Chapter 15:Please stop talking

" A mistake!!! , you call that a mistake mortal!!!! " Chen Lang screamed , his loud voice reverberating through out the surroundings.

"arrrr..." Gift grunted In pain as blood slowly trickled down his ears .

Chen Lang was burning mad , his brows furrowed tightly , his face was rinnkled into an ugly expression with bulging veins as he reprimanded "you Insolent human , no you useless Mortal , you've offended me time and time again!!!! , don't expect your death to be painless since you dare—"

" Shut the F*ck up !!! * Gift cut him off.

"Dude what the F*ck is your problem anyway!!!"

"how dare i how dare i how dare i, how many times are you going to repeat the same crappy words over and over again "

" how you ever thought of how dare you , how dare you shout at me huhh!!! , how dare you whine so much just cause your crush rejected you , dude stop acting like an overgrown baby !!! , aren't you supposed to be a distinguished fake god !!! cause all I see is a f*cked up , useless , disgusting , whining Mutt who won't stop crying over spilled milk!!! , if you want that thing you call a girl back she's all yours dickhead , I didn't like her in the first place , so please cut me some crap and send me home you mangy Mutt ...." .

Gift wasn't someone who would take things lying down , especially when you have to continue bugging him over and over for something that wasn't his fault to begin with .


"you...dare talk back at me" Chen Lang muttered . he gritted his teeth in frustration , grinding them hard against each other , slowly sharpening them , he then took a deep breath before his legs which were filled with unfathomable power pushed of the ground towards Gift at Lightning speed.

" you think you can insult a being such as I !!!! , let's see if you can still talk trash after I rip out your throat!!! ".

he reached gift in a matter of Milla seconds ,his claws stretched forth.

"Don't you think about it!!!! " Mei Mei screamed , she emerged beside Chen Lang at break neck speed delivering a powerful kick onto his left face .

"PUTI" Chen Lang coughed up a mouthful of blood mid air as he flew threw the air before crashing down tens of meters away like a rag doll.


"You bitch , how dare you get in my way!!!!! , your courting death !!!!!! " Chen Lang roared before speeding towards Mei Mei , the both of them got locked in battle , Chen Lang fighting with nothing more than his pent up rage and Mei Mei who was making dodging her utmost priority at the moment , which seemed possible for her thanks to her Godly agility and reflexes .


"Damn.... , guess the bitch's done watching from the sidelines " Gift said a little bit surprised .

"Dude you you'd be died if it wasn't for her"

"and so what , don't forget she's one of the reasons were in this f*cked up mess in the first place"

"I know you idiot , I just meant that you should be more cautious , did you think insulting that guy was a good idea!!"

"I know it wasn't but the bastard just pissed me off!!!"

"yeah I guess he did but don't forget a crummy guy like you isn't a match for a raging Bastard like him , one more mistake from you and that's end of the both of us !!!! , please just endure it until we get out of this shit !!"

" hmph ok ok I'll try , but don't forget I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees dude " Gift said firmly .

Most people might prefer surrendering to the opposite side in any given situation but not all , there were still people who were bold enough to go against the odds no matter what , they'd rather die than surrender and this ugly young boy was one of them .

at the moment Mei Mei and Chen Lang were battling intensely , there movements were proving to fast for the naked eye to see , even the surrounding vegetation and land were reduced to gravel , debris and rubble because of there godly might .


"Junior sister I suggest you stop now before you hurt yourself !!!" Chen Lang said , he didn't like the fact that he was actually fighting her , the both of them were once inseparable Allies who battled along side each other , battling was obviously something he loathed doing .

"Am sorry but that's not possible ,considering the fact that you've turned against me and sister , plus you even forced and imprisoned her untop of that just to fulfill your selfish desires you call affection !! , people like you disgust me!!!!"

"He disgusts you , why don't you look in a mirror you Hippocrite !!!!!" Gift yelled .

did he just insult the one person trying to save him , wasn't she trying to save your sorry ass , so why target her all of a sudden .

Gift didn't care for there confused expressions as he continued .

" You say he disgusts cause he forced himself on that snake girl , then why don't you feel disgusted about yourself !!!! , you sicko's kidnapped me just so you could tell me that you loved me!!!! , that's just bunkers , if you wanted to tell me that you could have just talked to me back on my world like civilized beings instead of acting like starved psychos , if you were worried about being rejected you could have just .... just ? , well you couldn't do anything but just accept it I guess since I would never go out with a freakish snake or dog that's just weird and insane , you guys are freaks and freaks belong with freaks not normal people like me get it!!!!!! and now that you've been rejected can you send me out of here please , I would never date any of you got it!!! , so you dog guy stop it with the I'll kill you shit I don't want your girl , and you dog girl I wouldn't want anything to do with yo–"Said the ugly boy before getting knocked out cold by a punch to the face by his Fox lover who wasn't so Happy about his speech.


please I need help , maybe an Editor , please contact me on Twitter if you're interested

my account name is LordGrimX101 .