Chapter 124: I'd rather be crippled than do that!!!

It may have seemed spectacular but this damned phenomena actually took at least 2 hours before slowly diminishing, like a receding tide.


After the Light show gradually diminished a fresh, black jade skinned, jet black haired young man brimming with unimaginable vigor emerged from within whilst emitting a Ghastly yet charming aura from within, his very being seemed to be brimming with new life.


Instantaneously as he emerged, Once more the devilish looking young man was shrouded by a veil of multiple forms of energies in an instant, his current visage was less chaotic than before looking similar to a mystical ethereal being, emitting a ghastly brilliance which caused the surroundings to pail in comparison, his current appearance was simply to stunning to be gazed upon for normal eyes, as the current young man was no different than an otherworldly being hovering within the magnificent azure sky!.