Chapter 7

After the fight, and after he was healed, he noticed he was immensely stronger and faster, outside of the 1000x he had gotten. He had felt thousands and thousands of times stronger, (since I'm the author ima just put a number cause I'm cool like that), he had gotten over 12000x stronger and faster, he has new levels of power that he's never been at before, it was exciting to him, but before he could go and test his power, it was time for the..5th fight actually, the 4th guy gave up out of fear, I'd do it also but yeah, anyway. The 5th opponent to fight Yato is Niko, who is on an entirely different level, entirely different plane of existence, an entirely differently level of dimension, that's right, Niko is a being that is of the 4th dimension. Yato had awareness of the dimension yet he couldn't talk communicate or anything of it, yet here he was, supposedly to fight a 4th dimensional being, he thought it was a sure loss. However when Yato went to attack this being, it was hit, he was shocked that not just did this being hit him, but the fact he didn't see it, hear it, he couldn't even sense the attacks. That's right Yato's combat skills transcends the 4th dimension, his combat abilities is 5th dimensional, however he still wasn't of this himself, so this being, killed Yato…(not done yet), Yato being killed went to a spirit like form, he basically became immortal and is able to still interact with the physical plane, meaning he's able to still fight this being. So the fight begins again, Yato and his 5th dimensional attacks, paired up with the fact he's now an immortal, he easily beats this being. So as he beat him, he returned to his body resurrected and healed, except since he died he had gotten some abilities he's unaware of, he also got greatly more powerful (putting a random number again), due to his death, he had gotten billions upon billions times more powerful, 125 billion times to be accurate.

With that the qualifiers conclude, so now, it's onto the semis.