Chapter 7 : Escape 2

The dark figure slowly slithered towards the boy her movements silent as a gentle breeze .

The boy who was oblivious to his surroundings kept on racking his mind thinking of how to get out of here , his brows furrowed tightly as his face scrunched up ,his mind was put to the lift as countless thoughts flashed through his mind , his teeths grinding against each other in frustration as he continuously concocted countless partial plans of escaping .

his way of thinking was absolutely different from others , most would focus on perfecting a single flawless plan to guarantee there escape and safety but gifts thinking method was different , the boy always thought of countless plans first !!! , then he would start eliminating the most risky ones to increase his survival!! , after that he would then eliminate the time consuming ones in other to leave the ones who were able to be executed quickly and smoothly without any Hinderance .

After eliminating all the risky and time consuming ones he gathered all the remaining ones and went through them countless times in his mind , one had to know that thinking was an extremely fast and quick ability of intelligent beings ,a person could think of his life and past actions in his dieing moments in under an astonishing 1 minute or even lesser .

The dark figure was finally in sticking position , the smile on its face seemed to have become even more sinister . it's Expression one of longing and viciousness.

wasting no time at all its long serpentine body pounced towards the boy on the bed at an astonishing speed , Eve n more astonishingly it's supposed target seemed to have reacted before it's attack , before the dark figure attacked she heard a cold and almost silent voice speak , the voice only said two words which she couldn't understand

" Initiate plan A...."

she had been able to sense through out the entire room , the voice didn't come from outside but from inside to be more precise the cold words came from the boy who she thought was oblivious to his surroundings in deep thought , she couldn't believe it , how could he have known of her presence , she had made sure to totally hide her presence before entering the room Even when she was behind the door her presence was completely hidden . never in her wildest dreams would she have Known that the boy hadn't sensed her at all , it just so coincidentally turned out that this was one of the boys plans !!! .

Plan A: dodge to avoid the attack of the monster snake Incase she came in seeking to harm you .

The boy had always been carefully monitoring the snake lady's movements ever since he had been transported to this strange place , from day one he had been Analysing her movement patterns , reactions , character , likes , dislikes e.t.c.

All for when he would suddenly seek to him !!.


The boy dropped and rolled towards the window avoiding the dark figures attack . The dark figure who missed her target was neither angered nor annoyed , instead she was only suprised . she never thought the boy would be able to avoid her pounce , wasn't he just a human boy ? she thought.

The boy had already reached the window , standing before it while turning his head gazing at the dark figure who was now standing at his original position .

the dark figure sensed the boys cold gaze and suprisenly smiled at him , the boys seemingly calm body trembled in fear , this smile wasn't your normal smile the boy was shaking deep within his very core , her smile was not a normal one but a vicious and terrifying one !! the kind a predator looking at it's prey!!.

When the boy detected that the dark figure was about to strike again he immediately calmed down , his cold face revealed a smile of its own which was different from the dark figures , his smile was mischievous and seemed to be ridiculing the dark figure .

The boy gazed returned forward and he jumped out the window without hesitation .

midair the boy glanced downwards , it turned out this building was 10 stories tall and he was jumping out of the 10th floor the highest!!.

his pupils constricted as he lost his calm but for only a second , it turned out that this building had something similar to roof tops for each floor it looked like an ancient Chinese stilled building/ palace .

his thinking was quickly interrupted by gravity which was taking effect pulling him down .

Gift used his right hand to grab towards the roof like balconies tiles slowing down his descent .

"grrrrrrrr" he grunted in pain as the skin on his fingers were being shredded apart from the friction , he soon reached the edge of the roof like balcony below the tenth floor and leaped of landing on the roof like balcony below the ninth floor initiating the same action by using his right hand to slow down his descent then leaping off at the edge .

he continued like this until reached the last balcony and leaped off , his body curling into a ball as he rowed midair falling onto the soft ground filled with vegetation continuously rolling before hitting his back on a nearby tree .

"Puti" the boy coughed out a mouth full of blood staining the near by grass .

his body was totally exhausted of energy , it seemed that stunt of his took all he had to accomplish he thought .

"hehehe hehehe" he couldn't help but chuckle.

his eyes gazing towards the dark serpentine figure looking at him through the tenth floor window .

"hahaha see that!!!! , you can't get me you bitch " he thought struggling to get up .

he had finally escaped from the hands of death , the boy was filled to the brim with joy .his eyes shining brightly like the morning sun his lips curled upwards into a charming smile, he seemed to be oblivious to the blood dripping from his right hand which was mostly bones and small pieces of flesh at the moment all he could feel was utter happiness pure happiness!!! , to bad reality was too cruel .

The figure he was gazing at was suddenly being enshrouded by a dark fog , the boy felt lingering fear as he looked at this strange phenomenon his body seemed to be warning him to run!! , run away as fast as you can!!.

the fog soon cleared revealing a being who's beauty seemed to be unmatched to bad he had already seen the serpentine lady who's beauty wasn't any less stunning . the beauty before his eyes had brightly golden coloured hair which was blowing calmly in the wind , every strand of hair seemed to be filled with Vitality and life , her skin was as stunning as the moon itself , her lips were as red as blood itself , her eyes were a charming golden hue . she was an unparalleled beauty , but there were two features the boy found unbelievable , the stunning beauty had a pair of golden fox ears and a long luxurious golden fox tail .

The Fox girl smiled brightly , she seemed to be enjoying the boys amazed and shocked expression . her next actions left the boy dumfounded , she leaped off the window high into the magnificent sky her beauty seemed to rival the sun itself . she did a few flips in the air before diving downwards at an astonishing speed.

when she was about to hit the ground she did another flip landing onto the ground as a gracefull swan landing elegantly in a calm lake .

her actions stunned the boy even more he felt like all his beliefs were being shredded to pieces at this very moment.

" How was that darling" she said with a vibrant smile .

her smile instead caused the boy to tremble , he felt like her words were a death sentence , he didn't even wait to process his thoughts.

he turned around and was ready to make a break for it only to be stopped in his tracks .

a figure emerged in his path, this figure was non other than the Snake lady he first met .

The reason he didn't continue running towards her was because her once passionate expression was replaced with a cold and icy gazed that pierced through him .

he couldn't help but tremble in his spot.

" Darling... What's she ... doing here!!! " she said coldly . he aura spreading rapidly towards the surroundings the once vibrant surroundings was instantly turned into an ice age .


Don't forget to review please .... this novel is a work in progress , I would appreciate your support please.