Episode 8

(The episode opens with everybody silent)

Grey: If you swear not to say anything out of this house, I'll tell you

Adam: Hold it, let's make this more interesting, Ozran

Ozran: Yes

Adam: Don

Don: Ozran, do you have a way to make sure Yurem doesn't tell?

Ozran: Of course (eyes glowing and ancient writing appears)

(The ancient writing appears around Yurem, then disappears)

Yurem: What just happened?

Ozran: Just a little spell, it's completely harmless unless you say anything that happens here today outside this house or not to these boys.

Jay: You think you can do that

Grey: Please my parents can't know this, they think I am doing normal club activities

Yurem: Fine, first answer me, why do this?

Grey: At first, it was just a little beg for fun

Adam: Yeah, they bet that I couldn't you know

Yurem: Say it

Adam: That I couldn't make them cum and I took them on that bet

Don: Slowly, we started new experiments

Luke: We thought nothing of it

Jay: Until we watched Yaoi and became self aware

Den: Then, we started not to care as long as it was in this group

Yurem: I can't believe what I was hearing (take deep breaths) fine, then the aliens

Grey: You see we were doing normal activities, when they beamed us up to their ship and tried to hunt us and do activities with us

Adam: Translation, they wanted sex partners and human lab rats

Yurem: And how you escape

Den: Easy, team work, we planned in our strengths, and made it to the head of the ship and beamed out.

Yurem: The demons!

Jay: They came to our school because they heard of the alien attack

Luke: We are just attracted to the supernatural, weird right

Yurem (trying to stay calm): Weird. Weird! No, there's something wrong with that, not just weird how are all of you calm here

Don: Excuse me, it's not like we asked what happened with the aliens

Den: Yeah, we most certainly didn't

Luke: Yeah, some of us are never going to live it down

Yurem: Okay, Grey, did you?

Grey: I…

Yurem: Don't say it

Grey: Thank you

Yurem: Just tell me, you actually consider these guys as friends

Grey: I do

Luke: We consider him a friend too

(Jay, Don, and Den nodded)

Adam: Duh

Yurem: Fine, I respect that

Grey: Great

(Grey hugs Yurem)

Yurem: Why are you hugging? You never hug

Grey: I change that

Adam: So, tell did you always know?

Yurem: That he likes guys, Duh, it was (blushes) pretty obvious

Adam: Wait, you blushed, does that mean

Yurem and Grey (blushed): No!

Luke: They did

Don and Den: You kissed?!

Yurem. (Blushes): It was an accident

Grey (blushes): Yeah, we tripped

Jay: I don't believe it

Adam: I can prove it

Yurem (backs up): No, stay away from me, you hear me

Adam (getting closer to Yurem): Come on, it's just a little pec

Yurem (backing away): No, stay away, I don't know what else you do

Adam: Aww, I am flattered, but I only want your friend and the other boys, not you

Yurem (surprised): Really?!

Adam: Scout honor

(Yurem stops)

(Adam kisses Yurem on the lips for a moment)

Adam: Yup, he did

(Yurem blushed and passed out)

(Grey catches Yurem)

Adam: There, now you can lie and say it was a dream

Grey: Great, now we can go back to our regular lives

(Episode ends)