Chapter 16: Freedom!!!!

"Hahahaha... seriously junior sister , I think you need to change your ideal on men or in this case little boys hahahahaha" Chen Lang blurted out , he couldn't stop laughing at her , seriously the mortal had the gal to insult not only him but also the one who was trying to save his damn life , seriously if this wasn't foolish then what was hahaha.

Mei Mei on the other hand was further embarrassed thanks to Chen Lang's outburst, anyone in her place would obviously be , for the one you're trying to save to openly attack you like that was unheard of!! , that damned brat seemed to have a death wish or something.

anyone from the sidelines would probably be thinking of why she hadn't abandoned the primitive ape by now , I mean who would be so idiotic to fall for a savage like him , everything about him seemed useless and toxic. an average girl would have been fed up by his useless attitude by now but Mei Mei wasn't .

she couldn't help but smile at his unconscious body ,her eyes filled with unconditional love as she gazed at him lovingly.

her reaction left Chen Lang dumfounded , what kind of a person would still act like that after being insulted , didn't you just punch his lights out a moment ago !! so why are you acting like a caring house wife who sent her husband to bed.

" did she hit her head or something..." he muttered.

a punch landed straight on his face catching him of guard momentarily . before he could react the attack was followed up by multiple ones , each this time striking at his vitals .

Chen Lang howled in pain before putting up his hands in front of his body to dodge the attacks .

"Damn you coward!!! , you dare attack me while am down , I never took you for such a person junior sister..." He said ,his tone filled with utmost rage .

"don't expect me to be merciful since your intend on not only harming him but taking his life as well!!! , you talk about cowardliness when you dare attack someone who can't even defend themselves senior brother!!!"

"He deserves to die since he dares take what's mine!!!!!"

" And who said she's yours , sister Qin[1] can marry who ever she so chooses "

"No she can't!!!!, she's mine and only I shall have the honor of taking her hand in marriage , anyone else is unworthy of her especially that insignificant mortal!!!!!" Chen Lang roared .

"since you don't intend to leave , don't expect me to be merciful Chen Lang!!!!!"

Crimson red flames burst forth from Mei Mei's body , the flames shinned brightly they seemed even more dazzling than any fireworks display. the raging flames slithered round Mei Mei's body as if they had a mind of there own , These were the mythical First tier fox flames or fox fire if you will .

in her sealed state Mei Mei could only summon her First tier fox fire at the moment , summoning anything of higher quality would prove to be taxing for her sealed form.

"ohhhh so your not holding back anymore, hahaha no matter ,the outcome of this battle has already been decided!!!!! ,I win and the brat dies!!!!!" Chen Lang roared , his voice filled with utmost certainty , even though Mei Mei was using one of her most powerful assets he didn't flinch for a Beast God knows no fear , he wouldn't be scared by flames or any element of the sort ,he was a beast and a beast feared nothing!!! , a beast was a beast they feared nothing and we're feared by all a simple power up wouldn't change that!!.

Chen Lang's body started to transform once more , his body quickly reverberated back to its wolf like appearance .

"since you wish to die allow me to fulfill your wish little fox!!!" Chen Lang snarled , his powerful hind legs pushed of the ground as he rushed towards the flaming Mei Mei at lightning speed.

Mei Mei's flame engulfed body morphed into a horrifying creature , a huge ferocious flaming fox which charged towards Chen Lang .

"Die!!!!!!!" They both screamed in unison.

just when the two titans where about to collide against each other a great pressure descended on them both.


they both crashed down onto the ground .

the horrifying pressure pressed the both of them unto the ground leaving no room for them to move at all , even to move a finger seemed impossible at the moment.

"ENOUGH....." a voice echoed from the Void . the voice was neither loud nor meek yet it echoed far and wide for hundreds of kilometers.


"but senior... brother...." Chen Lang tried to speak but his voice was heavenly restricted due to the otherworldly pressure.




"yes senior...." Chen Lang muttered. it seemed he wasn't willing to offend who ever this was , well it wasn't cause the other party was stronger , the only reason he was being suppressed was because his powers where sealed at the moment , in his real form he could go toe to toe with who ever this was!!! he was the beast God not some useless pup.

the pressure soon dispersed , before A dimensional gate emerged above them which was absolutely humongous, the gate soon started emitting a suction force which instantly sucked up the towering Pagoda imprisoning Akuu .

the gate then acted on Chen Lang and Mei Mei .

Mei Mei used her fox flames to pull Gift towards her but suprisenly the flames dispersed as soon as they came in contact with him.

she was dumbfounded and confused at first before her expression turned grim.

"Why can't I take him with me..." she asked coldly .


" No I can protect him!!! , let me bring him with me , I assure you I ca—"

"NO , HE STAYS AND THAT'S FINAL" the voice cut her off.

Mei Mei pounced towards Gift , ignoring the voices Instructions , there was no way she'd leave him behind ,how could she bear to part with her love after they'd just met , no she wouldn't!!!!!!!.

just as she was about to reach him the seemingly unconscious Gift stop upright , his actions greatly surprised her but just as she was about to brush it off a fist came in contact with her face ,the fist was punched out with utmost force .

"How dare you punch me you F*cking bitch!!!!!" Gift screamed before punching her dead in the face .

before Mei Mei could react the gate suddenly pulled her in , the suction force increased suddenly pulling her in before closing immediately, everything happened in an instance which was actually shocking.

"hahahaha suck it bitch!!!! , am finally free!!!!" Gift screamed with utmost joy as tears streamed down his eyes. he fell on his knees clearly exhausted and tired, one would think he'd just fought a battle but in reality....he was actually struggling to stop himself from screaming out in pain!!!.

"Damn that chicks so thick!!!!!!!" he screamed in pain while clenching his fist .


[1] Sister Qin is Aku , Aku is just a nickname her real name is Qin Jiang rou .

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