Chapter 5: I Gotta Get Out of here!!!

The Juveniles Expression had long turned Grim, he still couldn't believe what he got himself into or rather what he just got pulled into .

for a boy who'd just been made aware of his engagement he sure wasn't taking it well, I mean who would when he was shockingly supposed to be engaged to a snake of all things, normally he'd yearn for such a thing back on Earth when he was still enjoying his every day life as an average otaku, but now, witnessing it first hand he couldn't help but feel horrified!.

' am engaged to a snake... '

' am engaged to a snake... '

' am engaged to a snake... ' he continuously repeated this same words as he tried to calm himself inwardly out of fear that he would be eaten alive if he angered his so called' fiance' .

'The F*CK is going on?!!, how am I supposed to take this piece of crap!!'

' Engaged my ass!, id rather get castrated than even try doing it with her first!!'

' I mean how's that even possible!!!, all I see are scales and no legs!!!, I don't think having a child with it is even possible yet here I am in a supposed engagement?!!...'

'Wait a minute...,CRAP!!!, Don't tell me she's actually like those prayer mantis chicks who gorge on their husbands heads the very moment there married!!!!!'

'No No No No No No No No No No No!!, I don't wanna get eaten!!!!'

While in dispair the young lad was completely engrossed in the terrifying thought of being forced into such a horrifying situation was still being embraced tightly by his fiance , his head in between her marvelous twin peaks ,his lower body tightly wrapped by her large tail as he was slowly submerged in the smell of her sweet nectar like scent while also being grasped by her astonishingly smooth Jade like skin .

On normal occasions, Most men would be thanking the heaven's, there God's , spiritual figures and luck if there were even so fortunate enough to just get a chance to touch her otherworldly jade like skin or even breath in her intoxicatingly divine fragrance and yet this bastard was actually thinking of wasting one of God's precious miracles!!!!!



Damn it!!!!, So what if she was part snake or the fact that you hadn't even met her prior to this!!!!.

At least she was damn hot you IDIOT!!!!.


The ungrateful teenage boy seemed to be engrossed in his despairing thinking at the moment, completely ignoring every temptations, treasures, once in a lifetime opportunities before him!!!, for the damned brat was foolishly focused on thinking of a way to get out of this heaven sent Nirvana.

Moreover, when his mind was fiercely battling with his little brother to get him to accept reason and just go with it!, the damned brat was still Stupidly focused!!.

The damned brat was so focused to the point that his whole body was stone cold at the moment, stiffening up like a strange creature who knew nothing about the word irritability, for in his mind, he would not fall for the 'devil's temptations'.

The juvenile boy continuously encouraged himself inwardly, saying that he would think of an adequate plan capable of getting him out of his current situation no matter what!.

In the eyes of any onlooker it would seem like the duo were completely engrossed in there sweet embrace but in truth,it was only the Dazzling snake lady that was actually making an effort, for she was completely engrossed in the warm feeling of finally getting to embrace her 'husband' .

she felt extremely happy being able to be with him at last , she would never let him go, never!, never!, never!, never!, he belonged to her and only her!, no one else could have him except for her! and anyone who came in between them would suffer unimaginable pain then death she thought happily, with a sinister smile blooming on her seductively gorgeous face unbeknownst to Gift.

While the duo were completely lost in each other's embrace, The boy who was engrossed in thinking suddenly felt a chill run down his spine for no reason all of a sudden, his heart beat was beating rapidly, his body trembled in fear at the moment leaving him dumbfounded.

'the heck was that about !!!!' he screamed inwardly in fear and confusion.

' damn!!, it felt like someone wanted to kill me all of a sudden...'

' wait how's that even possible, the only ones in this room is me and her right!!! '

' or is someone else in here?....' he thought inwardly as a surge of fear suddenly became evident within him, but the more he thought of it, the more unlikely it seemed, if someone was really here right now, why didn't the fearsome serpent react in any way!, with her fearsome abilities it would seem completely impossible for someone else to sneak in while she remained oblivious!!!, but....

' if no one's here....., then does she want to kill me?..... ' Gift thought as his look suddenly turned dire before he quickly calmed down due to reasoning.

' no that's not possible , she could have killed me during our first two encounters, so there's no way she could be thinking of killing me now....'

' but if she doesn't wanna kill me..., Then did she offend someone just as terrifying!!! and their the cause for my uneasiness!.....'

' but how can someone make me feel terrified without even being here!!! ' he thought dumbfounded since the meer notion of such an act was simply ungodly no doubt, for one to instill fear into someone else while not being physically present was truly ungodly.

Caught of guard, unknowingly the boy started to feel light headed before he knew it, it may be because his was thinking to much or because his head was still tightly submerged in his Fiance's marvelous twin peaks!.


Even though he was completely submerged in those cloud like summits the idiot actually couldn't take it anymore!!, giving up like a useless 2 second man before he knew it...

in a short amount of time, the boy had long stopped being able to breath, causing him to panic out if instinct.

'' let me go!!!!! I can't breath " he tried screaming but the only thing that was audible was his muffled sounds as he drowned in those two magnificent seas.

' F*CK!!!!, I don't wanna die like this!!!!'

'At least save me some crappy dignity and eat me already!!!!'

'if this goes on am f*cking gonna suffocate to death!!!!' he said while continuing to struggle with all his might, but it seemed like it only made things worse since the more he struggled, the deeper he fell!!.


Just from his actions alone were enough to prove that her twin peaks were simply a wondrous sight to behold!!!!, And to top matters off, she suprisenly tightened her grip on that undeserving brat!!!, suffocating him even more!!!, his head drowning in soft succulent clouds like an immortal celestial who'd acquired all of life's treasures all in one swoop!.








where his last thoughts before losing consciousness again.

His magnificent Fiance who was beyond a doubt superbly crafted by god himself! suddenly noticed his body had gone limb, causing her cold like expression to quickly turned nervous then awkward, before a light shade of pink as she quietly mumbled to herself in a shy tone.

"...I know it's my fault your unconscious.., but did you have to lose consciousness while sucking on it sweetheart." from her maiden like words it would seem the boys useless struggle was finally over, since now that he was finally unconscious his body no longer payed heed to his useless commands completely acting on...


without making any acts of encroaching on his slumber she gently untangled him and gracefully carried his now unconscious body towards the bed, where she layed him down comfortably and tucked him in before slithering out the door, only to stoop the moment her hand grasped the exquisite door handle as she turned back, her loving eyes falling on his gently sleeping figure.

' I'll be back soon my darling...' she thought gleefully before leaving through the door.