Maid and the Master{r18}[Part 1]

(Author's Note: Okay guys, I did upload the Zenith's and our cute Maria's new photos twice but seeing their sexy figure and wonderful breasts webnovel decided only he can see them and not some extras! So he directly blocked them using his powers! Thankfully with my powers, I managed to get Minerva's pic uploaded properly. Anyway, I will be uploading them to Wattpad, so you can go and see them from there.

Curse webnovel Ai.)


3rd Pov

In a room reeking of smell, one can see a beautiful blonde-haired woman, from her pussy and ass thick white cum oozed out, while she laid on Arthur's chest who casually caressed and played with her fleshy buttcheeks. Although it had been years since he had reincarnated as of now he felt we were at the top of the world, he had already become the most powerful next to only Full Powered Dragon God and Hitogami. In simple words, he could do anything!

Of course that was only a momentarily thoughts, after all as much as it would give him extreme pleasure just to rule this world as strongest and fuck all the beautiful women and claim them as his, an entire multiverse was waiting for him, and his dream of fucking waifus surpassed banging some random hot chicks who would have no use other than being cum dumps.

He slowly got off the bed breaking from Zenith's grasp, and a smirk appeared on his face, it had been but a mere five years since he had reincarnated in Mushoku world but he already had a prestigious noble position, extreme physical and magical prowess, and a harem full of hot, powerful and loyal women. He didn't wait like some random retard when given the opportunity to get all of this in go.

He is no longer the pathetic loser in his past life, and he will make sure to get stronger with time and get new women for his harem, who will be beautiful, loyal, and strong. " Well it kinda feels nice, not it is just Lilia left", he muttered, remembering that only the sexy Maid was left, and after making her his woman, he would just focus on getting stronger and fucking his wives, while making them stronger as well.

His women no matter how feminine in front of him, won't be just some useless vase, but strong enough to shake the entire Mushoku world in their own. ' Oh she is here, huh? ', he thought as he heard a knock on the door, it opened automatically and Lilia entered, she blushed upon seeing the naked Arthur and then her eyes wandered towards unconscious Zenith whose body was covered in thick white semen.

She gulped her saliva and bit her lips,' Damn it seems she was satisfied thoroughly ', she thought remembering her own non-existent sex life, to be honest after falling in love with Arthur she often dreamt how nice it would be if she was to become his woman. But getting the love of a man like Arthur, seemed farfetched for her, after knowing how he was surrounded by wonderful women, while she was but a bitch.

Arthur's almighty cock suddenly soared up as it rose from its slumber creating an awkward scene in front of Lilia. Arthur coughed awkwardly, he already decided to take a bit indirect way for Lilia, considering her circumstances. Thus, he smiled and said," Um sorry Lilia, you see I am still unsatisfied." If Zenith had heard his words she would have gotten into depression thankfully she was sleeping like a dead log.

Lilia nodded feeling sympathy for her master, and understood why he had gotten so many women,' Should I try my luck here? ', a thought appeared in her mind. In this world, pleasing their master sexually was common for maids, at least for the maids working for Nobles. Although it made her disgusted considering her traumatic past, when it came to Arthur, she was ready to steep low to get a bit of his love.

Still the memories of Zenith and the trauma she gave her made her hold her breath, ' I shouldn't she is already suffered a lot ', she thought ready to not take a step further on him, but his next words woke her," Don't worry, I will just go to Maria, or my wife", he said, making her recall he had a harem, and Zenith was ready to share him.

' It should be fine then, right? Not to mention my heart won't allow anyone to touch my body other than him ', she thought and finally succumbed to her desires," Master, Can I help you?", she asked him, with an awkward smile wondering if he would accept her offer. Arthur smiled and said," If it is not a proble-", she quickly interrupted him and said," It is not a problem!!", suddenly they became silent.

" I- I mean, I apologize for my rudeness", she said as she bowed, after all, it was a grave crime for a mere maid like her to interrupt her master, but she was just too excited to hold back!! ' Dear, what's the problem? Just push her down and fuck her raw! I doubt she will have any problem considering the hard work you did before ', Minerva suddenly said telepathically in Arthur's mind.

' Nah, I like the way it is going, an adult woman acting like a meek maiden in love, it is just too cute ', he replied, while Minerva sighed seeing her husband discovering a new kink which would probably last a while till he gets bored of it. " So, if you allow me let me help you Master", she said, as a blush crept on her face, Arthur nodded, and the next moment she was kneeling before him between his legs.

Arthur's almighty cock cast a shadow over her face, and she held it gently,' It is so big, incomparable to all those pathetic disgusting men, of course, only my Lovely Arthur can have it! ', she thought, and then gently licked the tip, the thick smell invaded her nose, giving a shiver throughout her body, while her pussy started leaking their love juices, begging to be loved.

She quickly coated his cock with her saliva and then started sucking it as if her life depended on it, while her eyes looked at Arthur with submission and love. Arthur meanwhile grunted in pleasure from Lilia's fellatio, he put his hand on her head and patted her," Good girl", as if a thunderbolt struck Lilia, she stopped and then fastened her pace, butterflies flapped in her stomach singing tunes of love, while her panties drenched in her fluids, singing tunes of debauchery.


Her heart was hit really hard when she heard the words 'Good girl', such praise from him delighted her to no end. ' I want more! His love! His praise! His cock! I want them all! ', she thought with lust and visible greed as she diligently sucked his cock, her tongue wrapped around his cock, her face contorted in pleasure as she sucked her dream man's thick cock.


