Chapter 123: Wait you said how long?!!!

.'But wait, you said it's reconstituting but I actually can't see any reconstituting..'

Ding!«[ That's quite simple , you can't see any trace of reconstitution because your body still needs an absorbent amount of time to reconstitute itself silly^^]»

' hmmmm....i guess that makes sense..., getting my body back is already a miracle on it's own so the added time is naturally acceptable I guess hehehe ' Gift thought inwardly while stroking his chin in a contemplative manner.

'hahahaha that's great—' The specter like figure thought only to pause abruptly as something didn't seem to add up, recovering his body seemed awfully to easy from his point of view causing him to ask once more.

'hey wait a minute, you said I need time before I fully reconstitute right?...., so how long are we talking about here?'

'A day?, maybe a week even or is it a month?!!!'

Ding!«[ Approximately 100 years at your current passive energy absorption rate ^^]»