Chapter 6: Escape 1

"No no no no no...." muttered the Dark skinned figure in his sleep as his brows furrowed tightly with his expression worsening with the passage of time, sweat dripping from his forehead as he tossed around the bed continuously, Unlike his earlier shrewd attitude, the current him was no different than a frightened mouse hahaha, from the looks of it, it was pretty clear the young lad was currently having a nightmare.

"No Mom.., dady.."

" someone..."

"Anyone... please... help!!" he screamed while jolting from the bed in fright, his breathing was heavy like one who'd just ran a marathon, his fingers clenched tightly onto the smooth and exquisite looking silky bedsheets .

"haaa....haaa.." he panted heavily while struggling to catch his breath, from the looks of it, it seemed the nightmare he'd just witnessed must've been a seriously terrifying one.

After a few moments of struggling to catch his breath, the young lad finally managed to calm down, his eyes were currently bloodshot with traces of quivering evident on his lips due to the lingering fear he felt.

"Fvck! that was terrifying!!!, hahahaha looks like my days here are just going to get worse as time passes....., hehehe am I really this unfortunate to not only have to suffer continuously in fear of being eaten but now I have to suffer it in my dreams as well?!!!..." he said his expression one of distress, while swiftly looking around the room with his bloodshot eyes cautiously at the moment due to the fear that was continuously enveloping him.

Only after awhile of checking every where did he finally heave a sigh of relief, after he fully confirmed that a certain someone wasn't around for the time being.

"Thank God , she must still be gone..." he said gazing at the door vigilantly.

" hahahaha God is great!, now all you have to do is think of a way out of this shitty predicament... "

" Sigh...., fuck it!, why can't i think of anything goddammit!, This is no time to be getting a damned writers block!!..., Hey buddy you got anything ?"

" Of course I don't have any plans!!, why did you think I asked you!!"

" Then what should we do?! "

" I don't know figure it out for fvck sake!, and hurry up will ya!, we don't know when she's coming back for crying out loud!" Urged Gift while pacing around the room, sweat dripping from his forehead as he thought of a way to get out of his imprisonment while simultaneously conversing with non other than himself?.

To any onlooker, it was completely expected for such a scene to seem weird and UNOrthodox but atleast it worked, Gift wasn't your average juvenile.

The lad had lots of friends but even then he still didn't trust any of them, not even his own siblings or parents were an exception, to be frank the boy simply had thrust issues.

No one knew the reason for it ,and when ever anyone asked he would just strangely say that" no human was trust worthy, even a friend could betray you in a time of need or backstab you because of greed, not even those who did good deeds were meant to be spared from this Creed ".

and strangely everyone who heard it mostly shrugged it off as nonsense or thought he was just kidding around .


And so within the Luxurious bedroom was an ever anxious young lad who couldn't stop himself from secretly panicking inwardly.

"Hmm I got nothing , you? "

"same here ....." he said his face devoid of joy and replaced with dispear as he unwilling sat down on the bed after a while of standing .

"Arrrrrghhh!!! " he screamed in frustration his nails clenched deep into the bed as he struggled to remain calm, his once calm expression slowly crumbling away like a beaten fortress.

"why..why...why did it have to be me...., I know I never did anything wrong, plus momy even called me a good boy...a good boy she said..." he rambled continuously . unbeknownst to him a figure was stealthily slithering towards him with a crazed smile.