He stopped her head, and her eyes looked at him in confusion, he smiled and patted her and then caressed her cheek," You are beautiful", he said, Lilia's eyes widened, she had never felt so much happiness! It was as if she was about to become unconscious just by sheer happiness. Then he grabbed her head and pushed his cock inside her mouth completely surprising her.

" I am coming!", he said, and she understood the meaning and closed her eyes as a unique taste assaulted her tongue, she started gulping his semen down while she orgasmed spraying her fluids and drenching her panties, and it started leaking down on the floor. Once Arthur had finished cumming he slowly his cock from Lilia's mouth, and then she said," Wait a minute Master, Arthur there is some cum here." 

Then she started licking it and once she had cleaned it completely she said," Here you go, all clean and majestic-", suddenly she blushed to realize the words she spoke,' Damn why I am blushing like some teenage girl in love!!!! ', she screamed in her mind, she was a milf for a god's sake.

" Ahem", a sudden voice interrupted them, and Lilia's expression turned grave as she found Zenith looking at them, someone who was sleeping like a dead log not long ago, but was awakened by the sound of sex. " Ze-Zenith I can explain this!", said Lilia standing up, with a guilty expression plastered on place, while Zenith asked her," How was it?"

" Huh?", said Lilia confused, while Zenith looked at her seriously," How was Arthur's cock?!! Much better that pathetic and disgusting Paul right?!! No it will be an insult to compare Arthur with that disgusting wrench!", she said, leaving Lilia speechless. Suddenly she tensed as she felt a hand exploring her ass and the next moment Arthur hugged her," You were wonderful Lilia", she blushed and just gave a small nod, "Hm".

It felt similar to her, old memories gushed into her mind, but as she looked at Arthur's face all of it vanished,' It isn't some disgusting man, but him ', she thought while she tried her best to not smile, but it only made the half-broken smile on her face extremely attractive with the blush that adorned her face further.

Soon after some talk, Lilia got on to her work, using some water and air magic to clean the place while a weak form of fire magic to dry the place. Zenith got to wash her body, while Arthur returned to his room to find Minerva there. She quickly hugged him as if he were a child, made him sit on her lap, and then hugged his face on her bountiful chest, Arthur despite being surprised by the uno reverse card of Minerva, enjoyed the sensation.

Minerva giggled while she patted him and then whispered in his ear," Zenith thought, that being your mother would give her edge, dear I am very eager to prove her wrong ", she then patted his head, rubbing his hair with love in her eyes. "~I will give a lot of lots of love, to my dear, so much that he forgets he has other women for a minute~", she said, her eyes looking at Arthur with obsession.

Arthur who was a bit bored by repetitive master-servant foreplay for years decided to try something new and played with her, then he looked at her and said,"~Mommy~", his words caused a chill to Minerva,' How good would it be if somehow Dear is my child, brother, father and husband at the same time! ', a weird thought appeared in her mind. Then as she further analyzed it was not a dream but a reality!!

Being a part of Arthur's soul made her Arthur's child, and sister in a way, she was already his wife. While Arthur wasn't her child, she planned to change it today! She will love Arthur the same way an obsessed depraved mother loves her own child! Thus began the fun of Arthur and Minerva as they took the meaning of debauchery to the next level.

(A/N: *Cough* *Cough* Arthur is going depraved day by day.)


Meanwhile, in a room lay Lilia as she rubbed her clint furiously while thinking of being doggy fucked by Arthur,"~Yes Master! Fuck me! Fuck your slutty maid!~", she said as she orgasmed, and then started breathing heavily. She then glanced at the bulge on her stomach as the effects of pregnancy were showing up. 

' Should I kill it? ', a dangerous thought appeared in her mind. She had that bastard's child in her womb, in a way it disgusted her, and knowing that her chances of being Arthur weren't as non-existent she thought it would be better if she got rid of it at once. ' If I can kill this, the- then I can be with him! ', she thought, her thoughts started getting darker as her hand reached her belly.

Just a step away from doing the unthinkable but she stopped before she could do it, her hand trembled as she moved them away from her belly," Damn it! What I am thinking? Master Arthur will definitely be disgusted if I do that.", she said ashamed of her actions. While Minerva who was secretly observing her, looked at her coldly,' Good you didn't do it, otherwise you would have wasted my master's efforts ', she thought.

One should know despite her service, devotion, obsession, and love towards Arthur, she didn't care for anyone or anything else, in her eyes everything except Arthur held no meaning to her. Arthur did love his harem, but for Minerva they were but some beings necessary to keep her love happy, if they were to not achieve what their meager existence was for, then they didn't need to exist. Thus, Lilia managed to ignore a bad ending by controlling her disgusting thoughts.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Okay, after hearing about you guys I decided to spice up sex, after all the repeated master-servant sex was getting boring, so I will upload them in the main chapters or as side-chapters! But do not misunderstand! Arthur's position won't change, not for a moment think that Arthur is going to be really submissive to his wives, that thing won't be present in this fic.

This is a story of a dominator! Not some idiot getting a dominator skill, and only to insult the skill by becoming a protagonist weak to his women. The only reason I adding new kinks*Cough* so that you can get some quality content and not get bored, anyway till next chapter where he can finally bang Lilia!

P.S.: Check out my wattpad account, @akroszero to see the photos of character I uploaded their)