

Zenith pouted, but in the end she admitted defeat, after all she had a special relationship with Arthur that none of them had! She was his mother! Thus she would give him the love of being her child, and lover at the same time, and would receive the same. Thus after Minerva left the place, she said," Now my dear Arthur! Come to Mommy!".

He smirked and kissed her passionately, soon the loud moans of debauchery filled the room, as Arthur pistoned inside her in doggy style, while holding her neck, and her face in the pillow as she moaned loudly. It was gonna be a long night.

To be continued...

( Author's Note: Okay, I can't say anything for my late updates! Just know my life situation is totally different from a year ago, but I will try to release faster updates. Thus to quench your anger, I have this!!! New photos of our characters except Arthur, since he will get an illustration only after his demon lord evolution.

Also sorry, they are the best I could come with my 4 GB i3 potato PC, which can't even run the CPU version of Stable Diffusion. I used an online AI, and I wonder if you can guess it!

Minerva(The Main waifu of Arthur!):

Maria(The black haired wolf maid):

Zenith(The Hot Milf mother!):

I will upload other waifus with next chapter!

They are also in Chapter comments for non-PC and mobile app users, also not that they belong to me so no sharing!)