Chapter 6

As the third round approaches, Yato still feels relatively confident, he knows these guys are a challenge when it comes to speed, but in power these guys are all weak, they don't even have any abilities at that, he feels as if the tournament is an easy walk through, until he felt the aura of his opponent. His opponents aura was so menacing, so powerful, for the first time in his life he felt frightened. His opponent is Giro, the guy who is rumored to have flicked the side of a mountain, and completely destroyed it, the guy who is said to have mastered every known martial art, Giro is a guy to be feared, and he is Yato's opponent. Right off the start, Yato gets completely blitzed again, except right after he coughs up blood. He knew that hit could destroy more than a mountain and he was right, a mere flick demolished the mountain, so the punch was going to be far greater, in fact it is 25x greater. As soon as Yato had stood up, he activated his ability, and even with his eyes moving 15x faster, he still couldn't see Giro, Giro was but a blur to him. Giro lands hit after hit on Yato, slowly but definitely wearing him down, except it gets worse. Giro unlike the other 2 Yato had fought, actually has an ability called Max Hit +, this ability allows him to increase his power as he hits, every hit he lands is another multiplication from his base, and at this rate he's already landed 80 hits on Yato, meaning his power is 80x it's previous. After constant hits, Giro was ready to land the final blow, but right as he punched, Yato caught it. Yato looked at him and said "Is that all you have, pathetic", Yato had all of a sudden gotten stronger and faster, and it's because of his other ability called Deaths Door, this ability is passively activated whenever Yato is at the final stage of death, it amplifies his speed and strength by over 1000 times. However Giro expected this would happen, Giro has another ability that is similar in a way, that is called Sacrifice, he sacrifices his life force to a demon, and the demon grants him immense strength, to overcome any opponent. With this power he is perfectly matched with Yato, if not slightly above, and after fighting for over 20 minutes, the final hit from Giro knocked Yato out. Was this really the end, Yato had a moment of inner peace, he had saw his grandfather <- Guy who raised him, they talked and talked to each other, Yato was happy for once after those years, but his grandfather patted him on the back, told him to go and win the tournament, and to do it for him. Yato barely stood up, bones broken everywhere, but that didn't matter, during the part of the fight where they were even, Yato's eyes were faster, he had seen and copied that speed and power from Giro, so now Yato was over 1000x stronger than what he was, naturally Giro was gassed out so he couldn't defend himself, and within the next punch, Giro was knocked out and Yato had won. Luckily the tournament has people who can heal injuries, however this is the first time Yato had ever been this hurt, so obviously he didn't know, but as soon as he was fully healed, it hit him, he was stronger all of a sudden, and by lots of an amount.